First off… wishing you a wonderful, safe, fun, joy-filled end to 2016!
I can’t wait to see what magic 2017 brings for you!
The other day I was driving to an event where I was speaking, and was listening to Spotify's "Relax and Unwind" channel to prepare for it.
A song came on that wasn’t just musically beautiful, the lyrics also seemed to perfectly capture what that evening was all about...
I think it’s a PERFECT inspiration for 2017, for what our #1 biggest goal or resolution could be…
Listen to it and read the lyrics (and my comments on them) below.
Lyrics with my comments in brackets
If you're lost and you're lonely
Go and figure out why
[don’t just accept that pain, find out why it’s there]
Take a trip to your dark side
Go on and have a good cry
[Step 1 in Tapping: LOOK at the negative, the pain, the truth. Acknowledge it, have a good cry!]
Cause we're all lonely
Yeah we're all lonely
[We tend think we’re the only ones facing these challenges]
I want to see your sadness
I want to share your sins
I want to bleed your blood and
I want to be let in
[It’s in being vulnerable that we heal ourselves, our relationships, our life]
Don't you just,
Don't we all just
Want to be together
[We sure do]
Leave what's heavy,
What's heavy behind
Leave what's heavy,
What's heavy behind
[That’s exactly what we do when we tap… We leave what’s heavy behind]
If your face is down
Take a look around
Do your fingers move
Do your lungs inflate
Are you tired are you weary
Of the hidden hate
You've been holding
[I see that “hidden hate” as old anger we haven’t fully let go of]
Did you lose that love
Or have you never had it
Are you feeling sad
because you did a bad thing
[A lost love, a love unfilled, sadness from past things you’ve done that you’re still holding on to...]
Leave what's heavy,
What's heavy behind
Leave what's heavy,
What's heavy behind
[It’s time to leave it behind, my friend…]
Are you feeling fearful brother
Are you feeling fearful sister
The only way to loose
That fearful feeling
Replace it with love that's healing
Are you feeling fearful brother
Are you feeling fearful sister
[Replace fear with love. We start tapping on the negative, then it magically opens up to the positive, the love]
Leave what's heavy,
What's heavy behind
Leave what's heavy,
What's heavy behind
Leave what's heavy,
What's heavy behind
Leave what's heavy,
What's heavy behind
[Yup, it’s time to leave it behind…]
Bookmark this page and listen to this song whenever you need a reminder to let go! Or buy and download the song to support these beautiful artists.
What did this song bring up for you? Comment below! Are you ready to leave what’s heavy behind in 2017?
The blog post Leave what’s heavy behind was originally published on: The Tapping Solution
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