Thursday, September 27, 2018

Tapping Case Study – Cutting Financial Family Ties

Imagine being in a situation where the rug was suddenly pulled out right from under your feet, leaving you in a financial crisis that threatened the livelihood of your family. That's what happened to Teresa Mallon.

Check out her story below, and how she used Tapping to turn her whole situation around!

Teresa Mallon, a professional therapist and mother of three teenage boys, found herself in crisis a couple of years ago.

“My ex-husband stopped paying child support and my settlement disappeared. I was terrified, as in, madness kind of terror. I didn’t know what I was going to do to support my family, but I knew I had to do something.”

While searching online, she came across The Tapping Solution for Financial Success and Personal Fulfilment program. She took a deep breath and registered.

“I’m a good therapist, but not a good business person," Teresa explained. “The course had me go deeply into my money story, which was new.”

As she moved through each of the weekly tapping modules, things started to change. A year and a half prior to the course, Teresa had interviewed for a part-time job in a rehab facility. “While I was doing the tapping course, the supervisor from that job called out of the blue and asked if I could start that week.” This helped her increase her income.

“There was something about having a sense of employment that seemed to affect my private practice, which began to grow. In eight months, the rehab position became untenable. I chose to leave it, which was a big deal.”

Teresa’s private practice got so busy that she paid off a $13,000 credit card debt in six months without touching her savings. She remembers the joy and success she felt when posting about it on The Tapping Solution Facebook page. “Everyone got caught up in that joy. There was so much camaraderie. I felt really successful."

Another Challenge Awaited

But last year, Teresa’s worry returned. She had kept her credit card balance at 0, but she also wasn’t saving. So she decided to go through the financial success course again. “The first time I didn’t get through all the modules. This time, I committed to the full 49 days.”

In Teresa’s personal life, her youngest son, Ethan, was the only one of his group of friends who didn't attend a private school, because she couldn’t afford it. He was lonely and unhappy during his first two years.

“As I went through the financial success course, I realized that my son was being economically punished. His dad was not paying, like my dad didn’t. His dad had a huge inheritance but doesn’t share it with his kids. And I felt how unfair that was. I cried for him and I cried for me.”

During one module of the course, Teresa did a lot of tapping on family money blocks. After delving into it, and releasing a lot of old family patterns, she felt confident enough to call the private school and ask about fees. “I never would have done that before the course.”

She called the school and spoke with the registrar. “I told her the whole story about Ethan and then asked what the tuition was. She said it was $12,000 a year. I thought, well, that’s that.”

But then, she asked Teresa for more details about Ethan and Teresa and their family’s situation. “I told her he’d had a speech delay, that he’d been essentially abandoned financially by his dad, how unhappy he was at the state school. She told me she was going to send us a packet and to let me know if we wanted to come take a tour of the school.” Even though Teresa was still unsure, she felt glad she had made the call.

The Cycle Is Broken

Several days later, the registrar called Teresa. She said, “I took your story to the principal and he wants to help. Write a letter and blow Ethan’s trumpet. Include copies of his reports, and we’ll see what we can do.”

Teresa was stunned, and she quickly typed up a letter on the computer. But after sending it to her sister for review, she felt it was too formal, and that she needed to write it from the heart.

So Teresa completely rewrote the letter, in pen and ink, and put it with the packet in the mail.

Once the school received the packet, they set up a meeting with the principal, Teresa, and Ethan. At the end of that meeting, the principal thanked her for her handwritten letter, and told her how touching it was. Then the unimaginable happened.

He told Teresa he could offer Ethan a place at the school for $3,000 a year instead of $12,000. Then, the family of one of Ethan’s friends came forward, telling Teresa that they would give her $2,500 each term toward Ethan’s education!

“The outcome from this incredible story is that Ethan is not being economically punished. The cycle has been broken.”

Now, Ethan is thriving at his new school, and Teresa has fully integrated tapping into both her personal and professional lives.

What’s next for Teresa? “I’d like to write a book about how tapping changed my life. Before tapping, I never would have thought I could do anything like that.”

Thank you for sharing your story with us, Teresa. Truly inspiring!

We want everyone to have that same opportunity to experience financial and emotional freedom, so we’ve created a financial success home study course for you called The Tapping Solution for Financial Success and Personal Fulfillment.

