Wednesday, September 27, 2017

“All Is Well” – Tapping for Grief

I've been thinking a lot of my dear departed friend Louise Hay, and about what's perhaps her most well-known statement, "All is well."

Simple but powerful.

Subtle but direct.

There's an energy contained in that statement that can transform your life.

Say it to yourself 100 times today and watch what changes.

Comment at the bottom of this blog and just type, "All is well." :)

Just typing those words creates an energy field, a resonance within you and the world.

"All is well!"

I did a short Tapping session on Facebook about grief when Louise passed, which you may want to watch. If you've had a loss in your life that feels painful, this video might help.

Until next time...

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

"All is well." Just type it below after you tap with me. How do you feel?

“All Is Well” – Tapping for Grief was first published on: The Tapping Solution

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