Wednesday, November 14, 2018

How to Heal Your Body with Positive Affirmations and Tapping

Since the publication of her internationally bestselling book "You Can Heal Your Life" in 1984, Louise Hay had been teaching and inspiring millions of people around the world.

Renowned for demonstrating the power of affirmations to bring about positive change, she was the author of more than 30 books for adults and children, as well as the founder of the publishing company Hay House.

She was also my dear friend and mentor.

Louise was a firm believer that all of our physical problems were a result of our thinking. So if we were willing to do the mental and emotional work, anything could be healed. And she showed us this, by living her fullest to the wise age of 91.

She was a living example of her dedicated work, creating a legacy of positivity and inspiration, influencing many to follow a path of helping others, including me.

But she was also a huge proponent of encouraging others to help themselves.

You Can Heal Your Body

Louise knew the secret of the mind-body connection even before it started to become mentioned in more mainstream circles.

I remember her saying that she started with just a little pamphlet that she put together when teaching in small groups that listed some of the most common health issues and how to resolve them using specific affirmations.

That list grew into the book, "Heal Your Body", indexing hundreds of ailments. All you had to do was look up your specific health challenge, read the probable cause for the issue (stemming from a mental or emotional challenge), and apply the corresponding information to overcome it by creating a new thought pattern.

Pretty simple, right? It actually is that easy, except for one thing... US!

Yes, us complicated humans get in our own way, often quitting too soon when we don't see results, doubting we can ever get better, and flat out disbelieving in our own power to heal to even try in the first place.

It's like the solutions to our vibrant health were right there within our grasp, yet so far away.

But then a new technology came along to change all that...

Tapping Clears the Way

You probably already know what this new "technology" is if you're on this blog post reading... Of course, it's Tapping!

I won't go into the whole history of EFT Tapping, but you can read about it here on our Tapping 101 page.

Because our OWN negative and limited thinking would often get in the way of the positive affirmations, or just negate them completely, it was difficult to power through the creation of those positive changes with just our willpower alone.

It took dedication, consistent repetition, and an unyielding desire to keep with those affirmations until they took hold within our minds.

But now with Tapping, here was a tool that could quickly eliminate those mental roadblocks and emotional brick walls that were keeping us stuck.

That's why we almost always start tapping on the "negative" (or what I call the truth) about how we are feeling about any given situation, especially a health challenge.

I'll never forget when I asked Louise (the Queen of Positive Affirmations) about this topic of tapping on the negative. Her iconic reply will forever be engrained in my application of Tapping. She said, "Honey, if you want to clean the house, you have to see the dirt."

WOW! Such a simple phrase, but with such profound implications on how we look at our lives. That was Louise's way. That's why she was so admired and loved by everyone who came across her works.

Combining Tapping with Positive Affirmations

When I was brainstorming about our new Tapping Solution App, I wanted to include Louise's work in some way, because I felt it was important to continue her legacy of helping others.

So here's what I did...

Remember her book that I mentioned above, "Heal Your Body"? For each physical Problem, she included a Probable Cause (mental and/or emotional) plus a Solution (new thought pattern).

So I thought, what if we can combine BOTH Tapping and Positive Affirmations to create a symbiotic powerhouse that encourages your own body to heal! We could tap OUT the negative mental and emotional causes, then tap IN the new positive affirmations that Louise indexes in her book.

And thus the "Heal Your Body" category of our Tapping Solution App was born.

The Tapping Solution App


With over two dozen of the most common health issues the majority of us face today, you now have access to this incredibly powerful tool for bringing about that healing in your body you so desire.

Here are just a few of the health issues currently available as tapping meditations on the app:

Allergies • Arthritis • Asthma • Back Problems • High Blood Pressure • High Cholesterol • Cancer • Colds • Diabetes • Headaches • Heart Disease • Neck Problems • Thyroid Issues • Tinnitus • Ulcers • More!

As an added bonus, I'm including the free meditation from this category that comes with your free download of the app.

Heal Your Body: Lower Back Problems
Can you imagine yourself healthy, fit, disease-free, living a vibrant and productive life?

If you can imagine it, it can happen for you. These tapping meditations can help.

Download The Tapping Solution App and use some of the “Heal Your Body” tapping meditations, all of which are founded in Louise Hay's intuitive healing knowledge.

We've received such incredible feedback so far on the meditations in this category, and we'll continue to add more as updated versions of the app are released.

I hope this article helped you to understand how inspiring the life of Louise Hay was, and how her work continues through the many millions of those whom she touched.

Go here to download the app now and make sure to give me your feedback on this article and your results by commenting below.


Until next time...

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Have you used Tapping or any of The Tapping Solution App meditations to heal your body? I'd love to hear your comments!

How to Heal Your Body with Positive Affirmations and Tapping was originally published to: The Tapping Solution, LLC

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