Thursday, December 22, 2016

Leave what’s heavy behind

Leave what's heavy behindFirst off… wishing you a wonderful, safe, fun, joy-filled end to 2016!

I can’t wait to see what magic 2017 brings for you!


The other day I was driving to an event where I was speaking, and was listening to Spotify's "Relax and Unwind" channel to prepare for it.

A song came on that wasn’t just musically beautiful, the lyrics also seemed to perfectly capture what that evening was all about...

I think it’s a PERFECT inspiration for 2017, for what our #1 biggest goal or resolution could be…

Listen to it and read the lyrics (and my comments on them) below.

Lyrics with my comments in brackets

If you're lost and you're lonely
Go and figure out why

[don’t just accept that pain, find out why it’s there]

Take a trip to your dark side
Go on and have a good cry

[Step 1 in Tapping: LOOK at the negative, the pain, the truth.  Acknowledge it, have a good cry!]

Cause we're all lonely
Yeah we're all lonely

[We tend think we’re the only ones facing these challenges]

I want to see your sadness
I want to share your sins
I want to bleed your blood and
I want to be let in

[It’s in being vulnerable that we heal ourselves, our relationships, our life]

Don't you just,
Don't we all just
Want to be together

[We sure do]

Leave what's heavy,
What's heavy behind
Leave what's heavy,
What's heavy behind

[That’s exactly what we do when we tap… We leave what’s heavy behind]

If your face is down
Take a look around
Do your fingers move
Do your lungs inflate
Are you tired are you weary
Of the hidden hate
You've been holding

[I see that “hidden hate” as old anger we haven’t fully let go of]

Did you lose that love
Or have you never had it
Are you feeling sad
because you did a bad thing

[A lost love, a love unfilled, sadness from past things you’ve done that you’re still holding on to...]

Leave what's heavy,
What's heavy behind
Leave what's heavy,
What's heavy behind

[It’s time to leave it behind, my friend…]

Are you feeling fearful brother
Are you feeling fearful sister
The only way to loose
That fearful feeling
Replace it with love that's healing
Are you feeling fearful brother
Are you feeling fearful sister

[Replace fear with love.  We start tapping on the negative, then it magically opens up to the positive, the love]

Leave what's heavy,
What's heavy behind
Leave what's heavy,
What's heavy behind
Leave what's heavy,
What's heavy behind

Leave what's heavy,
What's heavy behind

[Yup, it’s time to leave it behind…]

Bookmark this page and listen to this song whenever you need a reminder to let go!  Or buy and download the song to support these beautiful artists.

What did this song bring up for you?  Comment below!  Are you ready to leave what’s heavy behind in 2017? 

The blog post Leave what’s heavy behind was originally published on: The Tapping Solution

The Tapping World Summit 2017

9th Annual Tapping World Summit - The Tapping SolutionWow!  I can't believe that 2017 marks our 9th annual Tapping World Summit!

It seems like yesterday that The Tapping Solution launched its first one...

And we're excited about making 2017 the BEST Tapping World Summit ever!

They just get better every year. ;)

You know what makes our Tapping World Summits so popular?  It's because for 10 days out of the year, we bring in some of the TOP MINDS in the fields of EFT and personal development to guide you towards improving nearly every area of your life!

And it's all FREE!

Emotional Freedom Technique is clinically proven to provide relief from stress, anxiety, chronic pain, emotional problems, disorders, addictions, phobias, post traumatic stress disorder, and physical diseases.  Tapping is also a very effective tool for attracting abundance, manifesting, healing relationships, and attaining inner peace.

If you are asking yourself, "What is EFT Tapping?" or "How can one technique do so much?" you need to check out our page on what is EFT Tapping and how you can start using it.

The Tapping Solution - Tapping World Summit 2017

What Is the Tapping World Summit 2017?

February 27th, 2017 - March 8th, 2017

9th Annual Tapping World Summit 2017 - The Tapping SolutionThe Tapping World Summit 2017 is a Virtual Online Event presented by The Tapping Solution, and hosted by myself and my sister Jessica.

This incredible online event is about providing you with a better understanding of Tapping, while expanding your consciousness to new levels in the areas of emotional freedom, physical health, abundance, overcoming mental barriers, and relief from traumas that you may be trying to let go of.

Over 1 million people have attended the previous eight Tapping World Summits, with attendance growing each year, and reaching over 600,000 just last year alone!

The event itself will run for 10 consecutive days between Monday, February 27th through Wednesday, March 8th featuring two 100% content only presentations every night.

These sessions are available for ONLY 24 HOURS for free after their initial broadcast.

The reason I structure the event this way is because I want everyone to be able to access this information, regardless of time zone or financial ability.

It's all available for FREE with the option to purchase the recorded event sessions for you to listen to and Tap along with as many times as you want.

I've got to tell you, some of these sessions from our Tapping World Summits are SO powerful, that I listen to some of them over 10 times!  They really are that good!

The Tapping Solution - Tapping World Summit 2017

How to Register for the 2017 Tapping World Summit

Registration for the 2017 Tapping World Summit opens on February 6th, 2017.

If you’d like to receive early notification through our mailing list, you can easily subscribe in the "Do you like this article?" section below, and get the first two chapters of The Tapping Solution book for FREE!

The Tapping Solution - Tapping World Summit 2017

Tapping World Summit 2017 Pre-launch Content

Every year, I like to release free videos & audios leading up to the Tapping World Summit because it gives you a tiny glimpse into the awesomeness that awaits you inside the full 10-day Summit.

Here is the schedule for this year's Tapping World Summit pre-launch.  Enjoy and please share!

Tapping World Summit 2017 Pre-launch Content February 6th, 2017: Video #1 with Nick Ortner In this video, Nick speaks on how and why Tapping works and takes the viewer through a powerful Tapping process February 9th, 2017: Video #2 with Louise Hay In this video, Louise Hay speaks with Nick Ortner about how to use both Tapping and Affirmations for your "Inner Work" to create the life you want today! February 13th 2017: 3 Tapping Meditations with Jessica Ortner Jessica shares 3 powerful Tapping meditations called Tapping to Release Stress and Overwhelm, Tapping to Release Anxiety and Worry, and Tapping to Move From Anger to Peace

The Tapping Solution - Tapping World Summit 2017

9th Annual Tapping World Summit 2017 Schedule

Coming soon!

