Thursday, July 12, 2018

My 5 Simple Rules for Life

Because our brains have the capacity to be complex, sometimes we tend to over-complicate things. :)

For example, due to our own individual experiences, we've each developed our own "Rules of Life" based on the beliefs we've concluded to be true about the world we live in.

This set of rules could be hundreds of enumerated items long just by itself, not including exceptions, ultimatums, contingencies, and probably tens of thousands of if "this" then "that" statements. Lol!

Today, I want to help simplify this list by sharing with you my 5 Simple Rules for Life which are guaranteed to apply to every person on the planet. :)

5 Simple Rules for Life

1. Be kind to others. Know that other people are doing the best they can with the resources they have.

2. Be kind to yourself. YOU are doing the best you can with the resources you have.

3. Never stop growing and striving for more from yourself.

4. Be willing to let go and FORGIVE yourself and others.

5. SMILE! It’s all working out as it’s supposed to. :)

Today, see if you can live by even just one of these rules. I promise your day will transform when you hold this simple intention!

Until next time,

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

What’s one simple rule for life you live by? Let me know below!

The following blog post My 5 Simple Rules for Life was first published to:

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