And as you can see in Teresa's story above, the ancestral patterns of money can be broken. Your story doesn't have to be your children's story.

If you or someone you know is struggling with their finances, or who is just looking for a more fulfilling life, you can begin by downloading the free ebook below.


Until next time...

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Do you feel like you're in a tough financial situation? Do you think Tapping could help? Comment below!

The following blog post Tapping Case Study – Cutting Financial Family Ties is available on: The Tapping Solution

Monday, September 24, 2018

Tapping Case Study – Finding Personal Fulfilment

Sometimes, what you think you want and you really want are two different things. Getting out of your daily routine can often be the catalyst to finding that personal fulfilment you're seeking, just like Carol experienced below.

Last December, Carol Frances was on an eight-week leave from her job after shoulder surgery. While scrolling through her social media feed, she came across a post from The Tapping Solution. “I was bored so I had a look. I did the first meditation on The Tapping Solution site and was blown away.”

Carol very much wanted to do Nick's Financial Success and Personal Fulfillment 7-week course, but felt she couldn’t afford it. “My sister pointed out that I’d taken a crystal workshop, a Reiki training, and a therapy course that were much more expensive, but I’d found a way. I discovered that Nick offered a monthly payment plan, so I gave it a go.”

Carol explains that it was the personal fulfillment aspect of the course that she was interested in more than financial success. She had felt stuck for a long time, and what she actually wanted was to move herself forward into a more fulfilling life.

The first week, to Carol’s surprise, she cried throughout all of her tapping sessions.

“Whatever I tapped on, something would come up, some emotional situation from the past. I was amazed that I had so much anger. I’d done a lot of work on myself over the years. I thought I’d already done a lot of clearing.”

These old issues, Carol discovered, were affecting her financial and personal life.

During the first week, she was completely overwhelmed with what came out, So she decided to do Week One a second time. By the end, she felt clear and calm.

“I was able to start seeing how I viewed myself, where I am, and the self-imposed obstacles. I saw that I wasn’t being held back, but rather I was holding myself back with my attitude. I didn’t see that before because of my anger. It was quite transformative.”

The second week of the program brought even more insights to Carol.

“We were directed to write down what our goals were. I thought my goals were to were pay off my mortgage, go for a more senior position at work, buy a car, and finish sorting out my aging mom’s finances."

By the end of the second week, she realized those goals weren’t actually what she wanted.

"I decided I wanted to work less, so I dropped some of my hours, which made things easier on me physically. I also realized that being alone in doing my mother’s finances wasn’t because I didn’t have help; it was because I hadn’t asked. Tapping helped me open up and allow help to get my mom sorted more easily.”

After Carol moved to part-time at her job, she assumed she wouldn’t be able to afford a new car, so she put that goal aside. But then, her current vehicle totally broke down, and she had to get a new one anyway.

“I don’t know how I’m doing it. I’ve dropped hours, which means lower wages each month, but I’m not in the red.”

Now Carol taps every morning. “When I am going to work, I get up 15 minutes earlier to meditate. I usually do Jessica’s morning clearing meditation, which keeps me calm while getting to work. Then if I have something that comes up during the day, I tap on it.”

Carol offers this advice for people considering Tapping: “Just try it. It’s so worthwhile. You learn so much about yourself, it helps you deal with stress in your life, and there are just so many benefits."

Thank you for sharing your story with us, Carol.

We want everyone to have that same opportunity to experience financial and emotional freedom, so we’ve created a financial success home study course for you called The Tapping Solution for Financial Success and Personal Fulfillment.

And as you can see in Carols's story above, it goes much deeper than just improving your financial situation.

If you or someone you know is struggling with their finances, or who is just looking for a more fulfilling life, you can begin by downloading the free ebook below.


Until next time...

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Is there something that would help YOU make your life more fulfilling? Comment below!

The blog post Tapping Case Study – Finding Personal Fulfilment is republished from: The Tapping Solution

Finding Relief from Chronic Pain

Chronic physical pain impacts over 100 million Americans – and millions more around the world. Why are so many suffering?

Let's first look at some recent research demonstrating the links between stress/emotions and chronic pain...

