Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Releasing the Overwhelm and Frustration of Chronic Pain

neck-painDo you ever feel overwhelmed and frustrated when you’re dealing with your chronic pain?

Would you like some help in releasing it?  🙂

I have a special Tapping Meditation to share with you today that will help you do exactly that.

This is the audio bonus included with Chapter 3 of my book, The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief.

There really is no separation between emotional and physical pain, but it can sometimes be difficult to get to the emotional root of your physical pain with so much frustration in the way.

Just like an onion, you have to peel layers away to get to the core.  For chronic pain, two of the outermost emotional layers are often frustration and overwhelm.

And it makes sense, right?  You're just sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.

Today, I want to help you peel away those layers with this free Tapping Meditation.

You can listen to it below.


Right click here and “Save” to download

If you are ready to address ALL aspects of your chronic pain, we also have an entire program, The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief, for helping you achieve that goal.


And remember, I’m so confident that this program can help you that I’m giving a 1-year guarantee on it.  That means you have plenty of time to go through the program and see results.

And if you don’t, you can always return it (although I don’t think that will happen for you!).

Get The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief program today!

Be sure to leave me your comments below after listening to the Tapping Meditation.  Did you feel a shift?  Do you feel more relaxed and calm?  Did anything come up for you while tapping?

The following article Releasing the Overwhelm and Frustration of Chronic Pain was first published to: http://tappingsolution.com/

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

What Is Mindful Leadership?

Capitol building Washington DC pink flowers garden USA congress USI support Democrats.  I support Republicans.  I support Libertarians.  I support the Green Party.

I support people with GOOD ideas.

And for too long we’ve been too focused on ideology, narrow-minded thinking, judgement, and anger towards anyone who doesn’t believe exactly the same as we do.

It's a partisan, limited way of thinking in a system that once was built upon the foundation stones of freedom and liberty.

I can feel the confusion, the fear, and the anxiety that many people around the country are feeling right now.

Even if the person you voted for won, you’re likely still feeling the passion of the argument and its intensity... and frankly, it doesn’t feel good.

If the person you voted for lost, you’re feeling anger and confusion as to how this could have happened.

It's Time to Come Together

To come back into alignment, I think it’s important that we do a couple of things during this time of transition:

A. Turn down the heat.  You can fight for things you believe in without feeling scared, anxious, or angry.  You can create change in the world AND respect someone who doesn’t agree with you.

B. Support those in the world who have a commitment to clear-minded thinking, and who open a dialogue to new, innovative ideas and solutions.

That’s why I’m asking today, regardless of who you supported in the election, that you help me in supporting someone whom I think can make a difference in our politics.

tim-ryanMy dear friend Congressman Tim Ryan (not to be confused with Paul Ryan), is a Democratic Congressman from Ohio.

Forget what his party affiliation is though - take a look at the way of being he stands for and the energy of what he’s doing in the world.

I first met Tim while speaking for Hay House.  We shared the stage and I got to hear him speak about his efforts to bring meditation and mindfulness into those institutions that need it most.

He even has a meditation group for Congressmen!  Imagine that!

He’s been a huge supporter of Tapping, and has helped to introduce it into the Veterans Administration.  His second book, “The Real Food Revolution” focuses on healthy eating, healthy farming, and so many other things I know you care about.

Jessica sat down with Tim for an interview after his first book on mindfulness was published.  You can watch it below.


"While we're doing the political movement from the outside... I also want to light a candle from the inside."

Tim just won re-election to his House seat and now he has decided to challenge Nancy Pelosi for minority leader in the House.

I won’t get into the politics of it all.  I’m not even qualified to say whether Nancy Pelosi is good or bad at what she does, but I do know this:

We need to support leaders who are willing to think outside the box.

A Congressman who meditates???  A Congressman who cares about our food???  Imagine that passion in a position where it can make a difference!

Mindfulness Optimism Relax Harmony ConceptThat’s where you come in.

The House leadership is voted on by its members, so it's up to you to let YOUR Congressmen know that you support Congressman Ryan.

Since each party votes for its leadership, right now, this would be for your Democratic Representatives.  (I’m working on finding Tim’s equivalent on the other side and I’ll let you know when I do!)

Show Your Support!

