Monday, December 4, 2017

Tapping Success Story: Invoking the Law of Abundance

Before Victoria discovered Tapping, she felt like defeat, disappointment, depression and anxiety were the norm.

“Even though I had experienced a certain amount of success and achievement according to most standards, everything still felt empty and pointless,” she explained. Several years ago, she lost a business in a legal battle, and the heartbreak and drama of that lingered inside. She took a job working in accounts receivable at a law office because she wanted the stability of a pay check and weekends off.

Victoria played small for awhile. “But sitting in that law office with a nice view, I got so ‘good’ at my job that it became easy and mind numbing, and I started dreaming of what kind of business I could start. I didn't act on anything because the lingering fear was still inside me from losing my business before. But my boss noticed that I was smart and she started loading up my desk. When another employee quit, I absorbed her entire workload. It was too much.”

So Victoria signed up for the The Tapping Solution for Financial Success and Personal Fulfillment program.

Not much happened right away, but soon she noticed things beginning to move inside her. “I took the course to heart and literally tapped on everything. There were waterfalls of tears at times, shifts that made my body shake or sweat from anxiety as I broke through.” But Victoria kept tapping and began seeing changes.

“I felt more confident. I started to believe that maybe I could start my own company again.” She had a confrontation with her boss at the law office and she stuck with her truth. She was called in the next day and let go.

“I kept tapping on the fear about how I would bridge the gap between leaving my job and starting my business. I had never applied for unemployment and used to judge people who asked for it, until that moment when I realized it's just a tool and it's ok to accept help. So I did and it bridged my six month gap. Thank you, tapping!”

Victoria began to watch her life unfold. “I'm definitely more confident and self-assured since I started tapping. And I can soothe myself instead of looking to others for advice or answers or reassurance.”

Many of Victoria’s friends and family commented that she seemed much more grounded and relaxed. “I think that makes them want to be around me more. Instead of me feeling like an abandoned child desperate for attention, I'm an adult who has choices about where and how and with whom I want to spend my time.”

With the inner changes, Victoria started seeing how her relationships improved. “I'm able to let people fuss and have bad days and not absorb their issues; I don't need to fix or save them.”

She started healing family relationships. As a child, Victoria faced abuse, neglect, sexual assault, and other painful dramas. Her mother was a particularly challenging person in her life. “Last summer, I started to get a clear picture of my feelings towards my mom and one day was able to say plainly to her, ‘If you want a relationship with me, it has to be good for me. If that's not possible, that's ok, because I'm ok, and I wish you the best.’ After that conversation, we spoke a few more times, and I explained what would make it good for me. And it's been an effort for her. But she's doing better all the time.”

With tapping, she also discovered a talent and passion for song writing, which, ironically, helped her reconnect with extended family. “I had just learned to play the guitar the year I started tapping. I posted a song on my Facebook page and one of my cousins saw it and contacted me. She said she played too, that I should come up and visit and we could jam. So I did. That was my first visit home in over 15 years. That first night, we played bingo and drank tequila and laughed and there was none of the bad feelings I had from my family before. I started to see that I actually had an abundance of family.”

Tapping also helped Victoria move forward with her financial goals. With money coming in from her new business, she bought a nice new car and moved into her own two-bedroom apartment by the beach. She decided to hire employees to help with her business, which soon meant profit of more than $40,000 per month. At her prior job, that was what she made per year. She wrote an e-book and then she started a second online business.

Victoria credits tapping for her financial success. “It was so profitable so quickly because I tapped on everything and worked through every issue I faced. If I had to make a sales call and was nervous, I tapped. Then I called, sometimes tapping while on the call, and each time I made the sale. Anytime I was doing side work or inventory or writing a script for my seminar and got stuck on what to say, I would tap, and find the solution, and move on.”

Now, Victoria is living her ideal life.

One of the best parts is that she can spend time however she wants. “I play tennis on the weekends. I take long walks with my dog. I visit family when I want. I play the guitar. I go to see live music.”

She is also able to be there for others when they're going through tough times. “I listen and am present for them. Sometimes they ask about tapping and sometimes I just work with them in general on their energy. But most of the time, me just living my life and following my dreams has inspired those around me. So the quality of life both for me and my loved ones has improved, and that's fun.”

What a stunning success story! Thanks for sharing, Victoria!

If you too would like to experience a similar shift in your finances and personal fulfillment, get started by getting your free ebook below.
Until next time,

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Do you think a similar story is possible for you? Comment below on how you'd like your life to improve so that we can encourage you. :)

The following article Tapping Success Story: Invoking the Law of Abundance was first published on: The Tapping Solution's Blog

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