Thursday, December 28, 2017

What I Learned This Year

I’ve included a FREE holiday tapping script at the bottom of this page for you. Enjoy!

I hope you’re having a wonderful holiday season!

I want to thank you for joining us this past year in this amazing journey of growth, healing, and human evolution.

It's a joy to read one email after another from people who have had amazing breakthroughs, healed old traumas, busted through limiting beliefs, released their physical pain, and so much more!

It is your commitment to change, and to living your best life that makes what I do possible, and I’m very grateful for that.

We have had a LOT of growth ourselves this past year, here at The Tapping Solution.

We expanded our team to include an amazing group of talented and dedicated graphic designers, social media experts, affiliate & content managers, and process improvement pros to add to our already incredibly solid team.

So the next time you see an inspiring post, the beautiful cover of our latest book, a helpful resource, a friendly response, or an email that just touches your heart, you can thank one of these marvelous folks. :)

Our 9th annual Tapping World Summit started off our year, which had over 100,000 people attend! If you missed it, don’t worry, our 10th annual summit is right around the corner (Feb 26th!), and we've got some wonderful surprises lined up for this special celebration (details coming soon!)

After the Summit, we decided that it was time to give our website a makeover, so we upgraded the entire thing for a fresh, new look, and to make it even easier to find the Tapping resources you need.

While we were on the web design track, we also relaunched the content-rich Tapping Insiders Club. A powerhouse for all your Tapping needs, it has a vast number of in-depth interviews, tapping meditations, tap along videos, and live masterclasses which you can attend.

I published my latest book this year, The Tapping Solution for Manifesting Your Greatest Self, which has had an amazing response. Even though it was just released this year, I've been working on it for a lot longer than that, lol!

It's just a really great feeling when all of your hard work and dedication pays off, you know? Especially when I receive so many responses about how much the book has helped you. Because that's why we're here! :)

The Tapping Solution Foundation has raised thousands (thanks to you!) for its continued mission of  spreading the word of Tapping, and we've made huge strides this year with introducing it into schools worldwide. We even had one of our videos go viral just recently! You can check that out here.

So with all of this growth, transformation, and success we've had this year, what have I learned?

[Nick's comments here]


It’s hard to express my gratitude for every one of you out there reading this -  tapping, healing, and growing with us…

So all I can say is thank you, and keep tapping! It works - it works miracles, it works wonders…

But you have to do it. ;)

During this busy holiday season, chose a different possibility for your life. Choose to let go of old hurts and patterns and fill that space with love, hope, and healing.

I’ve included a short tapping script below that will help.

Until next time… Happy Holidays…

And keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

How has Tapping helped you this year? Please comment below. I would LOVE to read your stories!

Holiday Tapping Script

(If you’re not familiar with the tapping process you can learn it here)

Karate Chop: Even though I’m overwhelmed with everything
that is going on this holiday season, I deeply
and completely accept myself

Karate Chop: Even though I’m stressed out because I have
way too much to do, and not enough time, I deeply
and completely accept myself

Karate Chop: Even though I’m frustrated with the craziness
of the holidays, I chose to relax now

Eyebrow: Way too stressed out
Side of Eye: Too much to do
Under Eye: I’ve got way too much to do
Under Nose: And not enough time
Under Mouth: There’s just not enough time
Collarbone: And it’s stressing me out
Under Arm:  Too many presents to buy
Top of Head: Too many people to see

(continuing though the points again)

Eyebrow: Why do the holidays have to be so crazy?
Side of Eye: It’s nuts!
Under Eye: But I can chose to relax now
Under Nose: I can chose to relax anytime
Under Mouth: I can chose to let go
Collarbone: I chose to enjoy this holiday season
Under Arm:  I chose to notice the love, joy and peace
around me
Top of Head: I chose to create love, joy and peace
around me

Take a deep breath…

And let it go…

What came up? If there’s something specific that’s bothering you, tap on that. Remember, the more specific you can get on your issue the better, the script above is just to get you started.

Spend another 5 minutes (I know you don’t think you have the time, but you do, make YOURSELF a priority) and continue to tap down any stress, anxiety, or worry you might be feeling.

What I Learned This Year is courtesy of: The Tapping Solution, LLC

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

The Tapping World Summit 2018

The light is within you. It's time to discover it! - Nick OrtnerThis year is a momentous occasion, because 2018 marks our 10th annual Tapping World Summit!

That's right! It's been 10 years since we at The Tapping Solution launched our first one.