So if you would take just a few minutes today to tell your Congressman that you support Tim Ryan.  It could make a huge difference in our nation’s future.

Go here to find your local Congressman and let them know you want to bring a new energy to Washington.  An open, honest dialogue.  A focus on innovative thinking.  An appreciation for the individual human spirit that strives for peace, for love, and for compassion.

It’s easy to turn away from politics, to say it doesn’t matter and that it’s all a mess.

But if there’s something I’ve realized in my last decade of promoting Tapping around the world, it's that we need to get these healing tools into institutions like the VA hospital, to reach those who need it most.

I believe Tim can be a powerful ally in making that happen.

Click here to support him!

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

The following post What Is Mindful Leadership? is available on: http://www.tappingsolution.com

Friday, November 18, 2016

How Your Pain Might Be Serving You

Image puppet in the hands of the puppeteer.One of the things I discuss in The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief program is how pain can sometimes serve us and benefit us in ways we’re not consciously aware of.

And it's these perceived benefits that often keep the physical pain locked in place.

Events from our past - times when we didn’t feel safe, didn’t feel like we were enough, or didn’t feel loved - can cause us to hold back in fear of getting hurt again.

I want to share a powerful video from The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief program to show you what I mean.

You'll see me work on-stage with an incredibly brave woman named Joanne as we address the unconscious beliefs keeping her physical pain in place.

As you watch the video, make sure to tap along with us as if you’re just another member of the audience.

Before you watch though, I have 2 warnings for you:

#1 - This video is very moving, so have a tissue box ready.  There wasn't a dry eye in the house at the event, especially during what happens at the end.  I won't spoil it for you - you'll want to see this for yourself!

#2 - I know that some people are offended by strong language.  There is one point in the clip where both Joanne and I swear, not just for the sake of it, but with a very specific purpose, as you'll see.  I just thought I would warn you so that you're prepared and not offended (and in case kids are in the room!). :)


And after you watch, please leave your comments below of support for Joanne, along with any insights you gained.

You've always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself.  - The Wizard of Oz

Joanne was extremely courageous for getting up on stage and sharing her story.  I hope that her courage inspires you as well. :)

Also, if you haven’t yet, I highly recommend picking up a copy of The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief program, where you’ll get to participate in this 3-day event from the comfort of your own home.

I want to stress that you didn’t have to be at this event to get results on your pain.

In fact, many of the people who attended never got up on stage to work with me and still got amazing results.

Just watch, tap along through the process I take you through, and get results!

If you don’t get the results you are looking for, you can always return the program.  It has a full 1-year guarantee so you have nothing to lose - except for your pain.

TS for Pain Relief Banner
Get The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief Program Today!


Please leave your comments of support for Joanne, along with any insights you gained from watching the video below!

The blog post How Your Pain Might Be Serving You is republished from: http://www.tappingsolution.com/

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Painful Words

Sad kid alone at her birthday partyToday I’d like to share a video that was released during one of our previous Tapping World Summits, which got an incredible response.

If you missed it, then you’re going to want to catch it now.

And if you’ve already watched it before, it will be a great refresher about the power of your mind, body, and spirit.

"I wish you'd never been born!"

Those were the words that Bobbie heard from her father at her 5th birthday party, in front of her closest friends.

These were just a few of the terribly painful words she had to endure from her father... for years.  This particular event, as you can imagine, was incredibly traumatic and continued to cause her pain decades later.

If you want to see what Tapping can do for you, then you're going to love watching this video from a 3-day pain relief event that I ran.  You'll get to see Bobbie go through a powerfully emotional and physical transformation right before your eyes!

It will likely change the way you view yourself, your past, and your future.

Trust me when I tell you that you're going to be glued to this video!

Just watch the first few minutes and you'll see what I mean:




All of us have dealt with childhood traumas, where we felt hurt, upset, scared, angry, or any other painful emotion.

Many of these events (either large or small), whether we realize it or not, continue to affect us today in our beliefs, our level of confidence, the emotions we feel, and so much more.

Take a minute to think back on your childhood...

sad-boyWhat event or events come to mind where you felt hurt, upset, scared, angry or any other negative emotion?  When you think back on these events, how do you think they’ve affected you today?

