Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Tapping with a Skeptic

I know that tapping on parts of your body may seem weird.

I know that talking about all this "negative stuff" seems counterintuitive to anything in the "self-help" field.

And I know it's a seriously far stretch to believe that doing these things together can make a very real pain in your body disappear, or promote weight loss, or even allow something SO outrageous to take place like attracting money into your life...

But it DOES!

At some point in our not-so-distant past, it was also impossible to believe that man could fly in the sky, and space travel (or even just simple rockets) were considered science fiction up until the 1940s.

Now, they are considered commonplace in our modern lives, and like airplanes, have even become a necessity.

So how are all these things related?

Knowledge. It took knowledge of aerodynamics to crack the mystery of flight, and it takes knowledge of the body's physical, emotional, and energetic connections to promote health and abundance.

The ironic thing is, this knowledge has been around for thousands of years already, and meticulously documented in Chinese medicine.

But if you don't know any of this, it's easy to be skeptical of Tapping, and some people just need to experience it to believe it.

Here's an amazing video from one of my stage talks where you'll see a skeptic tap on pain (and release it!) right before your eyes.

This video is also a great example of how Tapping can still work, even if you don't believe in it.

So for the next skeptic you come across, share this video with them and see if it encourages any shifts for them to give it a try themselves. :)

Until next time,

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Were you once a Tapping skeptic? What changed? Comment below!

Tapping with a Skeptic was originally published on: The Tapping Solution

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Releasing Anxiety with EFT Tapping

How to send your mind’s sabertooth tiger back into extinction.

We all inherited some hard-to-shake programming from our ancient ancestors, including our response to stress.

Their stress involved coping with life-or-death situations from sabertooth tigers and other such threats, which thankfully they survived (or we wouldn’t be here!).

Our stress mostly does not.

But there’s a reason we still perceive the daily stressors in our lives as being just as threatening, and why so many of us have such high levels of anxiety...

Maybe you’ve felt it - the sense that things are about to fall apart, or that your mind is too crowded with distressing thoughts that prevent you from breathing, relaxing, and sleeping...

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older, or 18% of the population.

Luckily, we’ve come a long way in our understanding of how our ancestors’ fight-or-flight mechanism remained with us, and even more importantly, what we can do to fix it.

Did you know that Tapping has been scientifically proven to rewire the brain and body to bring it back into balance? Read on to see what this means to you and your anxiety...

Your Programming

You may have heard of the amygdala in your brain. That’s where your survival instincts live.

When you’re truly in a dangerous situation, the amygdala perceives the threat and releases biochemicals that flood your body with the mental and physical energy you need to fight or flee it.

But what about when you’re not truly in danger?

Unfortunately for many people, that ancient survival instinct kicks in anyway. Everyday stressors are all it takes and their anxiety is off and running.

Sometimes it doesn’t take much - like a traffic jam, a rude barista at the coffee shop, or just being too busy. But there are also big ones, which may not be life-threatening, but can seriously trigger our anxiety. These include things like:

  • Health
  • Money
  • Job pressures
  • Painful memories
  • Relationship concerns
  • The world!

When your body constantly goes into fight-or-flight mode, you lose your sense of control. You lack the peace of mind to deal with a situation as effectively as you might. You become exhausted, distracted, and at some point, unhealthy.

In fact, according to Harvard Medical School, “Evidence suggests that people with anxiety disorders are at greater risk for developing a number of chronic medical conditions.” They state that these include gastrointestinal disorders, chronic respiratory disorders, and heart disease.

This is no secret. That’s why the market is booming with individuals and organizations doing their best to help you alleviate your anxiety. They know how important it is in the scheme of your overall health.

Maybe you’ve already tried some of their (and your own) techniques such as:

  • Practicing meditation, deep breathing, yoga, etc.
  • Exercising regularly
  • Cutting down on caffeine or alcohol
  • Diffusing essential oils
  • Recording your honest feelings in a journal
  • Getting massages and other types of bodywork
  • Taking hot baths
  • Talking to someone you trust

Those are all wonderful ways to temporarily relieve your anxiety. If you do practice any of them, I want to congratulate you for taking an active role in your own health and wellbeing!

But what if you practice one (or all) of them faithfully, and you still suffer from anxiety more often than you think you should?

This is where Tapping does what other techniques can’t do.

Tapping rewires your brain, which means it short-circuits the amygdala’s response so you don’t have to continue feeling like a victim to your programming anymore.

In other words, Tapping helps you get to the root of the problem, which is the only place where you can truly eliminate it.

How It Works

Anxiety is brought to life at particularly stressful moments. Without our prehistoric programming, we’d be able to more easily recognize each event’s actual level of threat, deal with it in the moment, and file it away in the knowledge and wisdom part of our being.

But when your nervous system has become overly sensitized due to past events and emotions, your programming kicks in and new anxiety gets added to your already overloaded system. You feel ambushed, again and again.

[Just for fun, do you know what a group of (sabertooth) tigers is called? An ambush!] :)

Not to make light of anxiety. I don't wish that feeling on anyone. But there is a proven solution, and I think by now you know it’s called Tapping.

What Tapping does is send a calming signal to the amygdala, allowing your brain and body to feel safe, and thus, dissipate your anxiety.

The combination of tapping on the meridian points of your body and speaking to the reason(s) for your anxiety brings your mind and body into alignment. It reduces the automatic flow of anxious feelings when those memories get triggered by everyday life, until it stops them altogether.

And though it may take a few rounds of tapping to clear particularly intense emotions, you can feel when it happens. Then one day you realize that you just don’t react to things the way you always did.

Here’s what a few people have shared about their experience with Tapping:

“Since the Tapping World Summit in February, the last of my anxiety has gone and along with it my fear of heights apparently although I hadn't got around to tapping on that yet.”
Alex, Melbourne, Australia

“Things I thought were hard-wired into me have dissolved and I’m doing things I would never have believed possible.”
Alice, South Africa

“I am noticing shifts after repeated use of tapping videos such as less worry, fear, stress, nervousness and anxiety - virtually disappeared which feels amazing and such a relief to be able to move through the world in a state of grace, peace, love, joy and happiness.”
Michelle, Ireland

EFT Tapping has been known to work for years by psychologists, therapists, coaches, and everyday people. It is also used by some of the leading physicians in the holistic health world:

Dawson Church"EFT studies have shown that after treatment, when subjects recall the events that used to trigger big emotional reactions, they are now calm. The memory appears to have been reconsolidated with the self-soothing emotional tags generated by tapping."

Christiane Northrup"Studies show that people who use Tapping recover very quickly from whatever ails them, often in just a few sessions. Whether you use it to reduce physical symptoms or for changing limiting beliefs, Tapping has the effect of releasing the emotional memories associated with your symptoms or beliefs."

“Nothing comes closer to ‘magic’ than the positive results I have personally witnessed using EFT on thousands of my patients who suffered from physical and emotional pain and illness. EFT can lead you to incredible breakthroughs on your healing journey, and it can help you in your daily life.”

And now, a powerful study reveals EFT Tapping promotes a significant decrease in anxiety...

If you’re new to Tapping, you might still be wondering how something so simple can really make you feel safer and calmer, and even eliminate your anxiety. Or maybe you’ve done enough Tapping to know it works, but you’re still curious to know the hard science behind why it works.

If so, this is for you.

In a nutshell, the Tapping Solution Foundation helped fund a study that was published in the May 2016 edition of The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease titled, "Emotional Freedom Techniques for Anxiety: A Systematic Review With Meta-analysis."

We wanted an objective review and documented evidence of what Tapping achieves.

This analysis applied the most stringent study selection using the American Psychological Association’s (APA) Division 12 (Clinical Psychology) Task Force on Empirically Validated Treatments.

This meta-analysis analyzed the results of 14 randomized controlled trials that included an assessment for anxiety and involved a total of 658 participants.

It found a “large” treatment effect and a significant decrease in anxiety.

Critical analysis of the findings of these studies is both clinically important and timely, as the practice of EFT continues to gain adoption into the psychotherapy community.

And because of its efficacy and ease of use, EFT may possess significant practical advantages to public health outcomes compared with resource-intensive approaches including Cognitive Behavior Therapy.

Back to What Matters Most: You and Your Anxiety

Would you like to experience a feeling of safety flooding your body right now? Then take a minute to do some tapping!

All you have to do is download The Tapping Solution App, where you’ll find a (FREE) Releasing Anxiety Tapping Meditation.

Follow along as Jessica leads you through the tapping points and statements. You’ll even be able to rate your anxiety at the start of the tapping session, and again at the end to see your results.

Go ahead and try it! You’re just a few minutes away from feeling calmer and breathing easier.

Download The Tapping Solution App today!

We developed The Tapping Solution App to put this powerful tool in your hands at all times. We wanted to be just a click and a swipe away when you need help getting through a stressful moment.

In time, we’ll have hundreds of Tapping topics available when you need help. But for now, we already have many to choose from - with FREE meditations available from each category.

DIY Tapping

You can also learn to do Tapping on your own. We have lots of resources on our website at, which we invite you to use whenever you can.

If you're new to Tapping, you can watch a video on how to tap here.

Why wait another minute?

Getting relief from the misery of anxiety is absolutely possible. We want you to know how that feels and to begin changing your life into one that is full of more joy, more peace, and more fulfillment. It’s really up to you, but we’re here to help.

You know how they say you should never wake a sleeping tiger? Well, here at The Tapping Solution, we don’t agree.

We say WAKE IT UP AND TAP ON IT! It’s the only way to make it go away for good.

Until next time,

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Have you used Tapping to lower your anxiety? Share below! I'd love to read your comments.

The article Releasing Anxiety with EFT Tapping is republished from:

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

The Tapping Solution App – Heal Your Body: Colds (Upper Respiratory Illness)

This meditation is a sample from our Tapping Solution App that's now available to download.

I'm sharing this with you so that you can get a taste of what's available in the app, along with over 100 other Tapping Meditations from a wide variety of categories.

Heal Your Body: Colds (Upper Respiratory Illness)


After listening, let me know in the comments below what you think of this meditation.

Did you feel any shifts take place? How do you feel now?

I hope you enjoyed it, and please help me spread the word about The Tapping Solution App!

Until next time,

Keep Tapping (On the app!)

Nick Ortner

Download The Tapping Solution App today!

How do you feel after using this Tapping Meditation? Comment below!

The blog post The Tapping Solution App – Heal Your Body: Colds (Upper Respiratory Illness) is courtesy of: The Tapping Solution, LLC

EFT Tapping on TEDx Robina

When I first started The Tapping Solution, there were lots of people who were asking for the scientific validity of the effectiveness of Tapping.

At that time, there was only a little bit of research available which I could supply. The rest was just saying, "Hey, just give it a try and see the results for yourself." Which was good, but not really what those with a more intellectual mind were hoping for. Lol!

But you know what? Some of those who just "gave it try" turned out to be medical doctors and licensed professional therapists, who experienced the rapid, positive results themselves. This "unexplainable" experience then fueled their own quests to find out more about it.

Fast forward to today, and I must say just how IMPRESSED I am with the abundance of clinical & scientific research now available, not only proving the efficacy of how effective Tapping is, but also revealing the deeper scientific discoveries of how Tapping actually works in the body.

My friend Dr. Peta Stapleton, who has over 20 years experience as a registered Clinical & Health Psychologist and is currently Associate Professor in Psychology at Bond University (Australia), is one of those researchers.

She just spoke for a TEDx event in Robina, where she explains how Tapping could be the next evolution in healing therapies in the field of psychology.

Check it out below!

The next time a friend or family member asks you about Tapping, just sent them this video. :)

Until next time,

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Have you ever tried (unsuccessfully) to explain Tapping to someone? Do you think more videos like these would help? Comment below!

The blog post EFT Tapping on TEDx Robina was first published to: The Tapping Solution Blog