Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The Power of a Pose – What Your Body Language Says About You

Power PoseDid you know that recent research has uncovered that your body language can help you become happier and more successful?

Even the good ol', "sit up straight” advice has measurable impact on your feelings, actions, and even hormones in your body.

Want to know how to “pose”? Think expansive. Open chest, shoulders back, and down (comfortable, not unnatural). Raise your arms in the air, and hold it for a few seconds.

You can literally feel the power and energy!

The opposite are poses we often find ourselves doing without our conscious attention - hunched over and drawn-in, arms crossed, and slouching.

So today, take a few moments throughout the day to notice your body language, and think, “open” just a little bit more, and see what happens.

If you’re in the midst of doing some tapping or meditating, pay particular attention to your body language to accentuate the results and effects.

Want to explore this topic more deeply? Watch this illuminating TED talk here:


Until next time...

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Take a few moments throughout your day to notice your posture. What did you discover? Comment below!

The Power of a Pose – What Your Body Language Says About You was first published to: The Tapping Solution

Monday, January 23, 2017

What are you reading? (My book recommendations)

If you don't like to read, you haven't found the right bookI was talking to a friend the other day who shyly admitted that he hadn’t read a full book in over a year. And the reason he was shy about it was because he had been a lifelong reader and had seen the difference it had made in his life.

But there’s definitely something happening with the easy access to our phones and all of the other distractions that are reducing the amount of reading many of us are doing.

I’ve seen it personally, and I think it’s a problem. :)

Books are different than online content. They’re thoughtful, curated, and edited. They let you pause and think. They don’t come with a bunch of negative comments attached to the bottom of every thought.

So one of my New Year’s resolutions is to increase the amount of reading I do, and I’d like to challenge you to do the same.

To hopefully get you started, here are some of the books that I’m currently reading. I’m a five-books-at-a-time kind of guy, jumping between whatever I’m in the mood for. My wife is the opposite. She reads one book start to finish no matter what. :)

Nick's Nonfiction Book Recommendations

Making Life Easy: A Simple Guide to a Divinely Inspired Life – by Christiane Northrup

Making Life EasyOne of the most amazing things about my work is how I get to interact with some of my favorite authors. So spending a day with Christiane during my sister’s wedding in Mexico, and then reading her book, is about as cool as it gets. :)

This is a beautiful book - a departure from her previous, more medical work. And I just love it! Here’s a couple of bullet points about what the book promises, to give you a better idea of how great it is.

Take your well-being into your own hands as you learn to:

  • Untie the knots of blame and guilt that harm your health
  • Use sexual energy consciously to increase vitality
  • Balance your microbiome through healthy eating
  • Cultivate a healthy ego that serves you (not vice versa)
  • Communicate directly with the Divine

The Tapping Solution

Ask and It Is Given - by Abraham-Hicks

Last week I shared a video by Abraham and spoke about how often I go back to this material. I believe one of the keys to success in any aspect of your life is to continue to revisit material to help it sink in even further.

That’s why I’ve seen people who go through the whole Tapping World Summit (or one of our online programs) several times, get the best results. It’s the same with this great book. (BTW… since many of you have been asking… our NINTH(!) annual Tapping World Summit will be starting it’s pre-launch on February 6th. Stay tuned!)

The Tapping Solution

The Tapping Solution for Manifesting Your Greatest Self – by... ME!

Ok, this isn’t a real one because I’ve been reading it again and again for editing purposes. It’s due out Fall of 2017, so you’ll just have to be patient on this one. :)

The Tapping Solution

Tools of Titans - by Tim Ferris
This is a massive book. It covers, as the subtitle says, “The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers”. I don’t know Tim personally, though we have several close mutual friends. But I’ve been massively impressed with his work over the past decade and I love this book. If you’re looking to upgrade your performance in any aspect of life, this tome is for you.

The Tapping Solution

My Age of Anxiety: Fear, Hope, Dread and the Search for Peace of Mind - by Scott Stossel
While I definitely wish the author had explored EFT Tapping in the book, it’s a wonderful book about his experience and the history of treating anxiety. More than anything, through his delicate and vulnerable writing, I felt such compassion for him and those who have experienced crippling anxiety. It’s a great read if you’ve struggled with anxiety, or if you’re a practitioner or coach.

The Tapping Solution

The Complete Guide to Fasting: Heal Your Body Through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting - by Jimmy Moore and Dr. Jason Fung
Fasting in various forms has been a part of my life for over a decade. In fact, I came up with the idea to make The Tapping Solution documentary film on day 5 of a fast. I’ve found it to be a real miracle on so many levels, and this book does a great job of laying out all the recent science and research behind it, as well as giving you simple plans to try it. Read it, try fasting (safely and under doctor’s supervision) and let me know how it helps you.

The Tapping Solution

And here are three fiction titles to have some fun with!

The Whistler - by John Grisham.  My father-in-law just gave me this book while on vacation. A perfect book for the beach. Classic Grisham page turner.

