Sunday, November 13, 2016

Are You A Perfectionist?

Here's one way to find out…

Watch this video, and tell me if you CRINGE as you view the photos.  (You don’t have to watch the whole video, just look at a few of the pictures.)


If they’re really driving you crazy, tap along as you watch!  ;)

Seriously though, it’s OK to look to do things well, and they obviously weren’t done very well in many of these pictures.  But when perfectionism becomes a problem is when it STOPS you from doing anything at all.

“If it’s not perfect, I won’t do it.”

dont-try-to-be-perfectHave you ever caught yourself saying that?  Or the more subtle permeations… ”It’s not quite done yet, I just need to work on it for a few more months… or a decade… or a lifetime.”

Perfectionism is often tied closely to that critical voice inside of us that just won’t let us rest or relax until everything is perfect, right, correct - exactly as it “should” be.

And perfectionism, sadly, robs us of many of our dreams, because we just won’t get started or we won’t complete what we’ve started.

That’s the bad news.

The good news is once you identify this trait or these subconscious patterns, you can do something about it...

And that’s where Tapping is SO powerful.

When we use Tapping to quiet the critical voice, to calm that amygdala that is screaming “Danger! It’s not perfect!” we are finally able to realize our dreams, to complete those projects, to take those risks.

Or once we get started, we no longer have to beat ourselves up when things don't go exactly as our "perfect" plan was designed to.

In fact, quieting the critical voice is exactly one of the focuses of our program:

The Tapping Solution for Autoimmune Disorders


The Tapping Solution for Autoimmune Disorders

Dr. Kim D'Eramo is a physician, speaker, bestselling author of The Mind Body Toolkit, and founder of The American Institute of Mind Body Medicine.

In The Tapping Solution for Autoimmune Disorders, she will be your guide to discovering - and releasing - those self-punishing beliefs and negative emotions that may be keeping your body in a state of illness.

Neither you, nor your body, is meant to be 100% perfect.  Our cells produce toxins and waste every second of every day as a natural process.  And when your body & mind begin working together, that's when optimal health becomes your natural state.

Join us here to learn more!

Until next time…

Keep Tapping! (and quieting that critical voice!)

Nick Ortner

P.S.  What picture in that video got you the most?  Comment below and let me know.  :)

The following blog post Are You A Perfectionist? is republished from: The Tapping Solution Blog

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