Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Incredible Research That Will Make You Instantly Healthier

Most of us would agree that having a positive attitude is good for our health. Stress is bad, being happy is good. Simple enough.

But while we believe this, we tend to “stop” that belief when it comes to “real” disease. We think a positive attitude can have a general impact on our health, but the moment there’s a “diagnosis”, we discard that belief and laser lock in on the diagnosis, and the fact that it’s “real”.

I see it all the time when it comes to pain relief.

Time and again I’ve seen EFT Tapping work miracles for pain relief. I know the results are there - they’ve been rigorously studied and documented.

But even when I tell people this, their first “Yes, but…” is, “I’ve been diagnosed with problem ___.”

Fill in the blank with the medical condition that has been labeled, and thus codified into something that can only be handled with “real” treatments!

(And again, our programming is at work here in a large part, because we’ve been convinced, by a myriad of factors, into believing that white coats and pastel-colored pills are the things that fix these “real” diseases - and the only things that do).

Ask yourself….

How far are you willing to take your belief (if you have it!) that a positive attitude can help the body heal?

Does it apply to other people, but not to you? (I’ve seen this happen…”Oh, I’ll tell Suzy she needs to be more positive and it will help her body heal that pain, but MY thing is different.”)

So the conundrum is that many of us have a belief that a positive attitude, and that things like meditation and EFT Tapping can help the body heal, but we only allow it to go so far.

And that’s why I was delighted to read about a study conducted at Carnegie Mellon University, where scientists analyzed the effects of common cold and influenza viruses on people with different attitudes.

193 healthy volunteers went through an interview to determine the levels of positive and negative feelings that they felt in their lives, and shortly after, were exposed to one of the viruses using nasal drops. (Brave volunteers if you ask me… I hope they paid them well!)

The result?

Those with a more positive outlook on life were much more resistant to sickness than those who had a negative outlook! (Read the full study here.)

It’s crazy if you think about it… here was this VIRUS, this real thing, that we’ve all experienced the real consequences of, and how long it lasts, and how much it sucks, and… being positive could stop it from taking root!

You’ve heard it a million times, “There’s no cure for a common cold!” Well… being positive was the cure for many of the people in this study.

In my original email leading to this post I said, "I ran across a research study the other day that, when you read its conclusion and apply its simple directive, will make you instantly healthier and help you fight the common cold and flu this winter.”

The reason reading this study can make you instantly healthier is it’s critical to REPROGRAM your mind toward all the benefits of being positive!

I know, it seems silly. But you have in this moment, and in every moment in your life going forward, the opportunity to choose to be more positive, and now you know that EVERY time you make that choice, again and again, you are LITERALLY making yourself healthier!

My challenge for you today is to look for those places in your life where you’ve been limiting the power of being positive, of releasing stress, and notice the limitation you’ve created for yourself. "Oh, it can work on ___ but it can’t for ___."

Identity that limit and break through it!

Find a challenge in your life where you haven’t applied Tapping, and use it there now. Even if it’s not directly related to beliefs about the common cold or flu, or even your body’s health, just using Tapping to reduce stress about anything is going to make you more resilient!

If you’re a member of our Tapping Insiders Club, this week I’ll be conducting a Masterclass on how to supercharge your immune system with Tapping, so be on the lookout for that!

And if you’re not a member, and want to learn more, you can read about it here: LINK

Until next time…

Keep Tapping! (And getting healthier and healthier!)
P.S. The study also identified other studies that have shown the benefits of positive emotions. From the text of the study:

For example, positive emotional style (PES) was found to be associated with…

(1) lower rates of stroke among noninstitutionalized elderly

(2) lower rates of rehospitalization for coronary problems

(3) fewer injuries

(4) improved pregnancy outcomes among women undergoing assisted fertilization

(5) better self-reported health and fewer symptoms in the elderly

(6) less pain in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

(7) or fibromyalgia

Not bad huh? Now get Tapping and get releasing the stress in your life! You’ve got this!

Do you have a story to share on how having a positive mental attitude has improved areas of your life? Comment below. I'd love to read it!

The following blog post Incredible Research That Will Make You Instantly Healthier was first published to: The Tapping Solution's Blog

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