One thing that you might find interesting about this video is that it was filmed during a live event that was focused on the connection between our emotions and physical pain.

It's also one of the many pieces of content featured in The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief program, and you’ll actually get to see Bobbie's knee pain disappear as a result of the Tapping we did, pain that she had lived with for over 25 years!

This video also demonstrates just how easily and quickly you can take the negative charge off of those memories, and how you can release the conscious and unconscious holds that they have on you.

We want EVERYONE to have that same opportunity to experience lasting pain relief, so we created a pain relief home study course for you called:

The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief.

The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief

In The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief, I lead you through that same pain relief process that allowed Bobbie, and so many others, to feel what it’s like to be pain-free again.

With The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief, we even include the recordings for the FULL Pain Relief World Summit, an online event that was attended by over 100,000 people.

This is such a powerful process, and the results we’ve seen are amazing.  I still get so excited seeing people come out of it pain-free. :)

If you or someone you know is struggling with chronic pain, I hope you’ll join us (or forward this program!) for this opportunity to experience lasting pain relief.

You can get the details here: The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief

Until next time...

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

P.S. With The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief, you’ll also be invited to join our secret Facebook pain relief community, where you can connect with like-minded people who understand you and your experience.  Having that kind of support is so important!

Think back on your childhood… what event comes to mind where you felt a negative emotion?  How do you think they’ve affected you today? 

Please leave your comments below.  :)

The article Painful Words is available on: The Tapping Solution, LLC

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Are You A Perfectionist?

Here's one way to find out…

Watch this video, and tell me if you CRINGE as you view the photos.  (You don’t have to watch the whole video, just look at a few of the pictures.)


If they’re really driving you crazy, tap along as you watch!  ;)

Seriously though, it’s OK to look to do things well, and they obviously weren’t done very well in many of these pictures.  But when perfectionism becomes a problem is when it STOPS you from doing anything at all.

“If it’s not perfect, I won’t do it.”

dont-try-to-be-perfectHave you ever caught yourself saying that?  Or the more subtle permeations… ”It’s not quite done yet, I just need to work on it for a few more months… or a decade… or a lifetime.”

Perfectionism is often tied closely to that critical voice inside of us that just won’t let us rest or relax until everything is perfect, right, correct - exactly as it “should” be.

And perfectionism, sadly, robs us of many of our dreams, because we just won’t get started or we won’t complete what we’ve started.

That’s the bad news.

The good news is once you identify this trait or these subconscious patterns, you can do something about it...

And that’s where Tapping is SO powerful.

When we use Tapping to quiet the critical voice, to calm that amygdala that is screaming “Danger! It’s not perfect!” we are finally able to realize our dreams, to complete those projects, to take those risks.

Or once we get started, we no longer have to beat ourselves up when things don't go exactly as our "perfect" plan was designed to.

In fact, quieting the critical voice is exactly one of the focuses of our program:

The Tapping Solution for Autoimmune Disorders


The Tapping Solution for Autoimmune Disorders

Dr. Kim D'Eramo is a physician, speaker, bestselling author of The Mind Body Toolkit, and founder of The American Institute of Mind Body Medicine.

In The Tapping Solution for Autoimmune Disorders, she will be your guide to discovering - and releasing - those self-punishing beliefs and negative emotions that may be keeping your body in a state of illness.

Neither you, nor your body, is meant to be 100% perfect.  Our cells produce toxins and waste every second of every day as a natural process.  And when your body & mind begin working together, that's when optimal health becomes your natural state.

Join us here to learn more!

Until next time…

Keep Tapping! (and quieting that critical voice!)

Nick Ortner

P.S.  What picture in that video got you the most?  Comment below and let me know.  :)

The following blog post Are You A Perfectionist? is republished from: The Tapping Solution Blog

Saturday, November 12, 2016

5 Tips for a Stress-Free Family Gathering

StressFreeTipsThe holiday season is upon us!

It’s a time that’s often met with as much dread as joy.  For many, getting a big family together doesn’t always reflect the pretty picture we see in all the Thanksgiving and Christmas commercials.

In fact, it can feel downright overwhelming!

Will my mother-in-law judge my cooking again?  Will that annoying uncle make another inappropriate comment?  Will I have to deal with the tension between relatives?