Stay tuned as we finalize our amazing presenter list!

Until next time...

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

The Tapping World Summit 2017 is a 10-day Virtual Online Event presented by The Tapping Solution, and hosted by New York Times bestselling authors, Nick Ortner and his sister Jessica Ortner.

The post The Tapping World Summit 2017 was originally published on: The Tapping Solution Blog

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

There are FOUR things that you might just be able to let go of this holiday season…

And if you do...

Oh boy... it's going to be a good one.  But if you don't...well, it might be a little tricky.  :)

1.  Your need to be right.  People are guaranteed to annoy, upset or bother you.  It’s likely because of something they do or say that you think, at some level is “wrong”.  Let go of that need and watch your happiness expand.

How this plays out in real life:  Love them before anything else.  And then love them again and again. And then they’ll say something else that annoys you, and then love them even more.

2.  Your need to fix those you love.  It comes from a beautiful, loving, empathic place, but it doesn’t help anyone.  This does not mean you can’t care, educate, inspire or otherwise look to move the people you love from where they are to where you can imagine them being.


But that’s the difference, IMAGINE their greatness first, don't look at everything that’s wrong and try to fix them.  (I mean, has that strategy EVER worked…)


How this plays out in real life:  Imagine those you love as you know they can be.  Imagine their greatness, their healing, their peace.  Watch them transform and perhaps most importantly, watch your relationship with them transform.

3.  Your need to be perfect.  Just as we try to fix others, we believe that as we strive for “perfection” we will “fix” ourselves.  First off, you’re never going to be perfect.  That’s guaranteed.


Second, there’s nothing to fix.


You are exactly where you are supposed to be and your striving for more, for a better version of yourself is how it will always be.  The striving is good.  The beating yourself up is not.


How this plays out in real life:  You are going to do or not do, say or not say something and you’re going to hear your brain beating you up a bit…in that moment, that’s when you have to love yourself just like you love those people that annoy you.


I know, it’s kind of a running theme here, the whole lotta love thing, but people, it works.  Try it and tell me otherwise. So love yourself and remind yourself, “Hey, you’re doing the best you can, a little slack and a little love please!”


4.  Your old fear, guilt or shame, anger or blame, sadness or pain.  OLD is the operative word here.  Chances are you’ve been carrying this and other negative emotions around for a long time.  Chances are also that you’ve buried them deep because guess what, they’re not fun to feel.


I get that.


It’s a good strategy to bury them deep when there is no other alternative, but now there is.   Use a tool (EFT Tapping is my favorite of course), to safely unearth those old emotions and let them go once and for all.

How this plays out in real life: We often run too fast to feel anything.  And we think we’re too busy to do anything about these old emotions.  But guess what, they’re the ones actually running the show and draining you of your life force.


Truly, every negative emotion or event that is still active, that still has a “charge” is sapping your mental, physical and spiritual energy.  Pay attention to where these emotions might be lurking, and coax them out, and then let them go.


Even if it’s just ONE a day, or one a week, or one a month, start feeling safe feeling them and feeling safe letting them go.

Before you go…

The holidays can often go two ways.

They can be a time of love and connection, peace and hope, joy and laughter or they can be busy and rushed, they can magnify all the old pains and hurts we’ve felt with our families, all the places we haven’t healed can feel raw and wounded.
Now, just as we aren’t perfect, these two ways doesn’t mean it’s all one or the other.  We just want to keep tipping the scales to the former.  We just want to keep doing the work so love and connection shine.  So peace and hope spring forth.  So joy and laughter bubbles out of us.

And here’s the thing…you know the most magical moment that you can create during this holiday season?


You know the moment in time that I want you to look out for?
The place where…if you pay close enough attention to yourself and to what is happening around you…


Everything can change…What is that moment?

It’s when you find yourself feeling “right” and angry, annoyed or indignant…


It’s when you notice you’re trying to “fix” them and you can’t stop seeing everything you wish they would change…


It’s when you’re beating yourself up for not being perfect, and then beating yourself up even more because I expressively told you not to… (lol)


It’s when you’re starting to feel that old fear, guilt or shame, anger or blame, sadness or pain…


That moment in time when you notice what is happening and you PAUSE.

And you tap.  Or you breathe.  Or you just silently say to yourself, “How interesting.  Look where I was going…but now I’m making a different choice.”

And you love them more. And you let go.
And you love yourself more.  And you let go.
In that moment.  That space that you found, that space that you notice.

More and more love.  And more and more letting go.

And with that love you usher all the pain away.  You usher all those old patterns away.

Shoo, shoo! Only love here my friends, only love.

Happy Holidays everyone, wishing you LOVE LOVE LOVE.
Comment below: Which of the four things do you most want to let go of? :)

The following article There are FOUR things that you might just be able to let go of this holiday season… is republished from: The Tapping Solution

A Taste of My Own Medicine (How Gratitude Can Change Your Life)

smiling-spoonRead this post if...

You fall into the trap of thinking everyone else has it all figured out (especially the “experts") and you’re the only one who can’t seem to get it right!

I had to laugh at myself the other day…

In the midst of editing my next book, “The Tapping Solution for Manifesting Your Greatest Self” (Fall 2017), I was… shall we say… a bit stressed.

I felt overwhelmed, rushed, just too much to do and not enough time to do it.  I had to get this editing done, and we were in the midst of launching my brother Alex’s new (amazing) kids book which was exciting but taking a lot of work.

I was tired from a live event I had held just a few days earlier for my local community of Newtown, CT., an amazing evening where we came together to tap and heal.  I could feel the pressure of so much to do, so many projects, so many people to help, so much creative energy to unleash… and it was just a bit much.

And of course, I was editing a book about the importance of releasing the stress response...  About how to bring our deepest resources back online.  About how we manifest our greatest self not by being miserable, and pushing and striving and stressing but by letting go, being present, being grateful, and releasing these old patterns.



I wasn’t following my own advice.  It’s funny isn’t it?  Stressing out while editing a chapter about not stressing?  Lol!  Yes, I am profoundly human.