The Way of Kings - by Brandon Sanderson. If you love fantasy, then you know the name Brandon Sanderson. This book and others in the trilogy are fantastic. I also love his “Mistborn” series.

The Fall of Giants - by Ken Follett (The Century Trilogy Book 1).  Better set aside a year to get through this amazing, expansive, historical epic. He brings history to life like no one else!

The Tapping Solution

There you go!

Plenty to keep you busy for the next day, week, month, or year. :)

Until next time…

Keep Tapping! (and reading)

Nick Ortner

I’d love to hear from you!  Have you read a fiction or non-fiction book recently that you love? Or do you have an all-time favorite you recommend? Comment below!

The blog post What are you reading? (My book recommendations) is republished from: The Tapping Solution

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

A Mother’s Story of Overcoming Fear and Shame…

On a daily basis, I get emails with simply stunning stories of people turning their lives around with Tapping.

I personally have to be careful of not taking them for granted since there are so many, and because each and every one of them is a miracle.

Here’s one we had the fortune of documenting in a moving video.  It's a mother’s story of overcoming fear and shame, and how the Tapping World Summit changed everything for her.

Watch this inspiring short video now!


By the way, we’re less than 2 weeks away from the pre-launch of our 9th (I can’t believe it’s been 9 years!) annual Tapping World Summit.

Once again, we have all-new, cutting-edge content for you...

And it's ALL available to you for free!

See the dates and speaker lineup for the 9th Annual Tapping World Summit here!

Have you joined the Tapping World Summit in the past and had a breakthrough of your own? Tell me below!

The post A Mother’s Story of Overcoming Fear and Shame… was first published to: The Tapping Solution

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Everything is always working out

Abraham Hicks QuoteOne of my greatest personal influences over the past decade has been the work of Jerry and Esther Hicks, through their “Abraham-Hicks” material.

I’ve seen a clear-cut correlation in my life: The more I listen to them, the happier I am, and the more “everything is always working out for me”.

Like any material, I go through stages of diving into it, and every time I focus back in, I say to myself, “Man, this works!”

It’s also a fantastic supplement to Tapping, because Tapping helps to release those negative emotions in order to achieve the positive vibration of being in your vortex that Abraham speaks about and encourages.

I challenge you to watch this short 13-minute video of their material and tell me you don’t feel amazing afterwards!

A special thanks to my dear friend Cheryl Richardson for pointing me to this video a few months back. :)

Watch it now and raise your happiness levels 837% (scientifically proven… LOL!)


How do you feel after watching this video?  Please leave me your comments below!

Everything is always working out was originally published on: http://www.tappingsolution.com/

Monday, January 9, 2017

EVERYBODY is doing this…

[caption id="attachment_5891" align="alignright" width="250"]"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." - Aesop "No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." - Aesop[/caption]

What’s everyone doing?

They’re doing the best they can with the resources they have.

Yup, even the people that drive you nuts.  Even the people causing damage to the world.  It’s an inarguable fact.

They’re doing what THEY think is right, based on their life experiences...

Based on their own pains, hurts, and traumas... their own limiting beliefs and limited world view.

That grumpy person on the plane, that rude person in line, they’re doing the best they can, truly.

Why is knowing this SO important?

Because when you recognize that everyone is just doing the best they can, it brings out the kindness in your heart.

The compassion.


And from THAT place, change happens.

Because instead of you responding to that grumpy person with more grump, and confirming THEIR belief that the world is a harsh, grumpy place, you respond with a smile.  And you begin to crack open their heart.  You begin to crack open their view of the world.  You begin to help them heal.

Someone today is likely to frustrate, disappoint, annoy, anger, yada yada… YOU.

They’re doing the best they can with the resources they have.


Until next time...

Keep Tapping!


Do you believe this is true?  What’s been your experience when you open your heart and respond to grumpiness with kindness? :)

The blog post EVERYBODY is doing this… is available on: The Tapping Solution's Blog

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Do you suffer from this epidemic?

I ran across a cartoon today that made me chuckle.

It actually addresses an epidemic that all too many of us are dealing with.

An epidemic that robs us of happiness and fulfillment, often in subtle ways.

No Distractions

The epidemic: DISTRACTION

No, don’t worry, this isn’t a rant about the evils of social media or our phones.  I’m not going to challenge you to avoid going on Facebook, or to turn off notifications on your phone.

But I do want you to ask yourself this one question: What could I do, in this moment, that would bring me the most happiness and joy?

Perhaps it’s completing a task that has been on your list for way too long.  Perhaps it’s doing some tapping about an issue you’ve been ignoring.  Maybe it IS going on Facebook to watch funny videos.

Whatever it is, ask yourself that question FIRST, because when you do, whatever action you take will be a CONSCIOUS one.

Consciousness is the key.

Consciousness overcomes distraction.

Consciousness creates change.

Consciousness creates the 2017 you most want and desire!

Here it is again: What could I do, in this moment, that would bring me the most happiness and joy?