What’s meant to be a joyous experience leaves us holding our breath and wishing for the best...

But it turns out we have more power than we think to create a great experience.

Here are 5 tips to support you, along with a Tapping Meditation to set you up for a wonderful holiday gathering:

1. Let Go of Expectations

You know those commercials we see of the ideal family laughing and passing the pumpkin pie?  They’re actors!  I hate to state the obvious, but we often have these unrealistic expectations, and the idea that things need to be perfect and run smoothly to have a good time.

So I’m here to break the news to you: that annoying uncle… he might never change.  And it’s not your job to change him.  That cousin who’s always late might be late again.  You may drop the apple crumble you spent hours making on the floor (I did that once!).

When we let go of the expectation that things (and people) need to be perfect, we are able to see all there is to celebrate.

2. Heal the Buttons

I have one relative who I would always complain about because he had a way of pushing my buttons.  Every year he’d make some comment about my weight.  Even when he said, “You look like you lost weight,” I’d smile and say, “Thank you,” when internally I was screaming, “Can you please not make my body a topic of conversation?!”

hot-turkey-buttonWhether it’s someone commenting on how you look, or asking about your relationship status or job, when you find yourself saying, “They push my buttons,” it’s time to leave the buttons at home.

Since I was struggling with my weight and body confidence, I was walking around with a giant open wound.

The moment anyone would make a comment, even a nice one, it burned and I would blame them.  Eventually, I realized I couldn’t change them; I could only heal my wound.

When we take responsibility for the button and heal it, then there is no button to press.  No one can make you feel bad without your permission!  If you’re expecting a topic of conversation that makes you feel uncomfortable, tap on it beforehand.

You might say, “Even though I get so angry when (insert relative) asks me / comments on (insert topic) I accept myself and choose to feel calm and confident.”

Then tap on the points while you give a voice to the movie you’ve created of what might happen, until you can imagine that scenario while feeling calm and confident.  The Tapping Mediation below will help.

3. Choose What You Bring

heart-casserole-2I’m not talking about what type of casserole.  When you walk in feeling tense and expecting the worst, that is exactly what you bring into the room.

Between the errands and cooking, take a few minutes to pause and check in.  What matters most is the energy you bring to the table, not the dish.

Consciously choose what you’re bringing - like gratitude, playfulness, compassion, excitement, and joy.  Doesn't that sound delicious?!

4. You’re Only Responsible for Your Own Experience

You can choose what you’re bringing to the table, but you can’t control what others bring.

When we go into a family situation feeling like we are responsible for everyone having a good time, our minds begin to search for whatever we believe needs fixing.  Then we only see what’s wrong, and we let someone else’s mood impact our own.  Bring your best energy and forget the rest!

If you’re sensitive to other people’s emotions, it’s important to tap before the gathering.  Then after you tap, imagine a protective white bubble around you.  You still have the ability to give and receive love, but that bubble repels negative energy.  It’s a simple visualization, but a powerful one.

OrtnerFamilyDinner.v25. Remember What It’s All About

It’s not about the perfect table setting or the food; it’s about connection and gratitude.

We come together as a family to celebrate all of life’s blessings and to connect with each other.  The best way we can do this is by slowing down and allowing ourselves to be present.

We don’t need a single meditation pillow in the middle of a silent room to be present.  Be present with the joy, the excitement, and if you come from a big Argentine family like me, the shouting and playful teasing!

Take in the moment because there are no guarantees in life.  You’ll never get to relive this holiday season again.  It’s a moment in time – celebrate the gift!


Tapping Meditation for a Stress-Free Family Gathering.


Right Click to Download This Meditation



What was your "aha" moment during the Tapping Meditation?  What do you want to remember before you walk into that room full of family members to ensure you have a great time?

The following post 5 Tips for a Stress-Free Family Gathering is courtesy of: http://tappingsolution.com

Thursday, November 10, 2016

How a “Diagnosis” Can Alter Your Life

VIckieTappingIt was the first session of my three-day pain relief event, and Vickie’s back pain was raging.  She had volunteered to come up on stage and share the story of her diagnosis.

Tears streamed down her face as soon as she began to speak.  "The doctor barely spent a few minutes with me before blurting out, ‘you’ll end up in a wheelchair’,” she shared.  “It was just so brutal, so heartless…  He didn’t have to say it that way.”

