Wednesday, January 18, 2017

A Mother’s Story of Overcoming Fear and Shame…

On a daily basis, I get emails with simply stunning stories of people turning their lives around with Tapping.

I personally have to be careful of not taking them for granted since there are so many, and because each and every one of them is a miracle.

Here’s one we had the fortune of documenting in a moving video.  It's a mother’s story of overcoming fear and shame, and how the Tapping World Summit changed everything for her.

Watch this inspiring short video now!

By the way, we’re less than 2 weeks away from the pre-launch of our 9th (I can’t believe it’s been 9 years!) annual Tapping World Summit.

Once again, we have all-new, cutting-edge content for you...

And it's ALL available to you for free!

See the dates and speaker lineup for the 9th Annual Tapping World Summit here!

Have you joined the Tapping World Summit in the past and had a breakthrough of your own? Tell me below!

The post A Mother’s Story of Overcoming Fear and Shame… was first published to: The Tapping Solution

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