But… in that moment, I said to myself, as you’ve probably often said to yourself, “This isn’t working” and “What if I did something different?  What if there was a better way?”

Fortunately, that better way was literally at my fingertips...

It was both within the text of what I was editing and within the magic of Tapping.

The particular chapter or “day” (it’s a 21 day process), I was working on was on gratitude and how we each respond to success differently.  I’m sure the idea of gratitude and its importance isn’t new to you as a concept, but if you’re not using it consistently, well... then it doesn’t do any good!

So I paused, recognized I wanted to have a different experience of life and approach, and I used the tapping within the chapter itself.

I took the time to actually CELEBRATE the amazing things that were happening, as opposed to rushing on to the next thing.

I tapped in celebration of launching a kids book that I truly think will change lives around the world (we’re already getting incredible feedback from it).  I took the time to really FEEL the love and beauty behind the Newtown event - the years of work that led up to that and the continued dedication to a mission of healing.

I looked at my bookshelf, which is lined with Tapping Solution books (including over 30 foreign translations which are just the coolest thing ever) and really, almost for the first time, took in the joy and magic of it.

hiker-gratitudeThere is beauty ALL around you.

There is success ALL around you.

There is love ALL around you.

But you have to stop to notice it.  And then you have to stop again to notice it.  And then again.

Because that’s where the magic of life lives.  That’s where the miracles unfold, from that state of gratitude, from that place of joy.

To help you do that today, here’s an excerpt from what I’ve been working on.  It’ll be a little out of context because it’s not the whole chapter, but I pulled the tapping section out so you could do some tapping now.  If you’re new to Tapping, learn the basics here.

I hope you enjoy it and use it to SAVOR your amazing life!

The Tapping Solution

Savoring The Smaller Wins

When you think back on recent days, what everyday “wins” have you had?

For starters you’re on day 5 of this book.

That’s a win unto itself! (Please accept my virtual congratulations and big hug for making it this far!)

You’re also probably not climbing Mount Everest, which means you’re far less likely to suffer frostbite. (reference to earlier in the chapter!)

Win #2!

Really think about what good has happened in your life.

Have you tapped today?  That’s a win.

Did you go to bed earlier and wake up feeling more rested?  Great!

Were you calmer than usual when you got stuck in traffic?  Well done.

Were you more patient with your children, spouse, or co-worker?  Impressive.

Think back on the last few days or week, and notice any and all victories.

Either on paper or in your mind, list three of those wins now:

My 1st win is _______________

My 2nd win is _______________

My 3rd win is _______________

With your list in mind, we’re going to do some positive tapping.

Positive tapping is a powerful way to train your brain and body to notice those everyday wins in your life, and feel the positive emotion they can generate.

To start, focus on your list of wins, and notice how much positive emotion you feel.

Give that positive emotion a number on a scale of 0 - 10, with 10 being the most positive  (joyful or grateful, excited, etc.) that you can imagine feeling.

With positive tapping, instead of lowering stress, the goal is to elevate positive emotion.  This means that your goal is to INCREASE you SUDS number, which is the number of intensity scale.

For example, if your joy begins at a 3 out of 10, you goal with positive tapping is to make the number go up, perhaps to a 5 out of 10, or 8 out of 10.

So let’s get started!

Take three deep breaths.

We’ll begin by tapping three times on the Karate Chop point.

KC (Repeat three times): Even though I forgot to notice the good in my life, I can see it now and let myself feel joy and gratitude.

Eyebrow: I [insert win #1]
Side of Eye: It feels good to notice!
Under Eye: I also [insert win #2]
Under Nose: It feel good to notice this, too!
Under Mouth: I also [insert win #3]
Collarbone: It feels great to notice all of this!
Under Arm: It’s safe to feel good about this
Top of Head: It feels weird to celebrate these little wins

Eyebrow: I forget to notice them most of the time
Side of Eye: I can see them now
Under Eye: I can see that they resulted from positive choices
Under Nose: I can start noticing these everyday wins more often
Under Mouth: And let myself celebrate each one
Collarbone: I can feel more joy more often
Under Arm: I can stop and feel gratitude for these everyday victories
Top of Head: Even though they seem small and meaningless sometimes

Eyebrow: I can stop and notice them
Side of Eye: I can feel joy about them
Under Eye: I can give them the meaning they deserve
Under Nose: It’s safe to feel this joy more often
Under Mouth: It’s safe to notice these little things
Collarbone: It’s safe to value these everyday wins
Under Arm: Letting myself feel joy now
Top of Head: Feeling joy and gratitude now

Take a deep breath.  Give your positive emotion a number on a scale of 0 - 10.  Keep tapping until you get the desired effect.

helpful-tips-signTapping Tip: If at any point, you struggle to feel genuine positive emotion from positive tapping, you may need to release something negative first, before positive tapping can feel authentic.

If that happens, pause your positive tapping and do a few rounds of tapping while asking yourself questions like:

Why can’t I feel good about these everyday wins?

What is holding me back from feeling more joy about them?

Once you have a clearer sense of why positive tapping isn’t resonating, tap on releasing the negative emotion, limiting belief and/or event that’s distracting you.  Then, when that negative charge has gone down and you are ready, return to positive tapping.

Comment: What came up for you in this Tapping?  How important is gratitude in your life?

The blog post A Taste of My Own Medicine (How Gratitude Can Change Your Life) was first seen on: The Tapping Solution

Monday, December 19, 2016

Tapping Meditation for Morning Clearing with Jessica Ortner

Tapping Meditation for Morning Clearing with Jessica Ortner

6 mins and 51 seconds.

Is that enough time to completely transform your day?

Is that enough time to shift your energy, to release stress and anxiety, and to draw in new, positive energy into your life?

Find out if that is enough by pressing the play button above.  In this video, you’ll find a free, short morning Tapping Meditation.

(AND there is no better time to do this then during this often busy and hectic holiday season!)

Here’s the deal: You can either keep powering through your day, running the same patterns over and over and getting the same results, or you can find the space, the presence, and the guidance to try something different.

Those who use this morning meditation regularly, report a whole new experience of life.

Life actually changes when WE change. 