Vickie had gone to that doctor appointment full of hope, but had left so devastated, she could barely even respond to the doctor’s words.

Just thinking about her diagnosis was enough to put Vickie into a state of panic – and her chronic back pain into high gear.

Millions of people receive diagnoses like Vickie’s every day, and the experience in itself can be traumatic.

Man Sits With Hands ClaspedThink about it.  There you are, already stressed out from having chronic pain, sitting in the doctor’s office, hoping for good news in spite of the unrelenting pain you experience most days.

Then the man or woman in the white coat walks in.

They’ve got the degree and the experience to prove how qualified they are.  Naturally, you assume they know best, that what they say is the ultimate truth.

So when you hear them say words like “you’ll end up in a wheelchair” or “your pain will never go away”, it’s already too late...

By then, your rational brain has lost the battle.

The second you hear those words, your amygdala, an almond-shaped part of the mid-brain, goes on high alert, sending out distress signals throughout your body.

Your body is immediately flooded with the “stress hormone” cortisol, which shuts down specific parts of your brain, your digestive system, and more.

As much as your rational brain tries to reassure you that everything is okay, that you can get a second opinion and find pain relief, by this point your body is in full-blown panic mode, making it very difficult for you to think logically or creatively.

Woman Receiving Bad News From Her DoctorAs the hours, days, and weeks pass, the words your doctor said to you continue to ring in your ears, putting your body and your brain into CHRONIC high-stress mode.

With so much of the “stress hormone” cortisol constantly flooding your system, you’re at even greater risk for pain.

So, while it IS critical that you go see a doctor and get a diagnosis, the experience of getting your diagnosis is now contributing to your pain, making it more intense and more frequent.

But wait, what’s really going on here?  How is this even possible?

There’s a growing body of research that’s transforming our understanding of chronic pain.

Researchers at Stanford University, UC Davis, and other medical research institutions are finding that our stress and emotions influence whether pain becomes chronic, or goes away once a physical injury or health condition has healed or been successfully treated.

As I’ve seen over and over again in clients with chronic pain, once the underlying stress and emotions are released, pain relief happens.

For Vickie, that process began with a “sliver of hope.”

After tapping with me on stage and releasing the emotions she felt around her diagnosis, Vickie shared that she went home with a “sliver of hope.”  Although her pain was still there, for the first time since her diagnosis, she believed that pain relief was possible.

Several weeks later, Vickie joined a group follow-up call to that pain relief event, and shared that she was still hopeful that her pain might go away.  I then led her through several rounds of tapping to address the stress and overwhelm she was feeling.

By the end of our tapping, Vickie’s pain had completely gone away!

Her brain had heard the message, and quieted the danger signals it had been sending to her body.  That’s when the chronic pain she’d had for so many years just disappeared.

“So this is what it feels like!” she exclaimed once her pain had vanished.

“It feels like a beautiful vacation…  I feel amazing!”

Thanks to the larger process we went through during that pain relief event, tapping through the underlying elements that contribute to chronic pain, Vickie was just one of many who experienced pain relief.

Unfortunately, we could only fit a certain number of people in the room, and in the months following that event, we heard from so many of you who had wanted to attend, but hadn’t been able to.

We want everyone to have that same opportunity to experience lasting pain relief, so we created a pain relief home study course for you called:

The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief.

The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief

In The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief, I lead you through that same pain relief process that allowed Vickie, and so many others, to feel what it’s like to be pain-free again.

With The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief, we even include the recordings for the FULL Pain Relief World Summit, an online event that was attended by over 100,000 people.

This is such a powerful process, and the results we’ve seen are amazing.  I still get so excited seeing people come out of it pain-free. :)

If you or someone you know is struggling with chronic pain, I hope you’ll join us (or forward this program!) for this opportunity to experience lasting pain relief.

You can get the details here: The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief

Until next time...

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner


P.S. With The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief, you’ll also be invited to join our secret Facebook pain relief community, where you can connect with like-minded people who understand you and your experience.  Having that kind of support is so important!

How a “Diagnosis” Can Alter Your Life was first published to: http://tappingsolution.com

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Forgiving THAT Person… Post-Election

Young Emotional Couple Arguing.It’s confession time…

And no, l’m not asking you to post your confession publicly, but to admit the truth to yourself.

