Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Do you love, accept and forgive yourself?

Just a few weeks back, I was in Philadelphia speaking at the Hay House I Can Do It conference, and a lovely lady came up to me and said…

“I saw you speak last spring in Toronto, and at that time, I was looking for positive words to use as a tattoo, an inspirational message to myself. After that presentation, and using Tapping to change my life, I knew exactly what they should be.”

She then showed me her left hand. What I saw just blew me away.

Find out what her tattoo said...




One basic variation of the setup phrase in Tapping that I use a lot is, “Even though…. Fill in the blank with the problem/challenge/emotion… I love, accept and forgive myself. “

I’ve seen people break down in tears just saying that phrase.

I’ve seen people only able to barely mumble it out, or not say it at all.

And I’ve seen the healing power of that phrase, with the tapping, time and again.

There’s something magical about that combination.

Step 1: Acknowledge the problem. See the dirt. This is who I am. This is how I feel. Or at least this is what I’m thinking right now. This is the truth of my current experience.

Step 2: Accept yourself with that truth, while doing the tapping, and thus calming the amygdala, the fight or flight response center in the brain.

You can get miraculous results in your life from doing just that. Again and again.

This lovely lady (and please email me with your name since we only caught each other in passing so I can send you a little thank you gift for your message), had literally imprinted those powerful words on her Tapping hand.

Now, you don’t have to go and get a tattoo to have this work! But while it doesn’t have to be tattooed in real ink for everyone, it can be tattooed in spiritual ink.

As you tap, imagine your hand has those words written in spiritual ink. And don’t just say the words, but feel them.

How does it feel to love yourself? (and it doesn’t have to be 100%, completely, every part of you, it just has to be a little more than when you started)

How does it feel to forgive yourself? (and it doesn’t have to be 100%, completely, every part of you, it just has to be a little more than when you started)

How does it feel to accept yourself? (and it doesn’t have to be 100%, completely, every part of you, it just has to be a little more than when you started)

Those 3 words can change your life, TODAY.

Imagine that spiritual ink, on your skin and running through your veins.

I love, accept and forgive myself.

Take 5 minutes to tap right now, super easy. Pick a problem, a challenge, something you’re anxious about, something you’re stressed about.

“Even though…..I love, accept and forgive myself.”

Just 5 minutes and watch your problem, your day, your life, TRANSFORM.

If you’re new to tapping, or need a refresher, here are a couple of quick resources:

1. The first two chapters of my NY Times bestselling book. Learn the basics, the science, the research and get started tapping today

2. A short 5 minute, “How to Tap” video

3. A morning and evening EFT tapping meditation

The following article Do you love, accept and forgive yourself? is courtesy of: The Tapping Solution

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