Thursday, January 5, 2017

Do you suffer from this epidemic?

I ran across a cartoon today that made me chuckle.

It actually addresses an epidemic that all too many of us are dealing with.

An epidemic that robs us of happiness and fulfillment, often in subtle ways.

No Distractions

The epidemic: DISTRACTION

No, don’t worry, this isn’t a rant about the evils of social media or our phones.  I’m not going to challenge you to avoid going on Facebook, or to turn off notifications on your phone.

But I do want you to ask yourself this one question: What could I do, in this moment, that would bring me the most happiness and joy?

Perhaps it’s completing a task that has been on your list for way too long.  Perhaps it’s doing some tapping about an issue you’ve been ignoring.  Maybe it IS going on Facebook to watch funny videos.

Whatever it is, ask yourself that question FIRST, because when you do, whatever action you take will be a CONSCIOUS one.

Consciousness is the key.

Consciousness overcomes distraction.

Consciousness creates change.

Consciousness creates the 2017 you most want and desire!

Here it is again: What could I do, in this moment, that would bring me the most happiness and joy?

My personal answer: I’m going through a second round of editing my next book, “The Tapping Solution for Manifesting Your Greatest Self” (Fall 2017).

Each round of editing can become subtly tougher, because you’re just looking at the same words again and again, trying to improve them by bringing fresh eyes.  So it’s been easy to procrastinate with it and get distracted...

I’m going to make myself a nice cup of tea right now, light a candle for focus, put on some music, and get editing.   Just thinking about doing this, and how good it’s going to feel to get it done, brings me happiness and joy!

Wish me luck.  :)

Until next time...

Keep Tapping!


Comment below, or just get to doing that thing that would bring you the most happiness and joy!

Do you suffer from this epidemic? was originally seen on: The Tapping Solution

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