How many people have you un-friended on Facebook, or disconnected from on other social media because of their views around this year’s election?

How many friends or family members are you still angry at for their opinions, and maybe also their votes?

Come on, it’s okay.  You can admit it.  ;)

Truth be told, this year’s election season has been a rough one.  We’ve all been on an emotional roller coaster digesting the extreme, harsh news aired in the media day after day, week after week.  Not surprisingly, in many cases, that contentiousness has also spilled over into our personal lives.

Whether we like it or not, we all have at least one friend or family member whose views differ greatly from our own.  Even more than most, this election season has brought those differences to the surface and has shone a huge, sometimes painful, spotlight on what we each view as acceptable and important.

However we feel about the election results, now that the election is over, how can we move forward?  How can we regroup, regain our equilibrium, and forgive the people in our lives whose views clash with our own?

Here are some reminders to consider as we all move forward:

Anger and intolerance spread like wildfires

wildfireThroughout the election, many people felt insulted by the rhetoric and commentary in the media and in social media.

Ironically, our response is often to get angry in return.

Did you catch that?  We respond to other people’s anger and intolerance with our own anger and intolerance.

When we respond to anger with anger, and intolerance with intolerance, we become part of the problem we hope to solve.

However, when we open ourselves to compassion, we become the light we seek in the world.

We can be right OR we can choose compassion and forgiveness

Deciding that our own viewpoints are “right” inherently means judging others who feel differently as “wrong.”

And it's in that intolerance that all compassion and the acceptance of differing opinions takes a back seat.

Ultimately we have to choose to be right or to forgive, but not both.

The contrast between light & darkness gives light its power

Throughout this election, we’ve learned unpleasant truths about several candidates.  It’s been overwhelming, sure, but a lot of good has also come out of that darkness.

As a result of the accusations, misdirection, and lies that have been unearthed, people are using their voices to share truths that they otherwise might have kept to themselves.

That new awareness can help us to resolve issues that deserve our attention.

Moving forward means working together.  Period.

The presidential debates were so contentious that by the final debates, the candidates wouldn’t even shake hands.

However, just 24 hours after the third presidential debate, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton attended a charity event where they reportedly had the following exchange:

Donald Trump turned to Hillary Clinton and said, “You are one tough and talented woman.”

In reply, Hillary Clinton said something like, “You know, whatever happens with the election, we will need to find a way to work together afterward.”

How do you feel when you read that?

Do you feel relieved?  More hopeful?  Better able to take a deep breath?

The simple fact is, forgiveness feels good!

As a country and in our own lives, the only way to move forward is by working together.  We can’t demand that our bosses share our political views.  We can’t demand to have neighbors who vote like we do.

If we can’t work with people who hold different views from our own, we stay stuck in the past and in our own negative emotions.

How to Overcome the True Challenge of Forgiveness

Garland lights on wooden rustic background. Valentine's day backOf course, the true challenge around forgiveness goes beyond rational thinking.  In order to experience true and lasting forgiveness, we first have to release our more challenging emotions.

So tell me, are you ready for some post-election stress relief?

Yep, you guessed it.  It’s time to tap!  ☺

Let’s do some tapping on forgiving that friend or family member (we all have at least one) whose views clash with our own.

To start, focus on the primary emotion you feel about that person’s views around this election and then rate its intensity.

For example, if you’re angry at a family member or friend who voted for a candidate you oppose, rate your anger on a scale of 0 – 10 with 10 being the angriest you can imagine feeling.

The first step in tapping is to allow yourself to feel your true emotions.  Once you do that, you can release them.


Take three deep breaths and begin tapping on the Karate Chop (KC) point.