And it's been our goal from the beginning to make each year better than the last. This year is no exception, and we've got some extra-special treats in store for our 10th anniversary.

You know what makes our Tapping World Summits so popular?

It's because for 10 days out of the year, we bring in some of the TOP MINDS in the fields of EFT and personal development to guide you towards improving nearly every area of your life!

And it's all FREE!

Emotional Freedom Techniques, also known as EFT or simply "Tapping," has been clinically proven to provide relief from stress, anxiety, chronic pain, emotional problems, addictions, fears & phobias, PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), and so many other conditions.

Tapping is also a very effective tool for attracting abundance, losing weight, manifesting your goals & desires, healing relationships, and attaining inner peace.

If you are asking yourself, "What is EFT Tapping?" or "How can one technique do so much?" then hop on over to our Tapping 101 page to learn some of the basics.


What Is the Tapping World Summit 2018?

February 26th, 2018 - March 7th, 2018

The Tapping World Summit 2018 is a Virtual Online Event presented by The Tapping Solution, produced by myself, Nick Ortner, and hosted by my sister Jessica Ortner.

This incredible online event is about providing you with a better understanding of Tapping, while expanding your consciousness to new levels in the areas of personal peace, physical health, abundance, overcoming mental barriers, and relief from the emotional effects of past traumas or events.

Over 2 million people have attended the previous nine Tapping World Summits, with attendance growing each year, and reaching over 600,000 just last year alone!

The event itself will run for 10 consecutive days from Monday, February 26th through Wednesday, March 7th featuring two 100% content-only presentations each day, along with calming Tapping Meditations and insightful bonus audios for our 10th anniversary celebration.

These free sessions are available for A FULL 24 HOURS after their initial broadcast.

The reason I structure the event this way is because I want everyone to be able to access this information, regardless of time zone or financial ability.

It's all available for FREE, with the option to purchase the recorded event sessions for you to listen to and tap along with as many times as you want.

Some of these sessions from our Tapping World Summits are SO powerful, that I listen to them over and over again!  They really are that good!


How to Register for the 2018 Tapping World Summit


Join 20 of the world's leading EFT Tapping Experts in this FREE Online 10-Day Event starting February 26th, 2018.

If you’d like to receive early notification through our mailing list, you can easily subscribe below. When you do, you'll also get the first two chapters of The Tapping Solution book, and access to all 6 audio tracks of the "Tapping for Stress Relief" CD for FREE!


Tapping World Summit 2018 Pre-launch Content

Every year, I like to release several free videos & audios leading up to the Tapping World Summit because it gives you a tiny glimpse into the transformational content that awaits you inside the full 10-day event.

Here is the schedule for this year's Tapping World Summit pre-launch. Enjoy and please share!





10th Annual Tapping World Summit 2018 Schedule

Monday - February 26th

DAY 1 - A Life You Love: How to Use Tapping to Create Your Best Self and Best Life

Nick Ortner - The Tapping Solution for Manifesting Your Greatest Self


Dr. David Feinstein - The Paradigm Shift: Stunning Science and Research Behind EFT Tapping


Tuesday - February 27th

DAY 2 - Getting Unstuck: How to Use Tapping to Move Your Life Forward

Jessica Ortner - Creating Lasting Change: How to Get Unstuck and Create Change with Ease!


Margaret Lynch - Chakra Realignment: How to Understand Your Chakras and Eliminate What’s Blocking Their Flow


Wednesday - February 28th

DAY 3 - Taking Your Energy Back: How to Use Tapping to Clean Up and Protect Your Energy

Dr. Christiane Northrup - Dodging Energy Vampires: A Highly Sensitive Person's Guide to Protecting Their Energy


Gabby Bernstein - Judgment Detox: How to Eliminate the Energetic Drain of Judgment from Your Life Force


Thursday - March 1st

DAY 4 - The Tapping Miracle: How to Jumpstart Healing and Eliminate Physical Pain from Your Body

Dr. Kim D'Eramo - The Power of Tapping to Heal Your Body: How to Reverse the Most Chronic Medical Challenges


Kris Carr - Managing Chronic Illness: The Importance of Letting Go and Becoming the CEO of Your Own Well-Being


Friday - March 2nd

DAY 5 - Your Healthiest Body: How to Use Tapping for Lasting Weight Loss and Body Confidence

Jon Gabriel - The Dieting Treadmill: Ending Your Frustrating Diet Cycle and Finally Losing Weight!


Colette Baron-Reid - Weight Loss for People Who Feel Too Much


Saturday - March 3rd

DAY 6 - Understanding Your Core Self: How to Use Tapping to Get the Most Out of Who You Are

Brad Yates - Who Do You Think YOU Are? How to Make Little Shifts in Your Identity to Radically Transform Your Future


Dr. Dawson Church - The Genie in Your Genes: How to Turn On Healing and Unlock Your Internal Superpowers


Sunday - March 4th

DAY 7 - Energy Supercharge: How to Use Tapping and the Law of Attraction to Increase Your Energy and Results

Gwenn Bonnell - Energy Supercharge: Increasing Your Energy and Vitality to Get More Out of Life


Carol Look - Attracting Abundance: How to Use Tapping to Supercharge the Law of Attraction and Align with Success


Monday - March 5th

DAY 8 - Success in the Workplace: How to Use Tapping to Perform at Your Highest Level

Pamela Bruner - Public Speaking Success: Claiming Your Authentic Voice in Public Presentations and Private Conversations


Steve Wells - The Pressure to Perform: How to Overcome Work Stress and Perform at the Highest Level


Tuesday - March 6th

DAY 9 - Emotional Strength: How to Use Tapping to Eliminate Negative Emotions and Create Lasting Confidence

Dr. Mary Ayers  - When the World Feels Overwhelming: Strategies to Clear Anxiety, Worry, and Doubt


Rick Wilkes - Clearing Clutter with Ease: How to Let Go of the Emotions, Beliefs, and STUFF that Holds You Back


Wednesday - March 7th

DAY 10 - Your Daily Life: How to Transform Your Daily Habits and Circle of Influence

Dr. Paul Scheele - Changing Bad Habits: Transforming Those Nagging, Elusive, Ever-Present Bad Habits That Keep You Stuck


Julie Schiffman - Transforming Your Circle of Influence: How to Help Your Friends, Family, and Loved Ones with Tapping


And there will be LOTS more bonuses, tapping meditations, and special audios available all throughout the Summit.

We hope you'll join us!


Until next time...

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

The Tapping World Summit 2018 is a 10-day Virtual Online Event presented by The Tapping Solution, and hosted by New York Times bestselling authors, Nick Ortner and his sister Jessica Ortner.

The Tapping World Summit 2018 is available on: The Tapping Solution

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Incredible Research That Will Make You Instantly Healthier

Most of us would agree that having a positive attitude is good for our health. Stress is bad, being happy is good. Simple enough.

But while we believe this, we tend to “stop” that belief when it comes to “real” disease. We think a positive attitude can have a general impact on our health, but the moment there’s a “diagnosis”, we discard that belief and laser lock in on the diagnosis, and the fact that it’s “real”.

I see it all the time when it comes to pain relief.

Time and again I’ve seen EFT Tapping work miracles for pain relief. I know the results are there - they’ve been rigorously studied and documented.

But even when I tell people this, their first “Yes, but…” is, “I’ve been diagnosed with problem ___.”

Fill in the blank with the medical condition that has been labeled, and thus codified into something that can only be handled with “real” treatments!

(And again, our programming is at work here in a large part, because we’ve been convinced, by a myriad of factors, into believing that white coats and pastel-colored pills are the things that fix these “real” diseases - and the only things that do).

Ask yourself….

How far are you willing to take your belief (if you have it!) that a positive attitude can help the body heal?

Does it apply to other people, but not to you? (I’ve seen this happen…”Oh, I’ll tell Suzy she needs to be more positive and it will help her body heal that pain, but MY thing is different.”)

So the conundrum is that many of us have a belief that a positive attitude, and that things like meditation and EFT Tapping can help the body heal, but we only allow it to go so far.

And that’s why I was delighted to read about a study conducted at Carnegie Mellon University, where scientists analyzed the effects of common cold and influenza viruses on people with different attitudes.

193 healthy volunteers went through an interview to determine the levels of positive and negative feelings that they felt in their lives, and shortly after, were exposed to one of the viruses using nasal drops. (Brave volunteers if you ask me… I hope they paid them well!)

The result?

Those with a more positive outlook on life were much more resistant to sickness than those who had a negative outlook! (Read the full study here.)

It’s crazy if you think about it… here was this VIRUS, this real thing, that we’ve all experienced the real consequences of, and how long it lasts, and how much it sucks, and… being positive could stop it from taking root!

You’ve heard it a million times, “There’s no cure for a common cold!” Well… being positive was the cure for many of the people in this study.

In my original email leading to this post I said, "I ran across a research study the other day that, when you read its conclusion and apply its simple directive, will make you instantly healthier and help you fight the common cold and flu this winter.”

The reason reading this study can make you instantly healthier is it’s critical to REPROGRAM your mind toward all the benefits of being positive!

I know, it seems silly. But you have in this moment, and in every moment in your life going forward, the opportunity to choose to be more positive, and now you know that EVERY time you make that choice, again and again, you are LITERALLY making yourself healthier!

My challenge for you today is to look for those places in your life where you’ve been limiting the power of being positive, of releasing stress, and notice the limitation you’ve created for yourself. "Oh, it can work on ___ but it can’t for ___."

Identity that limit and break through it!

Find a challenge in your life where you haven’t applied Tapping, and use it there now. Even if it’s not directly related to beliefs about the common cold or flu, or even your body’s health, just using Tapping to reduce stress about anything is going to make you more resilient!

If you’re a member of our Tapping Insiders Club, this week I’ll be conducting a Masterclass on how to supercharge your immune system with Tapping, so be on the lookout for that!

And if you’re not a member, and want to learn more, you can read about it here: LINK

Until next time…

Keep Tapping! (And getting healthier and healthier!)
P.S. The study also identified other studies that have shown the benefits of positive emotions. From the text of the study:

For example, positive emotional style (PES) was found to be associated with…

(1) lower rates of stroke among noninstitutionalized elderly

(2) lower rates of rehospitalization for coronary problems

(3) fewer injuries

(4) improved pregnancy outcomes among women undergoing assisted fertilization

(5) better self-reported health and fewer symptoms in the elderly

(6) less pain in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

(7) or fibromyalgia

Not bad huh? Now get Tapping and get releasing the stress in your life! You’ve got this!

Do you have a story to share on how having a positive mental attitude has improved areas of your life? Comment below. I'd love to read it!

The following blog post Incredible Research That Will Make You Instantly Healthier was first published to: The Tapping Solution's Blog

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Tapping Around the World – Haiti

The Tapping Solution Foundation is making great strides in bringing healing and hope to those who need it around the world, especially with children.

And to help in that effort, we're making a HUGE announcement...

100% of the royalties from every Gorilla Thumps & Bear Hugs book sold will now be donated to the Tapping Solution Foundation!

Here's a quick video clip of some of the amazing efforts the Foundation is doing with children in Haiti.

If you look closely, you can see they are using Alex's children's book to teach the kids how to tap! :)

Take a minute to watch, and then open your heart to bring relief to MORE children around the world by picking up a copy of Gorilla Thumps & Bear Hugs: A Tapping Solution Children's Story. [Link]

Video Here

Until next time...

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Do you know of any children in your life that could benefit from learning Tapping? I'd love to hear your comments.

The following post Tapping Around the World – Haiti is available on: The Tapping Solution

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Jack Canfield Shares His Wisdom (Video)

When I was first conducting interviews for our Tapping Solution film several years back, there was one man who I absolutely knew I wanted to get on camera…

I had been following his work for years, and always found him to have an ability to explain things in a way that was simple, yet so incredibly powerful.

When I did finally get to sit down with him, what he shared was not surprisingly, extremely clear and eye-opening.

I want to share that video with Jack Canfield today, who is known as "America's Success Coach." I've seen this video dozens of times, and originally shared it publicly in 2011 for our Tapping World Summit, but I know you'll benefit greatly from watching it (even if you've seen it before – repetition is the key!).

Here's some of what Jack shares in the video:

- At around 2:26 he goes into the specifics of what stops people from growing and getting to where they want to be.

-At around 4:00s he goes into the importance of being able to let go of things from your past, including negative emotions like resentment, anger and blame, to open up the space for more of the things you want to receive.

-At around 8:40 he shares the most common blocks he has seen with people who are blocked from earning more and allowing more abundance into their lives.

I hope you enjoy the video. I love it, and I think you will to. :)

Here are a couple other GREAT resources from Jack if you'd like to experience more of his wisdom and teachings

FREE DOWNLOAD - Your Guide to Everyday Positive Thinking

Refer to this guide to help reclaim your happiness any time you’re feeling stress, have low self-esteem, need motivation, experience fear, or when any negative scenario arises.

FREE WEBCAST - The Success Formula: A Proven 3-Step Process for Getting Unstuck and Creating Breakthroughs

In this training, you'll learn how to overcome any obstacle and move in the direction of your dreams.

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Did you pick up any nuggets of wisdom from watching this video? Comment below!

Jack Canfield Shares His Wisdom (Video) is republished from:

Monday, December 4, 2017

Tapping Success Story: Invoking the Law of Abundance

Before Victoria discovered Tapping, she felt like defeat, disappointment, depression and anxiety were the norm.

“Even though I had experienced a certain amount of success and achievement according to most standards, everything still felt empty and pointless,” she explained. Several years ago, she lost a business in a legal battle, and the heartbreak and drama of that lingered inside. She took a job working in accounts receivable at a law office because she wanted the stability of a pay check and weekends off.

Victoria played small for awhile. “But sitting in that law office with a nice view, I got so ‘good’ at my job that it became easy and mind numbing, and I started dreaming of what kind of business I could start. I didn't act on anything because the lingering fear was still inside me from losing my business before. But my boss noticed that I was smart and she started loading up my desk. When another employee quit, I absorbed her entire workload. It was too much.”

So Victoria signed up for the The Tapping Solution for Financial Success and Personal Fulfillment program.

Not much happened right away, but soon she noticed things beginning to move inside her. “I took the course to heart and literally tapped on everything. There were waterfalls of tears at times, shifts that made my body shake or sweat from anxiety as I broke through.” But Victoria kept tapping and began seeing changes.

“I felt more confident. I started to believe that maybe I could start my own company again.” She had a confrontation with her boss at the law office and she stuck with her truth. She was called in the next day and let go.

“I kept tapping on the fear about how I would bridge the gap between leaving my job and starting my business. I had never applied for unemployment and used to judge people who asked for it, until that moment when I realized it's just a tool and it's ok to accept help. So I did and it bridged my six month gap. Thank you, tapping!”

Victoria began to watch her life unfold. “I'm definitely more confident and self-assured since I started tapping. And I can soothe myself instead of looking to others for advice or answers or reassurance.”

Many of Victoria’s friends and family commented that she seemed much more grounded and relaxed. “I think that makes them want to be around me more. Instead of me feeling like an abandoned child desperate for attention, I'm an adult who has choices about where and how and with whom I want to spend my time.”

With the inner changes, Victoria started seeing how her relationships improved. “I'm able to let people fuss and have bad days and not absorb their issues; I don't need to fix or save them.”

She started healing family relationships. As a child, Victoria faced abuse, neglect, sexual assault, and other painful dramas. Her mother was a particularly challenging person in her life. “Last summer, I started to get a clear picture of my feelings towards my mom and one day was able to say plainly to her, ‘If you want a relationship with me, it has to be good for me. If that's not possible, that's ok, because I'm ok, and I wish you the best.’ After that conversation, we spoke a few more times, and I explained what would make it good for me. And it's been an effort for her. But she's doing better all the time.”

With tapping, she also discovered a talent and passion for song writing, which, ironically, helped her reconnect with extended family. “I had just learned to play the guitar the year I started tapping. I posted a song on my Facebook page and one of my cousins saw it and contacted me. She said she played too, that I should come up and visit and we could jam. So I did. That was my first visit home in over 15 years. That first night, we played bingo and drank tequila and laughed and there was none of the bad feelings I had from my family before. I started to see that I actually had an abundance of family.”

Tapping also helped Victoria move forward with her financial goals. With money coming in from her new business, she bought a nice new car and moved into her own two-bedroom apartment by the beach. She decided to hire employees to help with her business, which soon meant profit of more than $40,000 per month. At her prior job, that was what she made per year. She wrote an e-book and then she started a second online business.

Victoria credits tapping for her financial success. “It was so profitable so quickly because I tapped on everything and worked through every issue I faced. If I had to make a sales call and was nervous, I tapped. Then I called, sometimes tapping while on the call, and each time I made the sale. Anytime I was doing side work or inventory or writing a script for my seminar and got stuck on what to say, I would tap, and find the solution, and move on.”

Now, Victoria is living her ideal life.

One of the best parts is that she can spend time however she wants. “I play tennis on the weekends. I take long walks with my dog. I visit family when I want. I play the guitar. I go to see live music.”

She is also able to be there for others when they're going through tough times. “I listen and am present for them. Sometimes they ask about tapping and sometimes I just work with them in general on their energy. But most of the time, me just living my life and following my dreams has inspired those around me. So the quality of life both for me and my loved ones has improved, and that's fun.”

What a stunning success story! Thanks for sharing, Victoria!

If you too would like to experience a similar shift in your finances and personal fulfillment, get started by getting your free ebook below.
Until next time,

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Do you think a similar story is possible for you? Comment below on how you'd like your life to improve so that we can encourage you. :)

The following article Tapping Success Story: Invoking the Law of Abundance was first published on: The Tapping Solution's Blog