"I forgive myself."
Try saying these words out loud now (or silently to yourself if you don’t want your co-workers to think you’re a little nuts - LOL!)
"I forgive myself."
How does it feel when you say that? What comes up? Does a specific memory or event come forward?
Or maybe just generalized anxiety about LIFE, about what has gone wrong, about what you’ve judged yourself about for way too long?
One of the most powerful parts of the Tapping process is the setup phrase, “Even though [fill in the blank with the problem], I love, accept, and forgive myself.”
There is such POWER in acknowledging how you feel... and loving, accepting, and forgiving yourself for it.
But it’s not always easy. I get it. There are layers upon layers of guilt and shame that have built up (consciously and unconsciously) for years.
It’s my belief that to truly transform your life, you have to peel those layers back, let go, and discover the bright, shining, abundant, joyful energy underneath it all.
To help you get started today, I’ve pulled out a short and powerful Tapping Meditation from our 2014 Tapping World Summit. It’s normally part of a $197 package, but it’s my gift for you today.
Listen to the Tapping Meditation to Support You in Forgiving Yourself below!
Get the Tapping Meditation Transcript Here
This is a general meditation to get you started, but as you tap, see if you can focus on one event, idea, memory, or belief for which you haven’t forgiven yourself.
Focus on it, give it a number on a 0-10 scale, and then check back in after these 10 minutes or so of Tapping.
How do you feel after listening to this Tapping Meditation? Did a specific memory come to mind? Perhaps a person whom you may have hurt in the past, or an unresolved event? Please leave me your comments below!
The following blog post 3 of the Most Powerful Words You Can Say to Yourself was first seen on: http://tappingsolution.com
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