KC (Repeat three times): Even though I’m so angry about how <person’s name> voted in this election, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Eyebrow: This election
Side of Eye: It’s brought so much to light
Under Eye: I can’t believe s/he voted for that person!
Under Nose: I’m so angry at him/her
Under Mouth: How can s/he really support that candidate?
Collarbone: I’m so angry!
Under Arm: I can’t forgive him/her
Top of Head: I refuse to forgive him/her

Eyebrow:  I’m so angry
Side of Eye: How could s/he vote for that candidate?
Under Eye: I can’t forgive him/her
Under Nose: S/he is wrong
Under Mouth: I am right!
Collarbone: And I can’t forgive him/her
Under Arm: It’s safe to feel this anger
Top of Head: All this anger

Eyebrow: Letting myself feel it now
Side of Eye: All this anger
Under Eye: I’m so disappointed in this person
Under Nose: How could s/he support that candidate?
Under Mouth: This feels personal
Collarbone: This feels like a betrayal
Under Arm: I can’t forgive this person for how s/he voted
Top of Head: It’s safe to feel this anger now

Eyebrow: And it’s safe to let it go now
Side of Eye: I can relax now
Under Eye: I’m safe feeling this anger
Under Nose: And I’m safe letting it go
Under Mouth: I don’t need this anger to protect me
Collarbone: I can release it now
Under Arm: Letting it go from every cell in my body now
Top of Head: I can choose peace

Eyebrow: I can begin to forgive
Side of Eye: I can accept that we disagree
Under Eye: And release this anger from my body
Under Nose: It’s safe to release this anger now
Under Mouth: It’s safe to forgive him/her now
Collarbone: I can feel peace in my body
Under Arm: And forgiveness in my heart
Top of Head: Feeling at peace now


Take a deep breath and notice how your primary emotion has shifted.  Rate its intensity again on a scale of 0 – 10.  Keep tapping until you get the desired relief.

What did this post bring up for you?  Comment below!

Forgiving THAT Person… Post-Election was first published on: http://www.tappingsolution.com/

Friday, November 4, 2016

Meditaciones con Tapping en Español

Meditando con Tapping

at-ease-woman-in-the-sunLa técnica conocida como “Tapping” (o más formalmente EFT, por Emotional Freedom Techniques – Técnicas de Liberación Emocional) está revolucionando al mundo con los asombrosos resultados que produce.

El “Tapping” (que en Inglés significa literalmente dar golpecitos ligeros) combina teorías milenarias Chinas de digitopuntura con técnicas de psicología moderna, logrando producir en muy breve tiempo lo que tradicionalmente tardaba meses o hasta años.

Esencialmente lo utilizamos para reducir la ansiedad y el estrés, pero como efectos secundarios está produciendo resultados extraordinarios en áreas tan diversas como el dolor crónico, la reducción de peso, el éxito financiero, y mucho, mucho más.

¿Pero cómo funciona?

En esta presentación de audio en español, la Dra. María Laura Ortner te explicará exactamente de qué se trata, y te guiará en una breve meditación acompañada del proceso de Tapping.  ¡Disfrútalo!

Para más detalles, dirígete a nuestra página principal (en inglés, por ahora) donde además podrás ver un video de Jessica mostrándote exactamente la ubicación de los puntos de Tapping.

Audio 1 – Introducción al Tapping


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Audio 2 – Meditación guiada, con Tapping


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Haz clic para la transcripción

La Solución Tapping: Un sistema revolucionario para deshacerte de tus miedos y tus límites

The Tapping Solution Book por Nick Ortner – Con prólogo del Dr. Mark Hyman

Precio regular: $15.94 (¡garantía de reintegro por 6 meses!)

la-solucion-tappingLa Solución Tapping – Un Sistema Revolucionario Para Deshacerte De Tus Miedos Y Tus Límites, un “bestseller” en el New York Times y en Amazon.com, enseña una manera rápida y efectiva de eliminar las verdaderas causas escondidas de cualquier desafío que te esté limitando, y todo con el uso del “Tapping” o “EFT”.

En este libro de fácil lectura, paso por paso, tanto para principiantes como para expertos, descubrirás cómo eliminar la frustración, el estrés, la ansiedad, y mucho más, usando el “Tapping.”

Descubrirás cómo llegar a las raíces de las causas de tus desafíos financieros, problemas de peso, problemas emocionales, dificultades para relacionarte, y tantos otros temas, y aprenderás cómo utilizar el Tapping para resolverlos en el momento, obteniendo resultados inmediatos.

¡Compre su libro hoy!

Hasta la próxima vez...

¡Sigue haciendo tapping!

Meditaciones con Tapping en Español was originally seen on: The Tapping Solution