In a Dutch research study with 121 women, 62 of whom were diagnosed with fibromyalgia (which causes chronic pain), pain was induced in two groups using electrical stimulus, first while recalling an emotionally neutral event, and then while recalling an event that made them feel sad and/or angry. All of the women felt more pain when recalling an event that made them feel sad and/or angry.

In a Stanford University research study, 15 participants were examined via fMRI during the first 9 months of new romantic relationships. All study participants completed 3 tasks while being subjected to moderate to intense thermal pain: (1) viewing a photo of their romantic partner; (2) viewing a picture of an equally attractive familiar acquaintance; (3) doing a word-association distraction task that had previously been shown to reduce pain.

Both the 1st and 3rd tasks reduced pain. But only during the 1st (looking at photo of their partner) did several reward-processing areas of the brain become active, reducing pain in the body.

In a George Washington University research study, lumbar CT scans of 52 patients who reported NO lower back pain were reviewed. The neuroradiologists who looked at the scans had no knowledge of the patients’ clinical histories. Of the entire group, 35.4% demonstrated disc abnormalities, stenosis, and other aging changes. These findings suggest that these physical abnormalities, which are often used to diagnose chronic pain, cannot be conclusively linked to chronic pain.

So what does all this research mean? Temporary pain, or “acute pain”, resulting from an accident, injury, surgery, etc., is a normal, healthy part of the body’s healing process. But why then, for millions of people around the world, does this pain become chronic?

The Science of Chronic Pain

Pain is defined as chronic when it lasts for a period of three months or more. When you feel pain, your body initiates the stress response. Chronic stress also contributes to chronic pain – by making you more prone to accident, injury, weight gain, insomnia, and more.

Chronic stress and chronic pain ARE related, and has been proven in a number scientific experiments and clinical trials. Here’s how stress contributes to chronic pain (and negatively impacts your life, relationships, waistline, and more) in 13 sad steps:

1. You think about a topic that often stresses you out, such as your pain, work, money, relationships, family, or something else.

2. Your amygdala (in your midbrain) senses danger.

3. Your amygdala helps to initiate your body’s fight-or-flight response to stress.

4. In fight-or-flight mode, your body releases adrenaline and the stress hormone cortisol and diverts blood away from your digestive tract, leaving you less able to digest food and absorb nutrients and more likely to gain weight.

5. In this physiological “crisis mode”, your muscles are oxygen deprived, which makes you more vulnerable to pain—from chronic illness, injuries, arthritis, fibromyalgia, migraines, stomach upset, and more.

6. In this state of heightened physiological alert, your brain’s creative center is deemed nonessential and shuts down. Down goes your problem solving, your creative skills, your intuition, your ability to connect with your body.

7. You feel increasingly irritable, isolated, and impatient. Your relationships suffer. Your pain won’t go away.

8. Stress affects your sleep. Your metabolism slows. Your body takes longer to heal.

9. Your body secretes even more cortisol, continuing the cycle of oxygen deprivation that contributes to your pain. It also wreaks more havoc on your digestion (and waistline), increases your blood pressure, and lowers your immune response.

10. After releasing too much cortisol for too long, your body goes into adrenal fatigue. You feel depleted, exhausted, and depressed. Your pain is now chronic.

11. You no longer have the energy to adhere to your exercise routine, your healthy eating, meditation, or yoga. Chronic pain seems to be running your life.

12. Your energy is low, and you have a hard time focusing. Your productivity declines further. Your relationships suffer. You’re still in pain.

13. You are stressed out. You feel depressed. Your muscles are chronically tense and oxygen deprived, making your chronic pain even more intense and more frequent. You need relief from your pain and your stress now!

Achieving Pain Relief

So what are the options available to you for relieving chronic pain?

Well, you could go the traditional route, visiting doctor after doctor, trying to figure out what exactly the problem is. You may get a diagnosis (or several), you'll most likely be prescribed pills or painkillers (many with harmful side effects), and may even be presented with an invasive surgery as the only means of eliminating the pain (which may or may not work).

Or... you can try Tapping! This safe, inexpensive, and effective technique has had incredible results with relieving chronic pain by targeting those emotions and stressors in our lives that are connected to the pain.


Check out the free resources above, or continue reading to find out more about our Tapping for Pain Relief program.

