Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Everything is always working out

Abraham Hicks QuoteOne of my greatest personal influences over the past decade has been the work of Jerry and Esther Hicks, through their “Abraham-Hicks” material.

I’ve seen a clear-cut correlation in my life: The more I listen to them, the happier I am, and the more “everything is always working out for me”.

Like any material, I go through stages of diving into it, and every time I focus back in, I say to myself, “Man, this works!”

It’s also a fantastic supplement to Tapping, because Tapping helps to release those negative emotions in order to achieve the positive vibration of being in your vortex that Abraham speaks about and encourages.

I challenge you to watch this short 13-minute video of their material and tell me you don’t feel amazing afterwards!

A special thanks to my dear friend Cheryl Richardson for pointing me to this video a few months back. :)

Watch it now and raise your happiness levels 837% (scientifically proven… LOL!)

How do you feel after watching this video?  Please leave me your comments below!

Everything is always working out was originally published on:

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