When I was first conducting interviews for our Tapping Solution film several years back, there was one man who I absolutely knew I wanted to get on camera…
I had been following his work for years, and always found him to have an ability to explain things in a way that was simple, yet so incredibly powerful.
When I did finally get to sit down with him, what he shared was not surprisingly, extremely clear and eye-opening.
I want to share that video with Jack Canfield today, who is known as "America's Success Coach." I've seen this video dozens of times, and originally shared it publicly in 2011 for our Tapping World Summit, but I know you'll benefit greatly from watching it (even if you've seen it before – repetition is the key!).
Here's some of what Jack shares in the video:
- At around 2:26 he goes into the specifics of what stops people from growing and getting to where they want to be.
-At around 4:00s he goes into the importance of being able to let go of things from your past, including negative emotions like resentment, anger and blame, to open up the space for more of the things you want to receive.
-At around 8:40 he shares the most common blocks he has seen with people who are blocked from earning more and allowing more abundance into their lives.
I hope you enjoy the video. I love it, and I think you will to. :)
Here are a couple other GREAT resources from Jack if you'd like to experience more of his wisdom and teachings
FREE DOWNLOAD - Your Guide to Everyday Positive Thinking
Refer to this guide to help reclaim your happiness any time you’re feeling stress, have low self-esteem, need motivation, experience fear, or when any negative scenario arises.
FREE WEBCAST - The Success Formula: A Proven 3-Step Process for Getting Unstuck and Creating Breakthroughs
In this training, you'll learn how to overcome any obstacle and move in the direction of your dreams.
Until next time…
Keep Tapping!
Nick Ortner
Did you pick up any nuggets of wisdom from watching this video? Comment below!
Jack Canfield Shares His Wisdom (Video) is republished from: http://tappingsolution.com
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