Thursday, November 29, 2018

Release Your Anxiety with Tapping

Do you know what it feels like to live without anxiety? I mean to be truly free from all doubts and worries and live in a blissful state of the present moment?

It can be a tough thing to do, because there is just SO much that's "out there" to stress over. But it can be achieved with practice and, of course, Tapping!

The other day I jumped on Facebook Live to offer a free tap-along on releasing anxiety. Take a few minutes to watch and tap with me!

Here's a direct link to the video on Facebook

The Tapping Solution App

Tapping has been scientifically proven to lower anxiety by sending a calming signal to the parts of the brain that control the stress response in our bodies.

In The Tapping Solution App, we have lots of different Tapping Meditations that specifically address anxiety on a wide range of topics.

The App is free to download, with FREE meditations available to immediately listen to from each category.

What's also great about the App, is that you have access to over a hundred (and growing!) meditations right in the palm of your hand, so you can use them "in the moment" when a specific situation pops up.

Download The Tapping Solution App today!

Until next time...

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Have you used Tapping or any of The Tapping Solution App meditations to release anxiety? Comment below!

The following article Release Your Anxiety with Tapping was first published to:

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The Tapping Solution App – Emotional Support: Stress and Anxiety About My Finances

This meditation is a sample from our Tapping Solution App that's now available to download.

I'm sharing this with you so that you can get a taste of what's available in the app, along with over 100 other Tapping Meditations from a wide variety of categories.

Emotional Support: Stress and Anxiety About My Finances
After listening, let me know in the comments below what you think of this meditation.

Did you feel any shifts take place? How is your financial stress level after the tapping?

I hope you enjoyed it, and please help me spread the word about The Tapping Solution App!

Until next time,

Keep Tapping (On the app!)

Nick Ortner

How do you feel after using this Tapping Meditation? Comment below!

The following article The Tapping Solution App – Emotional Support: Stress and Anxiety About My Finances is courtesy of:

Monday, November 26, 2018

Releasing Financial Stress with Tapping


When you think about money or your finances, what's the most prevalent emotion that comes up for you?

Is it peace, contentment, or joy? Or is it stress, anxiety, or frustration?

For many, it's the latter. Perhaps it's debt, or maybe you're on a fixed income and can't really enjoy the things you'd like to because you're always thinking about whether or not you can afford it.

When I surveyed over 10,000 people a few years back, the number one issue people wanted to work on was stress around their finances. And it's for a good reason!

More Than Money

When we are in a financial bind, the level of anxiety goes deeper than just the purchasing of material things. Money is tied to our most primitive needs for survival in our modern society, such as food, clothing, housing, transportation, etc.

So when we feel financial lack, it activates that fear mechanism in the most ancient parts of our brains.

If you're familiar with the chakra system, the first chakra, located at the base of the spine, has to do with core survival emotions and beliefs. This includes money, which is why lower back problems can often accompany financial stress.

It's All in Your Head

Improving our financial situation can sometimes be tricky because it seems like simply having more money would fix everything. That sounds logical, right?

But the truth is, money is just an outward expression of our inner belief systems. Like many other areas of our lives, what we think about, we bring about.

So if you're currently feeling frustration and lack, there's a part of your mind (either consciously or subconsciously) that's working on that level. And if you notice, it will usually present itself in cycles.

That's why even if we came into a large sum of money, our bank accounts would gradually diminish to the amount we "think" we should have or deserve, leading us back to our starting point or back into debt.

Around and around this cycle will continue, until it's broken. That's where Tapping comes in!

The Tapping Solution App


One of the first issues to address is the stress and anxiety around your finances. This is the doorway to reaching those beliefs that may be keeping us stuck, and helps to calm that primitive part of our brains so that we can address our money issues more clearly.

In The Tapping Solution App, we have an entire series dedicated to wealth and abundance.

To get you started, here's the free meditation from this category that comes with your free download of the app.

Stress and Anxiety About My Finances

Some of the other meditations from this category include: Limiting Belief Buster... Money Isn't Spiritual, Debt Support... Too Scared to Look, Clearing the Blocks to Manifesting, and more!

Download The Tapping Solution App and put the “Wealth and Abundance” tapping meditations to work for you to clear out those limiting beliefs and emotions around money.

Go here to download the app now and make sure to let me know about your success stories either by commenting below or by sending me an email at


Until next time...

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Have you used Tapping or any of The Tapping Solution App meditations to clear your financial blocks? I'd love to hear your comments!

Releasing Financial Stress with Tapping is republished from: The Tapping Solution's Blog

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

The Tapping Solution App – Turn Your Day Around: Release Overwhelm

It was a few days before the launch of our new Tapping Solution App...

Years of thinking about it, months of building it, step by step, graphic by graphic, countless hours recording over 100 brand new Tapping meditations...

Would it work? What if we released it and it all crashed? I’ve never launched an app before...

Will Android users still be my friends when they find out we don’t have their version ready yet? (Hahaha! The jury is still out on that question. Lol!)

I was overwhelmed… and when I’m overwhelmed (just like when you’re overwhelmed), my brain doesn’t work as well. I don’t make good decisions. I don’t think clearly. I’m not productive, or happy, or fulfilled.

What was I to do? Was there an answer to this feeling? How could I release this overwhelm?

I wish there was something that could help me when I felt stuck…

I wish there was something that could give me the words and actions to break through this state…

I wish there was something that was easily accessible, short, to the point, powerful…

Oh, thank the heavens above! There is an answer! And I have access to it right now because I made it… hahahaha… The Tapping Solution App!

I kid you not.

In that moment of overwhelm, I opened my own app, pulled up a meditation with my own voice (which usually drives me a little crazy but somehow in the app it doesn’t), and used the “Turn Your Day Around: Release Overwhelm” Tapping Meditation.

And guess what? It worked!

Under 8 minutes long, it was just what I needed to relax, let go, release the overwhelm and turn my day completely around.

I’ve told several people this story and they’ve all comments on how “meta” this experience was.  Meta, defined as, “Referring to itself or to the conventions of its genre; self-referential."

Meaning, I was overwhelmed about the app, so I used the app, my own app, with my own voice, to tap.  Lol!

Anyway - I found this amusing and I hope it helps you understand that we made this app not just for the world, but for ourselves.

Everyone at The Tapping Solution - my sister, brother, all of our amazing team members - all have commented on how much more Tapping they’re doing because of the app.

I am CONVINCED, this app can be transformative in your life, so if you haven’t done so yet, do yourself a favor and download it now.

And Android users, we are working SO hard on your version. Please don’t be mad at me. ☺

I’m sharing the meditation I used, "Turn Your Day Around: Release Overwhelm" below so you can use it now!
Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Did this meditation help turn your day around too? Leave your comments below!

The following post The Tapping Solution App – Turn Your Day Around: Release Overwhelm was originally published on: The Tapping Solution Blog

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The Tapping Solution App – Heal Your Body: Lower Back Tapping Meditation

This meditation is a sample from our Tapping Solution App that's now available to download.

I'm sharing this with you so that you can get a taste of what's available in the app, along with over 100 other Tapping Meditations from a wide variety of categories.

Heal Your Body: Lower Back
After listening, let me know in the comments below what you think of this meditation.

Did you feel any shifts take place? How does your back feel after the tapping?

I hope you enjoyed it, and please help me spread the word about The Tapping Solution App!

Until next time,

Keep Tapping (On the app!)

Nick Ortner

How do you feel after using this Tapping Meditation? Comment below!

The Tapping Solution App – Heal Your Body: Lower Back Tapping Meditation was first seen on:

How to Heal Your Body with Positive Affirmations and Tapping

Since the publication of her internationally bestselling book "You Can Heal Your Life" in 1984, Louise Hay had been teaching and inspiring millions of people around the world.

Renowned for demonstrating the power of affirmations to bring about positive change, she was the author of more than 30 books for adults and children, as well as the founder of the publishing company Hay House.

She was also my dear friend and mentor.

Louise was a firm believer that all of our physical problems were a result of our thinking. So if we were willing to do the mental and emotional work, anything could be healed. And she showed us this, by living her fullest to the wise age of 91.

She was a living example of her dedicated work, creating a legacy of positivity and inspiration, influencing many to follow a path of helping others, including me.

But she was also a huge proponent of encouraging others to help themselves.

You Can Heal Your Body

Louise knew the secret of the mind-body connection even before it started to become mentioned in more mainstream circles.

I remember her saying that she started with just a little pamphlet that she put together when teaching in small groups that listed some of the most common health issues and how to resolve them using specific affirmations.

That list grew into the book, "Heal Your Body", indexing hundreds of ailments. All you had to do was look up your specific health challenge, read the probable cause for the issue (stemming from a mental or emotional challenge), and apply the corresponding information to overcome it by creating a new thought pattern.

Pretty simple, right? It actually is that easy, except for one thing... US!

Yes, us complicated humans get in our own way, often quitting too soon when we don't see results, doubting we can ever get better, and flat out disbelieving in our own power to heal to even try in the first place.

It's like the solutions to our vibrant health were right there within our grasp, yet so far away.

But then a new technology came along to change all that...

Tapping Clears the Way

You probably already know what this new "technology" is if you're on this blog post reading... Of course, it's Tapping!

I won't go into the whole history of EFT Tapping, but you can read about it here on our Tapping 101 page.

Because our OWN negative and limited thinking would often get in the way of the positive affirmations, or just negate them completely, it was difficult to power through the creation of those positive changes with just our willpower alone.

It took dedication, consistent repetition, and an unyielding desire to keep with those affirmations until they took hold within our minds.

But now with Tapping, here was a tool that could quickly eliminate those mental roadblocks and emotional brick walls that were keeping us stuck.

That's why we almost always start tapping on the "negative" (or what I call the truth) about how we are feeling about any given situation, especially a health challenge.

I'll never forget when I asked Louise (the Queen of Positive Affirmations) about this topic of tapping on the negative. Her iconic reply will forever be engrained in my application of Tapping. She said, "Honey, if you want to clean the house, you have to see the dirt."

WOW! Such a simple phrase, but with such profound implications on how we look at our lives. That was Louise's way. That's why she was so admired and loved by everyone who came across her works.

Combining Tapping with Positive Affirmations

When I was brainstorming about our new Tapping Solution App, I wanted to include Louise's work in some way, because I felt it was important to continue her legacy of helping others.

So here's what I did...

Remember her book that I mentioned above, "Heal Your Body"? For each physical Problem, she included a Probable Cause (mental and/or emotional) plus a Solution (new thought pattern).

So I thought, what if we can combine BOTH Tapping and Positive Affirmations to create a symbiotic powerhouse that encourages your own body to heal! We could tap OUT the negative mental and emotional causes, then tap IN the new positive affirmations that Louise indexes in her book.

And thus the "Heal Your Body" category of our Tapping Solution App was born.

The Tapping Solution App


With over two dozen of the most common health issues the majority of us face today, you now have access to this incredibly powerful tool for bringing about that healing in your body you so desire.

Here are just a few of the health issues currently available as tapping meditations on the app:

Allergies • Arthritis • Asthma • Back Problems • High Blood Pressure • High Cholesterol • Cancer • Colds • Diabetes • Headaches • Heart Disease • Neck Problems • Thyroid Issues • Tinnitus • Ulcers • More!

As an added bonus, I'm including the free meditation from this category that comes with your free download of the app.

Heal Your Body: Lower Back Problems
Can you imagine yourself healthy, fit, disease-free, living a vibrant and productive life?

If you can imagine it, it can happen for you. These tapping meditations can help.

Download The Tapping Solution App and use some of the “Heal Your Body” tapping meditations, all of which are founded in Louise Hay's intuitive healing knowledge.

We've received such incredible feedback so far on the meditations in this category, and we'll continue to add more as updated versions of the app are released.

I hope this article helped you to understand how inspiring the life of Louise Hay was, and how her work continues through the many millions of those whom she touched.

Go here to download the app now and make sure to give me your feedback on this article and your results by commenting below.


Until next time...

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Have you used Tapping or any of The Tapping Solution App meditations to heal your body? I'd love to hear your comments!

How to Heal Your Body with Positive Affirmations and Tapping was originally published to: The Tapping Solution, LLC

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Welcome, Baby Enzo!

My husband Lucas and I are thrilled to share that Enzo Martin was born Friday morning October 26th at 8:22 am, weighing 9 lbs 6 ounces and measuring 22 inches tall. We are very much in love with our (not so little) one!

It was a long, tough labor, but I made it through. :)

I also had the help of the Tapping Meditations from the "Pregnancy and Women's Health" category on The Tapping Solution App, which you can download here!

Yes, I used my own meditations, lol! What's really special about this series is that I recorded them all throughout my pregnancy, so they are all personally relatable.

They helped me greatly, and I know they'll be able to help you too!

Until next time,

Keep Tapping!

Jessica Ortner

I'd love to hear how any of the pregnancy meditations have had an impact on you. Comment below!

The following blog post Welcome, Baby Enzo! is republished from: The Tapping Solution Blog

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

The Tapping Solution App – Teacher Self-Care Tapping Meditations

In honor of all the hardworking teachers out there, we have some special meditations especially for you!

These meditations are from the "Teacher Self-Care" category of our Tapping Solution App that's now available to download.

This category will always remain free to listen to, but I wanted to share these with you so that you can get a taste of what's available in the app, along with over 100 other Tapping Meditations from a wide variety of categories.

Teacher Self-Care: Setting the Intention for Your Day

Teacher Self-Care: Releasing Overwhelm
After listening, let me know in the comments below what you think of these meditations.

Did you feel any shifts take place? How does your body feel after the tapping? Are you ready to take on another day?

I hope you enjoyed it, and please help me spread the word about The Tapping Solution App!

Until next time,

Keep Tapping (On the app!)

Nick Ortner

How do you feel after using this Tapping Meditation? Comment below!

The Tapping Solution App – Teacher Self-Care Tapping Meditations is available on: The Tapping Solution's Blog

Monday, November 5, 2018

The Tapping Solution App – Sleep Support: Quiet My Racing Mind Tapping Meditation

This meditation is a sample from our Tapping Solution App that's now available to download.

I'm sharing this with you so that you can get a taste of what's available in the app, along with over 100 other Tapping Meditations from a wide variety of categories.

Sleep Support: Quiet My Racing Mind
After listening, let me know in the comments below what you think of this meditation.

Did you feel any shifts take place? How does your body feel after the tapping? Were you able to fall asleep easier?

I hope you enjoyed it, and please help me spread the word about The Tapping Solution App!

Until next time,

Keep Tapping (On the app!)

Nick Ortner

How do you feel after using this Tapping Meditation? Comment below!

The Tapping Solution App – Sleep Support: Quiet My Racing Mind Tapping Meditation was first seen on:

Friday, November 2, 2018

Turn Your Day Around by Fixing Your Night

About 68% of Americans struggle with sleep at least once a week,
according to a poll by Consumer Reports. That’s roughly 164 million people. Considering good sleep ranks with nutrition and exercise for good health, it’s no surprise that many people look for a quick fix. In 2015 alone, $41 billion was spent on sleeping aids and remedies.

If you struggle with sleep, you’re probably looking for solutions, and you likely want them now (especially if you’re reading this while lying in bed trying to fall asleep!).

In this post, I’ll share some of the most common causes and solutions (many of which work great for simple challenges!). I’ll also detail why the technique known as Tapping has become one of the most effective techniques for overcoming sleep issues, based on years of scientific research, and how you can use it immediately to start sleeping better.

The Issue is More Damaging Than You Think...

Before we get to the solutions, it’s important to understand just how much of an effect the lack of sleep is having on us. Just pushing through our days, thinking we can get by on less sleep, or that there’s nothing we can do about it, often becomes a habit that has more dire consequences than we realize.

Here are 6 serious consequences of not sleeping enough:

Turn Your Day Around by Fixing Your Night is republished from:

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Turn Your Day Around by Fixing Your Night

About 68% of Americans struggle with sleep at least once a week, according to a poll by Consumer Reports. That’s roughly 164 million people. Considering good sleep ranks with nutrition and exercise for good health, it’s no surprise that many people look for a quick fix. In 2015 alone, $41 billion was spent on sleeping aids and remedies.

If you struggle with sleep, you're probably looking for solutions, and you likely want them now (especially if you’re reading this while lying in bed trying to fall asleep!).

In this post, I’ll share some of the most common causes and solutions (many of which work great for simple challenges!). I’ll also detail why the technique known as Tapping has become one of the most effective techniques for overcoming sleep issues, based on years of scientific research, and how you can use it immediately to start sleeping better.

The Issue is More Damaging Than You Think…

Before we get to the solutions, it’s important to understand just how much of an effect the lack of sleep is having on us. Just pushing through our days, thinking we can get by on less sleep, or that there’s nothing we can do about it, often becomes a habit that has more dire consequences than we realize.

Here are 6 serious consequences of not sleeping enough:

1. Shortened life expectancy - An analysis of 16 different studies that covered over 1 million people showed that sleeping less increased risk for death by 12% compared to those that slept 7 to 8 hours a night. (Source)

2. Increased Risk of Accidents - There’s a reason why you see signs on the highways saying that if you’re tired, pull over. You may have even seen awareness campaigns offering free coffee if you pull off an exit. Not sleeping enough impairs your reactions and increases your risk of having a car accident (and other accidents!).

3. Increased Risk of Mental Health Disorders such as depression and anxiety.

4. Increased Risk of Medical Health Conditions - Some of these include obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, inflammation, sensitivity to pain, seizures, asthma attacks, and stroke.

5. Impaired Thinking - Want to be productive in your business or at your job? A lack of sleep can seriously impair your thinking. In fact, it interferes with brain function at a cellular level. A study at UCLA showed that it interferes with the ability of some brain cells to function and communicate with each other. (Source)

6. Lowered Energy Levels - A lack of sleep disrupts hormone levels, including serotonin, dopamine, and cortisol, which has an effect on our mood, thinking, and energy.

The good news is that there are easy and inexpensive ways to get a good night’s sleep. But first, you have to find the root of the issue.

The 4 Most Common Reasons For Why You May Have Trouble Sleeping (And What You Can Do About Them!)

There are a number of reasons why people struggle to sleep, and people often think there is no solution. The four reasons outlined below are the most common.

Reason #1 – Chronic Body Pain

Nothing is more frustrating than wanting to fall asleep, only to have chronic pain keep you awake night after night. The worst part is that it enters a vicious cycle. When you struggle to sleep, you struggle to heal, causing you more pain and more trouble sleeping.

There are a number of psychological techniques that are used to overcome sleep issues related to or caused by pain. They include:

-Deep muscle relaxation

-Visual, sound, or other sensory imagery

-Focusing elsewhere rather than on the pain


The challenge with these techniques is that they all involve trying to distance oneself from the physical pain, rather than addressing and releasing it.

Tapping, on the other hand, works on the underlying mental, emotional and energetic causes of pain to release them. It has shown, time after time, to reduce the levels of physical pain in just minutes. And when you can reduce the pain… you can sleep!

It works because of the mind-body connection. I detail much of the scientific research behind why Tapping works for pain relief in my book "The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief".

How to Use Tapping Right Now to Eliminate Physical Pain and Fall Asleep Fast 

If you just want something that you can implement now, I recommend downloading our Tapping Solution App. You can listen to and tap along with one of the “Heal Your Body” tapping meditations, as they can guide you to achieving pain relief in just minutes.

If you’re new to Tapping, the app will teach you how to do it quickly. It’s simple, easy and effective!

DISCLAIMER: Always consult your doctor before starting any new treatment for pain and to find out if there is an underlying medical condition that needs to be treated.

RELATED: How to Use Tapping for Pain Relief

Reason #2: Racing Thoughts (a.k.a. stress!)

With all of the constant challenges we have in our modern society, it can be difficult to turn off the thoughts when it’s time for bed. Typically, these thoughts lead to one underlying emotion… stress. Occasional stress can be good for you, but chronic stress can be debilitating. If you have any of these 23 signs, you have far too much stress in your life.

How Stress Affects Your Body and Keeps You Up at Night

Our ancestors relied on stress and the “fight or flight” mechanism in their brain because it pushed them into heightened states that allowed them to move faster and react quicker, literally helping them to survive.

For example, if hunting went awry, and they were face-to-face with a wolf, the flight-or-fight response would activate. It would help them to quickly make a decision about whether they were going to run away or fight the wolf.

As a result, adrenaline would be released, along with cortisol and other hormones. Working together, they activated functions essential for their survival. Their heart rate was increased to quickly pump blood to their muscles. Their breathing quickened to increase their focus by giving their brain more oxygen. In other words, they were primed and ready to go.

In our current day and age, real life or death situations, such as this example of encountering wolves, rarely happen. However, the brain does not distinguish between what is real and what is imagined, and because of the constant stressors in our modern society, our brains are in a constant state of fight or flight.

While there is a laundry list of causes of chronic stress today, some common modern-day situations that trigger stress include:

  • Worrying about money and paying the bills
  • Conflict with other friends, family members, work colleagues, and others
  • Perceived job insecurity
  • Raising children
  • Health challenges
  • And many others!

The problem, of course, is that if you’re in a state of stress, and your fight or flight mechanism is triggered, your body is in a heightened state of awareness, and so falling asleep becomes difficult.

Imagine our caveman ancestors trying to fall asleep with a wolf 20 feet away… it just wouldn’t happen. That’s what happens to you when you have chronic stress!

Fortunately, Tapping has been proven to reduce chronic stress fast.

Research Shows That Tapping Reduces Stress

In a double-blind study conducted by Dawson Church, Ph.D, Tapping was shown to produce, on average, a 24 percent drop in cortisol levels after just one hour of Tapping. Cortisol is often referred to as the “stress hormone” because it is released when we experience stress.

On the other hand, the people in the study who were treated with traditional talk therapy or no treatment at all didn’t experience any significant cortisol reduction. In other words, they were just as stressed at the end of it all, while those who tried tapping walked out with significantly less stress!

How to Use Tapping to Reduce Stress Right Now, to Release the Racing Thoughts and Finally Fall Asleep

If you want to try tapping right now to reduce stress, I recommend downloading our Tapping Solution App. Listen to and tap along with one of the “Emotional Freedom” tapping meditations or the “Sleep Support” tapping meditations, as they can guide you to reducing stress and falling asleep in just minutes.

Reason #3: Issues With Your Sleeping Environment

This issue is probably the easiest to fix, but even when fixed, doesn’t always allow sleep, as oftentimes there are deeper issues, such as the physical pain and stress addressed above. Here are a few common environmental issues and some suggested solutions:

TOO MUCH LIGHT IN THE BEDROOM: Too much light in the room is a common issue that hinders falling asleep and staying asleep.  Remember, our ancestors didn’t have bright alarm clocks, television sets, phones, music systems and other electronics creating light as they tried to sleep. They slept in… the dark! The more light you have in the room, the more trouble your brain will have switching off and falling asleep.

TOO MUCH LIGHT BEFORE BED: Equally important is reducing the amount of light you (and your brain) take in before bed. Blue light reduces the production of melatonin, a hormone that brings on sleep and keeps us there. Reduce the amount of blue light you get in the evening by using free programs such as f.lux to lower blue light from your computer or phone, by using lights in the bedroom with less blue light, and by wearing blue light blocking glasses.

TOO MUCH MORNING LIGHT: Also important is to not allow sunlight in the morning if it is coming up earlier than when you’d like to get up. If it is, get black-out curtains to keep that light out in the morning. Those black-out curtains will also keep moonlight out on those bright full moon nights!

ROOM TEMPERATURE: Once again, remember that our ancestors who passed on their DNA to us lived in an environment where it became colder at night as the sun went down. If your environment is too warm, you may struggle to sleep. Play with different temperature settings to see which helps you to sleep best!

Reason #4: Your Partner

If your partner snores, tosses and turns, or takes up too much of the bed, it can make it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. And if they’re fast asleep, it can leave you staring at them in frustration, staring a little too intently at your pillow, wondering what you could do with it. :)

If your partner is keeping you awake because of snoring, first have them see their doctor to find out if they have a medical condition such as sleep apnea, which nearly a quarter of Americans either have or are at high risk of having.

If your partner takes up too much of the bed, talk to them about it and ask them to make a conscious effort to stay on their side of the bed.  The simple act of consciously focusing on it before bed can help them to retrain themselves to sleep in a smaller space.

If you’re not able to change their behavior, the only behavior you can control is your own reaction. Sometimes the frustration of the problem persisting or the anticipation of it happening can keep us awake.

Download The Tapping Solution App and use some of the “Sleep Support” tapping meditations, or the “Emotional Freedom” tapping meditations, such as the “Releasing Anger” one, to release your emotional charge around their behavior to help you fall asleep faster.

Lastly, if your partner is getting up earlier than you, and having their alarm go off, that can interrupt your sleep and make it hard to fall asleep again. One great solution is to have your partner wear a device such as a Fitbit and have the alarm vibrate on their arm, waking them up, but allowing you to sleep!
I hope this article helped you to find some solutions for your sleep challenges. Remember, Tapping can help you, but only if you’re willing to use it. If you haven’t tried it yet, what are you waiting for? In just a few minutes, you could be getting better sleep!

Go here to download the app now and make sure to give me your feedback on this article and your results by commenting below.

After just a few minutes, you’ll find yourself breathing easier, feeling better, and drifting off to sleep.

Sweet dreams.

Until next time...

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Have you used Tapping or any of The Tapping Solution App meditations to get better sleep? I'd love to hear your comments!

Turn Your Day Around by Fixing Your Night was first published to: