Monday, July 30, 2018

Tapping Meditation: Overcoming Cigarette Cravings and Quitting Smoking

Tapping Meditation: Overcoming Cigarette Cravings and Quitting SmokingI know that the majority of the people reading this blog either have never smoked or no longer smoke.

But for those of you who still do (and it’s OK, no judgement, we all know how hard it can be to quit!), I’ve got a free resource today that might really help.

It’s a free Tapping Meditation on "Overcoming Cigarette Cravings and Quitting Smoking".

If you don’t smoke, would you pause for a moment and think about anyone you know who does who might be open to this free resource? You could be literally saving their lives.

And if you do smoke, I hope this Tapping Meditation helps! I’ve seen time and again cigarette cravings vanish with Tapping. The key is consistency and recognizing the deeper patterns that underlie the habit.

It’s my gift for you today because I want you and the ones you love to be as healthy as can be!

And I’ve made it available for you to download and keep, so you can have it on your phone when you need it most. (Like when the craving hits!)

Download the Audio Download the Transcript

(I’ve also included the transcript if you’d rather read and tap along.)

And please do let me know of your experience with this meditation.

If you’re new to Tapping, and realize that NOW is the best time to get started, you can learn the basics in minutes here.

AND... my NY Times bestselling book, “The Tapping Solution,” helps you identify and clear out those underlying anxiety patterns that may be keeping you from kicking the smoking habit. So if you haven’t already, you can pick up your copy here.

Until next time...

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

P.S. Make sure to share this meditation with anyone you know who might need it. They’ll forever thank you for it!

What did this meditation bring up for you? Comment below!

Tapping Meditation: Overcoming Cigarette Cravings and Quitting Smoking was first published to:

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