Now it’s your turn.  Press the play button above!

Until next time...

Keep Tapping!

How do you feel after listening to that Tapping Meditation for morning clearing?  Please leave me your comments below! :)

Tapping Meditation for Morning Clearing with Jessica Ortner is republished from: The Tapping Solution Blog

An Evening of Healing and Transformation

Newtown Healing and Transformation EventTwo weeks ago, I held a free event here in my hometown of Newtown, Connecticut: “An Evening of Healing and Transformation”.

You might know that Newtown was the site of the Sandy Hook school shootings back in 2012, and what prompted us to form The Tapping Solution Foundation in order to provide stress and trauma relief to the local community.

In a beautiful local theatre that seats 500 people (where I used to watch $2 movies when I was growing up!), we gathered to talk, tap, and find ways to heal.

I've been trying to write about the evening to tell you about what happened, but some experiences are so complex, so full of mystical meaning and hope, that they’re hard to put into words.

So I’ll just say this...

It was magical.  It was healing.  It filled me with the knowing that within darkness, light ALWAYS shines.

Here are a few pictures from that night...

[caption id="attachment_5682" align="alignnone" width="550"]Edmond Town Hall - The most beautiful setting for this amazing event Edmond Town Hall - The most beautiful setting for this amazing event[/caption]


[caption id="attachment_5686" align="alignnone" width="550"]Town Hall Sign So neat to see “The Tapping Solution” name where they normally show what movie is playing that night![/caption]


[caption id="attachment_5687" align="alignnone" width="550"]Welcome! Welcome![/caption]


[caption id="attachment_5688" align="alignnone" width="550"]Chatting and Tapping with some members from the audience Chatting and Tapping with some members from the audience[/caption]


[caption id="attachment_5690" align="alignnone" width="550"]The view from the top! The view from the top![/caption]


[caption id="attachment_5689" align="alignnone" width="550"]My brother Alex, and dear friend Erin Mariano (the illustrator), signing “Gorilla Thumps and Bear Hugs” our new Tapping Solution kids book. Everyone who attended received a free copy of the book and we’re already seeing it being used with kids. My brother Alex, and dear friend Erin Mariano (the illustrator), signing “Gorilla Thumps and Bear Hugs” our new Tapping Solution kids book. Everyone who attended received a free copy of the book and we’re already seeing it being used with kids.[/caption]


[caption id="attachment_5691" align="alignnone" width="550"]Love wins! Love wins![/caption]

Until next time...

Keep Tapping!

The following post An Evening of Healing and Transformation is available on: The Tapping Solution's Blog

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Make yourself happy by doing this one thing…

Have you ever heard the phrase "Money can't buy you happiness"?

Well, new research is in fact showing that it actually can make you happy… but only if you spend it in a certain way.

I think you'll find this fascinating...

Check out this short Ted talk where Michael Norton describes the research and how it could help make YOU happy during this holiday season, just by doing one important thing:


Project Light: From Rwanda to Newtown - A Journey of Hope, Healing, and Possibility

If you’ve been with us for a little while, you might know about the work we’ve been supporting in Rwanda for the past several years, helping genocide survivors through the use of Tapping.

You might also know that I live in Newtown, Connecticut, the site of the Sandy Hook school shootings, and started The Tapping Solution Foundation in order to provide stress and trauma relief to the local community.

david-feinstein-quoteThe work we’ve been doing on the ground here has been profound, extremely well received, and effective!

And some of the many miracles that have happened, not only here in Newtown but around the world, are simply breathtaking.

Especially the powerful connection between Rwanda and Newtown, the levels of healing that have occurred, and the possibilities for the future.

To show you the power of Tapping in transforming ourselves and the world, we're showing a powerful documentary film for free entitled:

Project Light: From Rwanda to Newtown - A Journey of Hope, Healing, and Possibility

I think this film will help show you what's possible in your life when you use Tapping...


Here’s why I think it’s so important for you to view this movie, and I urge you to share it with everyone you know:

• It will give you profound hope about humanity and its potential for the future.

• If you’ve faced any trauma in your life, big or small, it will explain much of what its effect has been, and how you can heal it.

• It’s guaranteed to make you laugh and cry, sometimes both at the same time! :)

Through the Tapping Solution Foundation, we’re also doing some fundraising during the holidays.


If you donate any amount of money (even a dollar!) I’ll gift you a $97 package of 10 Tapping Meditations!

100% of your donation will be used to fund Trauma Relief and Resiliency Projects, helping to expand our reach and impact to as many people in need as possible.

Your tax-deductible donation will help us continue our work by promoting the healing effects of EFT Tapping to those in need around the world.

Give the gift of hope and healing this holiday season!

Until next time...

Keep Tapping!

Make yourself happy by doing this one thing… is courtesy of: The Tapping Solution's Blog

Monday, December 12, 2016

You’re like Voodoo… (But good Voodoo!)

butterfly-swirls“You’re like Voodoo... but good Voodoo!”

That’s what Rebecca, who lost her son Chase in the Sandy Hook school shootings, said to me just a few weeks ago.

In our continuing work in my hometown of Newtown, CT, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting and working with Rebecca over the past few months.

And every time we get together, she’s shocked at just how well Tapping works, and how strange it is that it’s so powerful (thus the Voodoo!).

The weight, fear, sadness, and stress lift right off of her shoulders.

I asked her to tell me more about her experiences, and here’s what she said...

“I couldn't be more thrilled with my experience tapping. Tapping takes the mean girl in my head and makes her quiet, I feel more in control. 

I am new to Tapping and I don't fully understand how it works, but I can tell you 100% it calms the feelings of self-doubt and insecurities I have.  I can walk into a session a hot mess full of tears and walk out feeling confident, feeling stronger, and feeling like I can do what I need to do to help myself feel good about me again. 

I leave the negative behind, and I love that I am able to love and accept myself for who I am and for how I choose to evolve into the new and better me.

We lost our son Chase four years ago, and I thought I had dealt with his tragic death.  What I didn't realize, it was just buried and compartmentalized.  So Nick took me back to that day and we were able to release a lot of the feelings that had been hiding. 