My personal answer: I’m going through a second round of editing my next book, “The Tapping Solution for Manifesting Your Greatest Self” (Fall 2017).

Each round of editing can become subtly tougher, because you’re just looking at the same words again and again, trying to improve them by bringing fresh eyes.  So it’s been easy to procrastinate with it and get distracted...

I’m going to make myself a nice cup of tea right now, light a candle for focus, put on some music, and get editing.   Just thinking about doing this, and how good it’s going to feel to get it done, brings me happiness and joy!

Wish me luck.  :)

Until next time...

Keep Tapping!


Comment below, or just get to doing that thing that would bring you the most happiness and joy!

Do you suffer from this epidemic? was originally seen on: The Tapping Solution

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

How to Experience Radical Change – and LOVE IT!

I want to talk to you today about a decision that could change your life forever.  It’s the idea that a small moment, a small decision, that doesn’t SEEM radical, can create radical change.

Whoa...  You say, “Radical change?”  Who wants “Radical change?”  Frankly, I think most of us do.

No, not change as in upheaval, distress, movement, etc.

Change as in, “Everything is better, feels better, life is flowing, relationships are healing, money is coming in, joy has come back into the very core of my being...”

That, to me, is Radical Change.

Why do we need Radical Change? 

Because when I look around, most people are simply NOT feeling this way on a daily basis, or with any consistency.

It seems like we, as a society, have lowered the bar in a significant way.

It’s like an awful game of “Limbo”!

The issue is, there’s nobody out there in the mainstream media, in our communities, or in our families, looking at us and telling us, “You CAN feel good all the time!”

That message simply does not exist.  Imagine that, it doesn’t EXIST!  Look at the messages we are receiving if we dare to turn on the television.  They say, “Here is happiness, joy, and abundance, all you have to do is take this little pill (and please ignore the list of horrible side effects, just look at the pretty pictures).


“Here’s a great time with friends and family.  Everyone looks great and healthy AND they’re drinking beer.”

Those are the “positive” messages.

If you actually watch the programming (and it is “programming”!) you are likely to see awful news on the “news”, or a game show where people are basically gambling to make any money, or a cop/detective show where someone is brutally killed in the first 5 minutes, and then we spend the next hour going after all the suspects and trying to uncover the mystery.

It’s almost laughable, if it were not so painful....

Now, you might say to me, “I don’t watch TV!”  Well, that’s fantastic, a great start.  So the questions then become, who are you interacting with?  What are you talking about?  What are you thinking about?

And if most of you take an honest look at that question, you’ll see it’s not a pretty picture.

So what do you do?

What do you do when everyone around you acts this way and it’s so much easier to “fit in” by just going along with it?

Easy to say, harder to do...

You make a CHOICE!

You make a CONSCIOUS CHOICE to no longer participate in energies that don’t support you and your well-being.  You pay attention, close attention, to how something makes you feel and if it doesn’t make you feel good, you move away from it, stop speaking about it, turn it around.

And you use TAPPING, every step of the way, to make the whole process MUCH easier.

You might be wondering, how exactly do I do that? Let me give you an example:

You just got home from work, later than you wanted to... again.  You’re tired, stressed, just fed the kids and put them to bed, and you’re overwhelmed with all the stress and responsibility.  Your habit and instinct is to put on the TV and watch CSI (a crime show).

You think, it’s a well put together show, and entertaining, and you get to zone out for an hour, but you never feel great afterwards and you often have nightmares from the violence in the show.  It would seem obvious not to watch it, but you’re just compelled to do so, and you just need to zone out...

Instead, here's what you can do:

In that moment of making the choice between turning on the TV or not, you pause, tap on the karate chop point, and say, “Even though I’m totally stressed out, the kids are driving me crazy, work stinks, and I just want to disappear for an hour into the drama of that TV show, I deeply and completely accept myself.”

You repeat it three times while tapping on the karate chop point and then tap through each of the other points, repeating, “This stress... tap, tap, tap... I just want to watch TV... tap, tap, tap... I don’t have the energy to do anything else... tap, tap, tap...” and so forth, through the points.

You finish one round and take a deep breath... Sigh...

All of a sudden, something has shifted.  Your body has relaxed in a big way.  The stress has lifted just enough for you to say, “I feel ok, and I think I’m going to read my book...”

And that subtle but important choice, is ALL the difference.

Because you just keep making that better choice, again and again.  And you just keep using Tapping to balance your energy and come to that place of peace.

Again and Again.

Tap, Tap, Tap

Sigh... I can now make the better choice.

Again and Again.

And next thing you know... Radical Change!

You feel better, happier, and more fulfilled.


Tap, Tap, Tap...

Radical Change IS possible.  Start now!  What can you tap on to bring some relief into your life?  What empowering CHOICE can you make?


Until next time....

Keep Tapping!

Did you do the tapping?  How did it feel for you?  Did you experience a Radical Change?  Please leave me your comments below!

How to Experience Radical Change – and LOVE IT! was first seen on: http://www.tappingsolution.com