We want everyone to have the opportunity to experience lasting pain relief, so we created a pain relief home study course for you called:

The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief

The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief

In The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief, I lead you through a process that will allow you to feel what it’s like to be pain-free again.

We even include the recordings for the FULL Pain Relief World Summit, an online event that was attended by over 100,000 people.

This is such a powerful process, and the results we’ve seen are amazing. I still get so excited seeing people come out of it pain-free. :)

If you or someone you know is struggling with chronic pain, I hope you’ll join us (or forward this program!) for this opportunity to experience lasting pain relief.

Until next time...

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Finding Relief from Chronic Pain is courtesy of: The Tapping Solution

Friday, September 14, 2018

Tapping App Meditation Feedback – Pregnancy Anxiety Relief: Releasing Stress Over Feeling Stress

I'd love your feedback!

This meditation is a sample from our Tapping Solution App that we are currently developing.

I'm sharing this with you so that you can be a part of the development process that helps us make these app meditations the best we can.

Pregnancy Anxiety Relief: Releasing Stress Over Feeling Stress

After listening, let me know in the comments below what you think of this meditation.

Did you feel any shifts take place? Is there something missing? Something I need to add? Something you liked? Something I could have done better?

These are the things I'd love to hear your honest opinion about.

All feedback will be taken to heart as being constructive. :)

The post Tapping App Meditation Feedback – Pregnancy Anxiety Relief: Releasing Stress Over Feeling Stress was originally seen on:

Tapping App Meditation Feedback – Pregnancy Physical Support: Feeling at Ease in Your Changing Body

I'd love your feedback!

This meditation is a sample from our Tapping Solution App that we are currently developing.

I'm sharing this with you so that you can be a part of the development process that helps us make these app meditations the best we can.

Pregnancy Physical Support: Feeling at Ease in Your Changing Body

After listening, let me know in the comments below what you think of this meditation.

Did you feel any shifts take place? Is there something missing? Something I need to add? Something you liked? Something I could have done better?

These are the things I'd love to hear your honest opinion about.

All feedback will be taken to heart as being constructive. :)

Tapping App Meditation Feedback – Pregnancy Physical Support: Feeling at Ease in Your Changing Body is republished from:

Tapping App Meditation Feedback – Pregnancy Physical Support: Nausea Relief

I'd love your feedback!

This meditation is a sample from our Tapping Solution App that we are currently developing.

I'm sharing this with you so that you can be a part of the development process that helps us make these app meditations the best we can.

Pregnancy Physical Support: Nausea Relief

After listening, let me know in the comments below what you think of this meditation.

Did you feel any shifts take place? Is there something missing? Something I need to add? Something you liked? Something I could have done better?

These are the things I'd love to hear your honest opinion about.

All feedback will be taken to heart as being constructive. :)

The following post Tapping App Meditation Feedback – Pregnancy Physical Support: Nausea Relief is republished from: The Tapping Solution

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Tapping App Meditation Feedback – I’m Stressed About: My Finances

I'd love your feedback!

This meditation is a sample from our Tapping Solution App that we are currently developing.

I'm sharing this with you so that you can be a part of the development process that helps us make these app meditations the best we can.

I'm Stressed About: My Finances

After listening, let me know in the comments below what you think of this meditation.

Did you feel any shifts take place? Is there something missing? Something I need to add? Something you liked? Something I could have done better?

These are the things I'd love to hear your honest opinion about.

All feedback will be taken to heart as being constructive. :)

Tapping App Meditation Feedback – I’m Stressed About: My Finances is republished from: The Tapping Solution

Friday, September 7, 2018

Create Lasting Change Interview with Jessica and Cheryl

This week, I was asked to come on to the Hay House Facebook page to talk about some of the concepts in my newest book, "The Tapping Solution to Create Lasting Change."

I was joined by my good friend and Tapping expert, Cheryl Richardson, whom you may know from our Tapping World Summits.

If you missed the live interview, you can watch the replay below. Enjoy! :)

Take care, and keep Tapping!

Jessica Ortner

Did you get any insights from watching this interview? Please leave your comments below.