I will forever be thankful to Nick for releasing that day, and for helping me move forward and conquer other issues that have been buried for decades.“

The work here continues, and it's expanding in beautiful ways!

If you’d like to learn more about it, I invite you to view a film we made, in collaboration with my friend Dr. Lori Leyden, titled:

Project Light: From Rwanda To Newtown – A Journey Of Hope, Healing, and Possibility

We're streaming the film for FREE!

You can view it here or press the play button on the image below.


We’re also doing some fundraising during this holiday time period.

If you donate any amount of money (even a dollar!) I’ll gift you a $97 package of 10 Tapping Meditations!

December 14th is the fourth anniversary of the Sandy Hook shooting, and our commitment to help this town heal continues on a daily basis.

In fact, I’m finding that more and more people are coming to us at this point, once they realize the traditional solutions just simply aren’t cutting it.

I’ll be sure to keep you updated as the work progresses, and you can also learn more about the Foundation itself and its life-changing efforts by going here.

Until next time...

Keep Tapping!

You’re like Voodoo… (But good Voodoo!) is republished from:

Monday, December 5, 2016

Managing Parental Overwhelm – Free Tapping Meditation

overwhelmed-motherYou might remember all of the proud posts and blogs about when I became a father for the first time a while back. :)

June Everly Ortner was born on May 16, 2015.

I remember when she was in a snugly baby holder on my chest, fast asleep, as I walked on a standup treadmill desk writing blog posts.  It was the BEST!

Of course, she wasn't always peacefully sleeping... and the first five weeks were definitely a huge adjustment!

It was a wonderful one, but sometimes we all can face overwhelm as parents.

If you or someone you love is struggling with these feelings of overwhelm as a new (or even a seasoned!) parent, I've created a free tapping meditation for you just on this topic.

If you're feeling overwhelmed from all of life's responsibilities that come with being a parent, take a few minutes to tap along with me as I guide you through this Tapping Meditation for Releasing the Feeling of Parenting Overwhelm.



What did you think of the Tapping Meditation?  What shifted for you as you listened through it?  Please leave me your comments below.

Managing Parental Overwhelm – Free Tapping Meditation is available on: The Tapping Solution Blog

Friday, December 2, 2016

3 of the Most Powerful Words You Can Say to Yourself

anchor-to-birds"I forgive myself."

Try saying these words out loud now (or silently to yourself if you don’t want your co-workers to think you’re a little nuts - LOL!)

"I forgive myself."

How does it feel when you say that?  What comes up?  Does a specific memory or event come forward?

Or maybe just generalized anxiety about LIFE, about what has gone wrong, about what you’ve judged yourself about for way too long?

One of the most powerful parts of the Tapping process is the setup phrase, “Even though [fill in the blank with the problem], I love, accept, and forgive myself.”

There is such POWER in acknowledging how you feel... and loving, accepting, and forgiving yourself for it.

But it’s not always easy.  I get it.  There are layers upon layers of guilt and shame that have built up (consciously and unconsciously) for years.

It’s my belief that to truly transform your life, you have to peel those layers back, let go, and discover the bright, shining, abundant, joyful energy underneath it all.

To help you get started today, I’ve pulled out a short and powerful Tapping Meditation from our 2014 Tapping World Summit.  It’s normally part of a $197 package, but it’s my gift for you today.

Listen to the Tapping Meditation to Support You in Forgiving Yourself below!

Get the Tapping Meditation Transcript Here

This is a general meditation to get you started, but as you tap, see if you can focus on one event, idea, memory, or belief for which you haven’t forgiven yourself.

Focus on it, give it a number on a 0-10 scale, and then check back in after these 10 minutes or so of Tapping.

How do you feel after listening to this Tapping Meditation?  Did a specific memory come to mind?  Perhaps a person whom you may have hurt in the past, or an unresolved event?  Please leave me your comments below!

The following blog post 3 of the Most Powerful Words You Can Say to Yourself was first seen on:

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Releasing the Overwhelm and Frustration of Chronic Pain

neck-painDo you ever feel overwhelmed and frustrated when you’re dealing with your chronic pain?

Would you like some help in releasing it?  🙂

I have a special Tapping Meditation to share with you today that will help you do exactly that.

This is the audio bonus included with Chapter 3 of my book, The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief.

There really is no separation between emotional and physical pain, but it can sometimes be difficult to get to the emotional root of your physical pain with so much frustration in the way.

Just like an onion, you have to peel layers away to get to the core.  For chronic pain, two of the outermost emotional layers are often frustration and overwhelm.

And it makes sense, right?  You're just sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.

Today, I want to help you peel away those layers with this free Tapping Meditation.

You can listen to it below.

Right click here and “Save” to download

If you are ready to address ALL aspects of your chronic pain, we also have an entire program, The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief, for helping you achieve that goal.


And remember, I’m so confident that this program can help you that I’m giving a 1-year guarantee on it.  That means you have plenty of time to go through the program and see results.

And if you don’t, you can always return it (although I don’t think that will happen for you!).

Get The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief program today!

Be sure to leave me your comments below after listening to the Tapping Meditation.  Did you feel a shift?  Do you feel more relaxed and calm?  Did anything come up for you while tapping?

The following article Releasing the Overwhelm and Frustration of Chronic Pain was first published to:

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

What Is Mindful Leadership?

Capitol building Washington DC pink flowers garden USA congress USI support Democrats.  I support Republicans.  I support Libertarians.  I support the Green Party.

I support people with GOOD ideas.

And for too long we’ve been too focused on ideology, narrow-minded thinking, judgement, and anger towards anyone who doesn’t believe exactly the same as we do.

It's a partisan, limited way of thinking in a system that once was built upon the foundation stones of freedom and liberty.

I can feel the confusion, the fear, and the anxiety that many people around the country are feeling right now.

Even if the person you voted for won, you’re likely still feeling the passion of the argument and its intensity... and frankly, it doesn’t feel good.

If the person you voted for lost, you’re feeling anger and confusion as to how this could have happened.

It's Time to Come Together

To come back into alignment, I think it’s important that we do a couple of things during this time of transition:

A. Turn down the heat.  You can fight for things you believe in without feeling scared, anxious, or angry.  You can create change in the world AND respect someone who doesn’t agree with you.

B. Support those in the world who have a commitment to clear-minded thinking, and who open a dialogue to new, innovative ideas and solutions.

That’s why I’m asking today, regardless of who you supported in the election, that you help me in supporting someone whom I think can make a difference in our politics.

tim-ryanMy dear friend Congressman Tim Ryan (not to be confused with Paul Ryan), is a Democratic Congressman from Ohio.

Forget what his party affiliation is though - take a look at the way of being he stands for and the energy of what he’s doing in the world.

I first met Tim while speaking for Hay House.  We shared the stage and I got to hear him speak about his efforts to bring meditation and mindfulness into those institutions that need it most.

He even has a meditation group for Congressmen!  Imagine that!

He’s been a huge supporter of Tapping, and has helped to introduce it into the Veterans Administration.  His second book, “The Real Food Revolution” focuses on healthy eating, healthy farming, and so many other things I know you care about.

Jessica sat down with Tim for an interview after his first book on mindfulness was published.  You can watch it below.

"While we're doing the political movement from the outside... I also want to light a candle from the inside."

Tim just won re-election to his House seat and now he has decided to challenge Nancy Pelosi for minority leader in the House.

I won’t get into the politics of it all.  I’m not even qualified to say whether Nancy Pelosi is good or bad at what she does, but I do know this:

We need to support leaders who are willing to think outside the box.

A Congressman who meditates???  A Congressman who cares about our food???  Imagine that passion in a position where it can make a difference!

Mindfulness Optimism Relax Harmony ConceptThat’s where you come in.

The House leadership is voted on by its members, so it's up to you to let YOUR Congressmen know that you support Congressman Ryan.

Since each party votes for its leadership, right now, this would be for your Democratic Representatives.  (I’m working on finding Tim’s equivalent on the other side and I’ll let you know when I do!)

Show Your Support!

So if you would take just a few minutes today to tell your Congressman that you support Tim Ryan.  It could make a huge difference in our nation’s future.

Go here to find your local Congressman and let them know you want to bring a new energy to Washington.  An open, honest dialogue.  A focus on innovative thinking.  An appreciation for the individual human spirit that strives for peace, for love, and for compassion.

It’s easy to turn away from politics, to say it doesn’t matter and that it’s all a mess.

But if there’s something I’ve realized in my last decade of promoting Tapping around the world, it's that we need to get these healing tools into institutions like the VA hospital, to reach those who need it most.

I believe Tim can be a powerful ally in making that happen.

Click here to support him!

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

The following post What Is Mindful Leadership? is available on:

Friday, November 18, 2016

How Your Pain Might Be Serving You

Image puppet in the hands of the puppeteer.One of the things I discuss in The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief program is how pain can sometimes serve us and benefit us in ways we’re not consciously aware of.

And it's these perceived benefits that often keep the physical pain locked in place.

Events from our past - times when we didn’t feel safe, didn’t feel like we were enough, or didn’t feel loved - can cause us to hold back in fear of getting hurt again.

I want to share a powerful video from The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief program to show you what I mean.

You'll see me work on-stage with an incredibly brave woman named Joanne as we address the unconscious beliefs keeping her physical pain in place.

As you watch the video, make sure to tap along with us as if you’re just another member of the audience.

Before you watch though, I have 2 warnings for you:

#1 - This video is very moving, so have a tissue box ready.  There wasn't a dry eye in the house at the event, especially during what happens at the end.  I won't spoil it for you - you'll want to see this for yourself!

#2 - I know that some people are offended by strong language.  There is one point in the clip where both Joanne and I swear, not just for the sake of it, but with a very specific purpose, as you'll see.  I just thought I would warn you so that you're prepared and not offended (and in case kids are in the room!). :)

And after you watch, please leave your comments below of support for Joanne, along with any insights you gained.

You've always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself.  - The Wizard of Oz

Joanne was extremely courageous for getting up on stage and sharing her story.  I hope that her courage inspires you as well. :)

Also, if you haven’t yet, I highly recommend picking up a copy of The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief program, where you’ll get to participate in this 3-day event from the comfort of your own home.

I want to stress that you didn’t have to be at this event to get results on your pain.

In fact, many of the people who attended never got up on stage to work with me and still got amazing results.

Just watch, tap along through the process I take you through, and get results!

If you don’t get the results you are looking for, you can always return the program.  It has a full 1-year guarantee so you have nothing to lose - except for your pain.

TS for Pain Relief Banner
Get The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief Program Today!


Please leave your comments of support for Joanne, along with any insights you gained from watching the video below!

The blog post How Your Pain Might Be Serving You is republished from:

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Painful Words

Sad kid alone at her birthday partyToday I’d like to share a video that was released during one of our previous Tapping World Summits, which got an incredible response.

If you missed it, then you’re going to want to catch it now.

And if you’ve already watched it before, it will be a great refresher about the power of your mind, body, and spirit.

"I wish you'd never been born!"

Those were the words that Bobbie heard from her father at her 5th birthday party, in front of her closest friends.

These were just a few of the terribly painful words she had to endure from her father... for years.  This particular event, as you can imagine, was incredibly traumatic and continued to cause her pain decades later.

If you want to see what Tapping can do for you, then you're going to love watching this video from a 3-day pain relief event that I ran.  You'll get to see Bobbie go through a powerfully emotional and physical transformation right before your eyes!

It will likely change the way you view yourself, your past, and your future.

Trust me when I tell you that you're going to be glued to this video!

Just watch the first few minutes and you'll see what I mean:




All of us have dealt with childhood traumas, where we felt hurt, upset, scared, angry, or any other painful emotion.

Many of these events (either large or small), whether we realize it or not, continue to affect us today in our beliefs, our level of confidence, the emotions we feel, and so much more.

Take a minute to think back on your childhood...

sad-boyWhat event or events come to mind where you felt hurt, upset, scared, angry or any other negative emotion?  When you think back on these events, how do you think they’ve affected you today?

One thing that you might find interesting about this video is that it was filmed during a live event that was focused on the connection between our emotions and physical pain.

It's also one of the many pieces of content featured in The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief program, and you’ll actually get to see Bobbie's knee pain disappear as a result of the Tapping we did, pain that she had lived with for over 25 years!

This video also demonstrates just how easily and quickly you can take the negative charge off of those memories, and how you can release the conscious and unconscious holds that they have on you.

We want EVERYONE to have that same opportunity to experience lasting pain relief, so we created a pain relief home study course for you called:

The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief.

The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief

In The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief, I lead you through that same pain relief process that allowed Bobbie, and so many others, to feel what it’s like to be pain-free again.

With The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief, we even include the recordings for the FULL Pain Relief World Summit, an online event that was attended by over 100,000 people.

This is such a powerful process, and the results we’ve seen are amazing.  I still get so excited seeing people come out of it pain-free. :)

If you or someone you know is struggling with chronic pain, I hope you’ll join us (or forward this program!) for this opportunity to experience lasting pain relief.

You can get the details here: The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief

Until next time...

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

P.S. With The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief, you’ll also be invited to join our secret Facebook pain relief community, where you can connect with like-minded people who understand you and your experience.  Having that kind of support is so important!

Think back on your childhood… what event comes to mind where you felt a negative emotion?  How do you think they’ve affected you today? 

Please leave your comments below.  :)

The article Painful Words is available on: The Tapping Solution, LLC

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Are You A Perfectionist?

Here's one way to find out…

Watch this video, and tell me if you CRINGE as you view the photos.  (You don’t have to watch the whole video, just look at a few of the pictures.)


If they’re really driving you crazy, tap along as you watch!  ;)

Seriously though, it’s OK to look to do things well, and they obviously weren’t done very well in many of these pictures.  But when perfectionism becomes a problem is when it STOPS you from doing anything at all.

“If it’s not perfect, I won’t do it.”

dont-try-to-be-perfectHave you ever caught yourself saying that?  Or the more subtle permeations… ”It’s not quite done yet, I just need to work on it for a few more months… or a decade… or a lifetime.”

Perfectionism is often tied closely to that critical voice inside of us that just won’t let us rest or relax until everything is perfect, right, correct - exactly as it “should” be.

And perfectionism, sadly, robs us of many of our dreams, because we just won’t get started or we won’t complete what we’ve started.

That’s the bad news.

The good news is once you identify this trait or these subconscious patterns, you can do something about it...

And that’s where Tapping is SO powerful.

When we use Tapping to quiet the critical voice, to calm that amygdala that is screaming “Danger! It’s not perfect!” we are finally able to realize our dreams, to complete those projects, to take those risks.

Or once we get started, we no longer have to beat ourselves up when things don't go exactly as our "perfect" plan was designed to.

In fact, quieting the critical voice is exactly one of the focuses of our program:

The Tapping Solution for Autoimmune Disorders


The Tapping Solution for Autoimmune Disorders

Dr. Kim D'Eramo is a physician, speaker, bestselling author of The Mind Body Toolkit, and founder of The American Institute of Mind Body Medicine.

In The Tapping Solution for Autoimmune Disorders, she will be your guide to discovering - and releasing - those self-punishing beliefs and negative emotions that may be keeping your body in a state of illness.

Neither you, nor your body, is meant to be 100% perfect.  Our cells produce toxins and waste every second of every day as a natural process.  And when your body & mind begin working together, that's when optimal health becomes your natural state.

Join us here to learn more!

Until next time…

Keep Tapping! (and quieting that critical voice!)

Nick Ortner

P.S.  What picture in that video got you the most?  Comment below and let me know.  :)

The following blog post Are You A Perfectionist? is republished from: The Tapping Solution Blog

Saturday, November 12, 2016

5 Tips for a Stress-Free Family Gathering

StressFreeTipsThe holiday season is upon us!

It’s a time that’s often met with as much dread as joy.  For many, getting a big family together doesn’t always reflect the pretty picture we see in all the Thanksgiving and Christmas commercials.

In fact, it can feel downright overwhelming!

Will my mother-in-law judge my cooking again?  Will that annoying uncle make another inappropriate comment?  Will I have to deal with the tension between relatives?

What’s meant to be a joyous experience leaves us holding our breath and wishing for the best...

But it turns out we have more power than we think to create a great experience.

Here are 5 tips to support you, along with a Tapping Meditation to set you up for a wonderful holiday gathering:

1. Let Go of Expectations

You know those commercials we see of the ideal family laughing and passing the pumpkin pie?  They’re actors!  I hate to state the obvious, but we often have these unrealistic expectations, and the idea that things need to be perfect and run smoothly to have a good time.

So I’m here to break the news to you: that annoying uncle… he might never change.  And it’s not your job to change him.  That cousin who’s always late might be late again.  You may drop the apple crumble you spent hours making on the floor (I did that once!).

When we let go of the expectation that things (and people) need to be perfect, we are able to see all there is to celebrate.

2. Heal the Buttons

I have one relative who I would always complain about because he had a way of pushing my buttons.  Every year he’d make some comment about my weight.  Even when he said, “You look like you lost weight,” I’d smile and say, “Thank you,” when internally I was screaming, “Can you please not make my body a topic of conversation?!”

hot-turkey-buttonWhether it’s someone commenting on how you look, or asking about your relationship status or job, when you find yourself saying, “They push my buttons,” it’s time to leave the buttons at home.

Since I was struggling with my weight and body confidence, I was walking around with a giant open wound.

The moment anyone would make a comment, even a nice one, it burned and I would blame them.  Eventually, I realized I couldn’t change them; I could only heal my wound.

When we take responsibility for the button and heal it, then there is no button to press.  No one can make you feel bad without your permission!  If you’re expecting a topic of conversation that makes you feel uncomfortable, tap on it beforehand.

You might say, “Even though I get so angry when (insert relative) asks me / comments on (insert topic) I accept myself and choose to feel calm and confident.”

Then tap on the points while you give a voice to the movie you’ve created of what might happen, until you can imagine that scenario while feeling calm and confident.  The Tapping Mediation below will help.

3. Choose What You Bring

heart-casserole-2I’m not talking about what type of casserole.  When you walk in feeling tense and expecting the worst, that is exactly what you bring into the room.

Between the errands and cooking, take a few minutes to pause and check in.  What matters most is the energy you bring to the table, not the dish.

Consciously choose what you’re bringing - like gratitude, playfulness, compassion, excitement, and joy.  Doesn't that sound delicious?!

4. You’re Only Responsible for Your Own Experience

You can choose what you’re bringing to the table, but you can’t control what others bring.

When we go into a family situation feeling like we are responsible for everyone having a good time, our minds begin to search for whatever we believe needs fixing.  Then we only see what’s wrong, and we let someone else’s mood impact our own.  Bring your best energy and forget the rest!

If you’re sensitive to other people’s emotions, it’s important to tap before the gathering.  Then after you tap, imagine a protective white bubble around you.  You still have the ability to give and receive love, but that bubble repels negative energy.  It’s a simple visualization, but a powerful one.

OrtnerFamilyDinner.v25. Remember What It’s All About

It’s not about the perfect table setting or the food; it’s about connection and gratitude.

We come together as a family to celebrate all of life’s blessings and to connect with each other.  The best way we can do this is by slowing down and allowing ourselves to be present.

We don’t need a single meditation pillow in the middle of a silent room to be present.  Be present with the joy, the excitement, and if you come from a big Argentine family like me, the shouting and playful teasing!

Take in the moment because there are no guarantees in life.  You’ll never get to relive this holiday season again.  It’s a moment in time – celebrate the gift!


Tapping Meditation for a Stress-Free Family Gathering.

Right Click to Download This Meditation



What was your "aha" moment during the Tapping Meditation?  What do you want to remember before you walk into that room full of family members to ensure you have a great time?

The following post 5 Tips for a Stress-Free Family Gathering is courtesy of:

Thursday, November 10, 2016

How a “Diagnosis” Can Alter Your Life

VIckieTappingIt was the first session of my three-day pain relief event, and Vickie’s back pain was raging.  She had volunteered to come up on stage and share the story of her diagnosis.

Tears streamed down her face as soon as she began to speak.  "The doctor barely spent a few minutes with me before blurting out, ‘you’ll end up in a wheelchair’,” she shared.  “It was just so brutal, so heartless…  He didn’t have to say it that way.”

Vickie had gone to that doctor appointment full of hope, but had left so devastated, she could barely even respond to the doctor’s words.

Just thinking about her diagnosis was enough to put Vickie into a state of panic – and her chronic back pain into high gear.

Millions of people receive diagnoses like Vickie’s every day, and the experience in itself can be traumatic.

Man Sits With Hands ClaspedThink about it.  There you are, already stressed out from having chronic pain, sitting in the doctor’s office, hoping for good news in spite of the unrelenting pain you experience most days.

Then the man or woman in the white coat walks in.

They’ve got the degree and the experience to prove how qualified they are.  Naturally, you assume they know best, that what they say is the ultimate truth.

So when you hear them say words like “you’ll end up in a wheelchair” or “your pain will never go away”, it’s already too late...

By then, your rational brain has lost the battle.

The second you hear those words, your amygdala, an almond-shaped part of the mid-brain, goes on high alert, sending out distress signals throughout your body.

Your body is immediately flooded with the “stress hormone” cortisol, which shuts down specific parts of your brain, your digestive system, and more.

As much as your rational brain tries to reassure you that everything is okay, that you can get a second opinion and find pain relief, by this point your body is in full-blown panic mode, making it very difficult for you to think logically or creatively.

Woman Receiving Bad News From Her DoctorAs the hours, days, and weeks pass, the words your doctor said to you continue to ring in your ears, putting your body and your brain into CHRONIC high-stress mode.

With so much of the “stress hormone” cortisol constantly flooding your system, you’re at even greater risk for pain.

So, while it IS critical that you go see a doctor and get a diagnosis, the experience of getting your diagnosis is now contributing to your pain, making it more intense and more frequent.

But wait, what’s really going on here?  How is this even possible?

There’s a growing body of research that’s transforming our understanding of chronic pain.

Researchers at Stanford University, UC Davis, and other medical research institutions are finding that our stress and emotions influence whether pain becomes chronic, or goes away once a physical injury or health condition has healed or been successfully treated.

As I’ve seen over and over again in clients with chronic pain, once the underlying stress and emotions are released, pain relief happens.

For Vickie, that process began with a “sliver of hope.”

After tapping with me on stage and releasing the emotions she felt around her diagnosis, Vickie shared that she went home with a “sliver of hope.”  Although her pain was still there, for the first time since her diagnosis, she believed that pain relief was possible.

Several weeks later, Vickie joined a group follow-up call to that pain relief event, and shared that she was still hopeful that her pain might go away.  I then led her through several rounds of tapping to address the stress and overwhelm she was feeling.

By the end of our tapping, Vickie’s pain had completely gone away!

Her brain had heard the message, and quieted the danger signals it had been sending to her body.  That’s when the chronic pain she’d had for so many years just disappeared.

“So this is what it feels like!” she exclaimed once her pain had vanished.

“It feels like a beautiful vacation…  I feel amazing!”

Thanks to the larger process we went through during that pain relief event, tapping through the underlying elements that contribute to chronic pain, Vickie was just one of many who experienced pain relief.

Unfortunately, we could only fit a certain number of people in the room, and in the months following that event, we heard from so many of you who had wanted to attend, but hadn’t been able to.

We want everyone to have that same opportunity to experience lasting pain relief, so we created a pain relief home study course for you called:

The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief.

The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief

In The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief, I lead you through that same pain relief process that allowed Vickie, and so many others, to feel what it’s like to be pain-free again.

With The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief, we even include the recordings for the FULL Pain Relief World Summit, an online event that was attended by over 100,000 people.

This is such a powerful process, and the results we’ve seen are amazing.  I still get so excited seeing people come out of it pain-free. :)

If you or someone you know is struggling with chronic pain, I hope you’ll join us (or forward this program!) for this opportunity to experience lasting pain relief.

You can get the details here: The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief

Until next time...

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner


P.S. With The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief, you’ll also be invited to join our secret Facebook pain relief community, where you can connect with like-minded people who understand you and your experience.  Having that kind of support is so important!

How a “Diagnosis” Can Alter Your Life was first published to: