Wednesday, January 16, 2019

EFT Tapping on TEDx Robina

When I first started The Tapping Solution, there were lots of people who were asking for the scientific validity of the effectiveness of Tapping.

At that time, there was only a little bit of research available which I could supply. The rest was just saying, "Hey, just give it a try and see the results for yourself." Which was good, but not really what those with a more intellectual mind were hoping for. Lol!

But you know what? Some of those who just "gave it try" turned out to be medical doctors and licensed professional therapists, who experienced the rapid, positive results themselves. This "unexplainable" experience then fueled their own quests to find out more about it.

Fast forward to today, and I must say just how IMPRESSED I am with the abundance of clinical & scientific research now available, not only proving the efficacy of how effective Tapping is, but also revealing the deeper scientific discoveries of how Tapping actually works in the body.

My friend Dr. Peta Stapleton, who has over 20 years experience as a registered Clinical & Health Psychologist and is currently Associate Professor in Psychology at Bond University (Australia), is one of those researchers.

She just spoke for a TEDx event in Robina, where she explains how Tapping could be the next evolution in healing therapies in the field of psychology.

Check it out below!

The next time a friend or family member asks you about Tapping, just sent them this video. :)

Until next time,

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Have you ever tried (unsuccessfully) to explain Tapping to someone? Do you think more videos like these would help? Comment below!

The blog post EFT Tapping on TEDx Robina was first published to: The Tapping Solution Blog


  1. The scientist in charge of the research, Madhav Goyal, discovered that the impact of meditation is similar to that of medications to treat depression . According to him, “after all, meditation is a way of training the brain. Many people have the idea that meditation is sitting and doing nothing, but that is not true. Meditation is an active training of the mind to increase awareness. ”

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