I support Democrats. I support Republicans. I support Libertarians. I support the Green Party.
I support people with GOOD ideas.
And for too long we’ve been too focused on ideology, narrow-minded thinking, judgement, and anger towards anyone who doesn’t believe exactly the same as we do.
It's a partisan, limited way of thinking in a system that once was built upon the foundation stones of freedom and liberty.
I can feel the confusion, the fear, and the anxiety that many people around the country are feeling right now.
Even if the person you voted for won, you’re likely still feeling the passion of the argument and its intensity... and frankly, it doesn’t feel good.
If the person you voted for lost, you’re feeling anger and confusion as to how this could have happened.
It's Time to Come Together
To come back into alignment, I think it’s important that we do a couple of things during this time of transition:
A. Turn down the heat. You can fight for things you believe in without feeling scared, anxious, or angry. You can create change in the world AND respect someone who doesn’t agree with you.
B. Support those in the world who have a commitment to clear-minded thinking, and who open a dialogue to new, innovative ideas and solutions.
That’s why I’m asking today, regardless of who you supported in the election, that you help me in supporting someone whom I think can make a difference in our politics.
My dear friend Congressman Tim Ryan (not to be confused with Paul Ryan), is a Democratic Congressman from Ohio.
Forget what his party affiliation is though - take a look at the way of being he stands for and the energy of what he’s doing in the world.
I first met Tim while speaking for Hay House. We shared the stage and I got to hear him speak about his efforts to bring meditation and mindfulness into those institutions that need it most.
He even has a meditation group for Congressmen! Imagine that!
He’s been a huge supporter of Tapping, and has helped to introduce it into the Veterans Administration. His second book, “The Real Food Revolution” focuses on healthy eating, healthy farming, and so many other things I know you care about.
Jessica sat down with Tim for an interview after his first book on mindfulness was published. You can watch it below.
"While we're doing the political movement from the outside... I also want to light a candle from the inside."
Tim just won re-election to his House seat and now he has decided to challenge Nancy Pelosi for minority leader in the House.
I won’t get into the politics of it all. I’m not even qualified to say whether Nancy Pelosi is good or bad at what she does, but I do know this:
We need to support leaders who are willing to think outside the box.
A Congressman who meditates??? A Congressman who cares about our food??? Imagine that passion in a position where it can make a difference!
That’s where you come in.
The House leadership is voted on by its members, so it's up to you to let YOUR Congressmen know that you support Congressman Ryan.
Since each party votes for its leadership, right now, this would be for your Democratic Representatives. (I’m working on finding Tim’s equivalent on the other side and I’ll let you know when I do!)
Show Your Support!
So if you would take just a few minutes today to tell your Congressman that you support Tim Ryan. It could make a huge difference in our nation’s future.
Go here to find your local Congressman and let them know you want to bring a new energy to Washington. An open, honest dialogue. A focus on innovative thinking. An appreciation for the individual human spirit that strives for peace, for love, and for compassion.
It’s easy to turn away from politics, to say it doesn’t matter and that it’s all a mess.
But if there’s something I’ve realized in my last decade of promoting Tapping around the world, it's that we need to get these healing tools into institutions like the VA hospital, to reach those who need it most.
I believe Tim can be a powerful ally in making that happen.
Until next time…
Keep Tapping!
Nick Ortner
The following post What Is Mindful Leadership? is available on: http://www.tappingsolution.com
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