Create Lasting Change Interview with Jessica and Cheryl was first published on: The Tapping Solution

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Tapping Case Study – I’m Not Enough

Have you ever made the mental or emotional connection between not HAVING enough, and not BEING enough?

Here's a great in-depth case study of how our early childhood programming can carry on into our adult lives in the areas of finance and personal fulfillment.

Sandra Miller Linhart is a successful author, mother of five adult daughters, and a life-long student of physical and emotional wellbeing. Yet until recently, Sandra felt like a fraud, and was prone to falling into pits of emotional despair.

You see, Sandra’s father was physically, emotionally, and sexually abusive, leaving tremendous scars. “He beat both me and my brother. He’d say things to me like, ‘I should have stopped at one kid,’ and ‘I consider you dead.’”

Thrown out of her home at 16, she had felt like an inconvenience. For years, she carried that with her, feeling that she had no value unless she offered value to someone else.

Then, she found Tapping. “I was meditating and I kept receiving the message, ‘You need to be receptive to different ideas, from all fronts.’ Next thing you know, I saw something on the computer about Tapping. I’d heard about it from Wayne Dyer and Louise Hay in the past, but I never looked into it. I watched the video on The Tapping Solution’s website and something clicked. I don’t normally do this, but on an impulse, I bought the Tapping for Financial Success and Personal Fulfillment 7-week course. When I started, I thought it might bring me closer to financial success, but instead, it brought personal fulfillment, which actually for me was much more important.”

Opening the Floodgates

Sandra went through the first module and had some success, but she wasn’t feeling the progress she was expecting. She posted in the Facebook group that she wasn’t having big shifts, that she was still feeling like she wasn’t enough. Cathy Tapping, our Facebook Group Moderator and Tapping Specialist, recommended that she try tapping on “not being enough.”

"This opened the floodgates. I found myself bawling as I sat there tapping. My kids would walk in and look at me, wondering what I was doing and why I was crying. For whatever reason, it worked. After that, there wasn’t a week or day that I wasn’t crying as I was tapping. It really opened me up, emotionally.”

Sandra was suddenly accessing her inner voice, and realized her role in many of the situations in which she used to feel victimized. “I didn’t realize that baggage was causing me so much resentment and self-sabotage. I showed a positive face but would often say something negative. I didn’t realize I was doing that." After tapping, she started noticing that her inner dialogue was full of negative thoughts and criticism. And after tapping a few more times, she was no longer that little kid looking for approval or acceptance.

Achieving Emotional Freedom

One big area in which Sandra's life markedly improved is in dealings with her ex-husband. “For years, he’s taken me to court on a regular basis. I was so emotionally invested, stressed, and devastated. I actually went back to college and got a paralegal degree because of it. It consumed my life.”

Recently, her ex sent her several letters regarding child support, demanding she sign papers or he’d take her back to court. Sandra did the research and knew that the child support would end automatically once her daughter turned 18, so there was no signature required on her part. “Because of tapping, I can now look at it for what it is: harassment - and not get emotionally involved. I just ignored the letters. Before, I would have been all caught up and wounded.”

"My past no longer owns me."

A change in perception has also been big for Sandra. “Now I don’t think things are being done to me. I don’t have to be a victim. I’m not perfect, but I think to myself, ‘You don’t have to own that - it’s them.’ This is huge. My past no longer owns me.”

After clearing out this emotional baggage from the past, Sandra now uses tapping on an “as-needed” basis. And for the first time in her life, she's not on an emotional rollercoaster. “I don’t care what people think of me. I can breathe. It’s such a gift. Releasing all past hurts has made me feel so much lighter, happier. I’m enthusiastic about my future. The poison has left my body. I feel emotionally healed.”

Thank you for sharing your story with us, Sandra.

We want everyone to have that same opportunity to experience financial and emotional freedom, so we’ve created a financial success home study course for you called The Tapping Solution for Financial Success and Personal Fulfillment.

And as you can see in Sandra's story above, it goes much deeper than just improving your financial situation.

If you or someone you know is struggling with their finances, or who is just looking for a more fulfilling life, you can begin by downloading the free ebook below.


Until next time...

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Do you have emotional wounds from your childhood that are affecting your adult life? What could you tap on to heal them? Comment below!

The following article Tapping Case Study – I’m Not Enough is republished from: