Monday, July 30, 2018

Tapping Meditation: Overcoming Cigarette Cravings and Quitting Smoking

Tapping Meditation: Overcoming Cigarette Cravings and Quitting SmokingI know that the majority of the people reading this blog either have never smoked or no longer smoke.

But for those of you who still do (and it’s OK, no judgement, we all know how hard it can be to quit!), I’ve got a free resource today that might really help.

It’s a free Tapping Meditation on "Overcoming Cigarette Cravings and Quitting Smoking".

If you don’t smoke, would you pause for a moment and think about anyone you know who does who might be open to this free resource? You could be literally saving their lives.

And if you do smoke, I hope this Tapping Meditation helps! I’ve seen time and again cigarette cravings vanish with Tapping. The key is consistency and recognizing the deeper patterns that underlie the habit.

It’s my gift for you today because I want you and the ones you love to be as healthy as can be!

And I’ve made it available for you to download and keep, so you can have it on your phone when you need it most. (Like when the craving hits!)

Download the Audio Download the Transcript

(I’ve also included the transcript if you’d rather read and tap along.)

And please do let me know of your experience with this meditation.

If you’re new to Tapping, and realize that NOW is the best time to get started, you can learn the basics in minutes here.

AND... my NY Times bestselling book, “The Tapping Solution,” helps you identify and clear out those underlying anxiety patterns that may be keeping you from kicking the smoking habit. So if you haven’t already, you can pick up your copy here.

Until next time...

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

P.S. Make sure to share this meditation with anyone you know who might need it. They’ll forever thank you for it!

What did this meditation bring up for you? Comment below!

Tapping Meditation: Overcoming Cigarette Cravings and Quitting Smoking was first published to:

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Improve Your Relationship with Money

If money were an actual person, how would you describe your relationship with that person?

Would you say you have a good or bad relationship? Do you feel like it treats you well or that it abandons you? How has money treated you throughout life? Do you feel good when you think about money or do you cringe at the thought of it?

We tend to have pretty strong opinions and feelings when it comes to money. Sometimes consciously, but very often unconsciously, and it’s not until we start to think about that relationship that we see how we really feel.

I want to share a great tap-along video with you today, recorded by my brother Alex. He just created this for our Tapping Insiders Club, but we decided to make it available to everyone to get a taste of what Club Members get every week! :)

So if you want to shift your relationship with money, go check out this video below, tap-along with him, and make sure to try the simple exercise that I think could completely shift your relationship with money!

Until next time,

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Did this tap along video help you to identify your relationship with money? What next step can you take to improve this relationship?

The article Improve Your Relationship with Money is courtesy of:

Thursday, July 12, 2018

My 5 Simple Rules for Life

Because our brains have the capacity to be complex, sometimes we tend to over-complicate things. :)

For example, due to our own individual experiences, we've each developed our own "Rules of Life" based on the beliefs we've concluded to be true about the world we live in.

This set of rules could be hundreds of enumerated items long just by itself, not including exceptions, ultimatums, contingencies, and probably tens of thousands of if "this" then "that" statements. Lol!

Today, I want to help simplify this list by sharing with you my 5 Simple Rules for Life which are guaranteed to apply to every person on the planet. :)

5 Simple Rules for Life

1. Be kind to others. Know that other people are doing the best they can with the resources they have.

2. Be kind to yourself. YOU are doing the best you can with the resources you have.

3. Never stop growing and striving for more from yourself.

4. Be willing to let go and FORGIVE yourself and others.

5. SMILE! It’s all working out as it’s supposed to. :)

Today, see if you can live by even just one of these rules. I promise your day will transform when you hold this simple intention!

Until next time,

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

What’s one simple rule for life you live by? Let me know below!

The following blog post My 5 Simple Rules for Life was first published to:

Monday, July 9, 2018

Women and Power: The Journey to Find Your True Path

When we hear the word "power", we often associate it with words like force, aggression, gain, and conflict.

Everything has a masculine and feminine energy to it, and it's these complimentary aspects that allow nature to live in balance.

We ourselves also have a masculine and feminine side, and so does the applications of power.

In this interview that Jessica had with the amazing Claire Zammit, she'll share the concept of Feminine Power, and help to break down this new way of thinking that takes the traditional definition of “Power” to a whole new level.

As women embrace power, how it’s known in today’s world, there is also an impulse to self-actualize and expand this power. To truly succeed is to actually become our true selves, and to create a life where we live the best version of ourselves.

Listen, download or watch the interview here!

Join Claire Zammit for the Premier of her LIVE Event on Saturday, July 14th

Discover the simple but powerful shift that will propel you into a life of flow and magic and ignite your destiny!

Reserve your free seat!

Women and Power: The Journey to Find Your True Path is available on:

Can you remember those “simpler times” in your life?

I’ve watched this video all the way through twice in the past week. Once on my own, and then I showed it to a few friends.

It’s made me laugh, and at the same time get a little teary-eyed (especially at the end). I saw the same reaction from my friends.

I’ve wondered since watching it why it moved us so… and I think it’s a combination of bringing us back to times that perhaps seemed simpler (even if that’s just a memory and not an actual fact!) and of the incredible power of music in our lives.

Make sure to watch the video until the end, the last 5 minutes are magical.

And if you’ve seen it already, it’s worth another watch, while asking yourself:

“What is it about this video that strikes such a chord within my heart?”

“How can I evoke these positive feelings in my life more often?”

Comment below the video and let me know.


Until next time,

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Did watching this video take you back to a specific time in your life? Comment below!

The following article Can you remember those “simpler times” in your life? was originally published to: The Tapping Solution

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Tapping Meditation – Letting Go of the Past

One of the greatest powers in Tapping comes from releasing events from the past.

If we have negative emotional experiences that haven't fully healed, that we haven't let go of, the reality is that they are STILL affecting us on a daily basis, often unconsciously.

Has something happened to you in the past, that when you think about the event, it still holds an emotional charge?

Perhaps a broken heart that still aches? Difficult financial events that you can't seem to let go of? Did you do something that you feel guilty about and are still beating yourself up over?

If so, one of the fastest ways to let go of these past events is to use a Tapping technique called, "The Movie Technique".

So today, if you want to feel a little lighter, let go of a little more, find that energy and joy again, then I have a free Tapping Meditation for you!

This meditation was originally designed as a companion to my book, "The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief", but even if you're NOT in pain, you'll find the meditation applies to letting go of any event from the past.

Go ahead and give it a listen, do some tapping, let those past events go, and allow your body to heal.

Letting Go of the Past - Tapping Meditation

Until next time,

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Did this Tapping Meditation help release some emotional events of your past? Let me know below!

The following post Tapping Meditation – Letting Go of the Past is available on: The Tapping Solution