Wednesday, December 5, 2018

The Tapping World Summit 2019

2019 marks our 11th annual Tapping World Summit!

That's right! It's been 11 years since we at The Tapping Solution launched our first one.

The light is within you. It's time to discover it! - Nick Ortner

And it's been our goal from the beginning to make each year better than the last. This year is no exception, and we've got some special presentations in store for you.

You know what makes our Tapping World Summits so popular?

It's because for 10 days out of the year, we bring in some of the TOP MINDS in the fields of EFT and personal development to guide you towards improving nearly every area of your life!

And it's all FREE!

Emotional Freedom Techniques, also known as EFT or simply "Tapping," has been scientifically proven to provide relief from stress, anxiety, chronic pain, emotional problems, addictions, fears & phobias, PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), and so many other conditions.

Tapping is also a very effective tool for attracting abundance, losing weight, manifesting your goals & desires, healing relationships, and attaining inner peace.

If you are asking yourself, "What is EFT Tapping?" or "How can one technique do so much?" then jump on over to our Tapping 101 page to learn some of the basics.


What Is the Tapping World Summit 2019?

February 25th, 2019 - March 6th, 2019

The Tapping World Summit 2019 is a Virtual Online Event presented by The Tapping Solution, produced by myself, Nick Ortner, and hosted by my sister Jessica Ortner.

This incredible online event is about providing you with a better understanding of Tapping, while expanding your consciousness to new levels in the areas of personal peace, physical health, abundance, overcoming mental barriers, and relief from the emotional effects of past traumas or events.

Over 2 million people have attended the previous ten Tapping World Summits, with attendance growing each year, and reaching over 500,000 just last year alone!

The event itself will run for 10 consecutive days from Monday, February 25th through Wednesday, March 6th featuring two 100% content-only presentations each day, along with calming Tapping Meditations and insightful bonus audios.

These free sessions are available for a FULL 24 HOURS after their initial broadcast.

The reason I structure the event this way is because I want everyone to be able to access this information, regardless of time zone or financial ability.

It's all available for FREE, with the option to purchase the recorded event sessions for you to listen to and tap along with as many times as you want.

Some of these sessions from our Tapping World Summits are SO powerful, that I listen to them over and over again! They really are that good!


How to Register for the 2019 Tapping World Summit


Join 20 of the world's leading EFT Tapping Experts in this FREE Online 10-Day Event starting February 25th, 2019.

Tapping World Summit 2019 Pre-launch Content

Every year, I like to release several free videos & audios leading up to the Tapping World Summit because it gives you a tiny glimpse into the transformational content that awaits you inside the full 10-day event.

Here is the schedule for this year's Tapping World Summit pre-launch. Enjoy, and please share!


Video #1 with Nick Ortner: In this video, Nick will teach you how and why Tapping works, and guide you through a powerful Tapping process.



Video #2 with Iyanla Vanzant: In this video, Iyanla talks about the importance of changing our negative internal dialogue and beliefs, to empower ourselves to create the lives we want.



3 Tapping Meditations with Jessica Ortner: Join Jessica to experience meditation like never before, as you use Tapping to release stress, anxiety, worry, and anger.


11th Annual Tapping World Summit 2019 Schedule

Monday - February 25th

DAY 1 - The Stress Effect - How to Overcome Burnout, Weight Gain, and More

Jessica OrtnerJessica Ortner - Tapping Into Body Confidence: The Key to Unlocking Your Weight Loss Struggle

Dr. Kim D'EramoDr. Kim D'Eramo - Releasing Anxiety: Using Tapping to Let Go of the Paralysis of Anxiety


Tuesday - February 26th

DAY 2 - Self Love and Self Care

Cheryl RichardsonCheryl Richardson - Learning to Love: Healing the Internal Critical Voice that Holds Us Back

Iyanla VanzantIyanla Vanzant - The Power of Radical Forgiveness: How to Forgive Everyone for Everything with Tapping


Wednesday - February 27th

DAY 3 - Creating Inner and Outer Success

Jack CanfieldJack Canfield - How to Target and Release the Blocks that are Impeding Your Success

Carol LookCarol Look - Ending the Self-Sabotaging Behaviors that Block Success


Thursday - February 28th

DAY 4 - Finances and Attracting Abundance

Margaret LynchMargaret Lynch - Clearing Debt: Eliminating the Emotional Burden of Debt to Finally Allow You to Move Forward

Kris CarrAlex Ortner - How to Use Tapping to Improve Clarity, Focus, and Productivity to Create the Success You Deserve!


Friday - March 1st

DAY 5 - Healing Your Body/ Pain Relief Day

Julie SchiffmanJulie Schiffman - From Diagnosis to Hope: Releasing the Tension and Stress of a Health Challenge

Nick OrtnerNick Ortner - A Faster Solution: Understanding and Healing Pain and Illness


Saturday - March 2nd

DAY 6 - Relationship Day

Dr. Christiane NorthrupDr. Christiane Northrup - Deep Into the Heart: Healing Your Relationship with Your Mother

Alina Frank and Dr. Craig WienerAlina Frank and Dr. Craig Wiener - Reigniting the Flame: The Secrets to Moving Beyond a Relationship Slump


Sunday - March 3rd

DAY 7 - Manifesting Your Greatest Self

Pamela BrunerPamela Bruner - Reconciling Money and Spirituality: How to be Spiritual and Abundant

Nick OrtnerNick Ortner - Manifesting Your Greatest Self: Using Tapping to Bring Out the Greatness Within You


Monday - March 4th

DAY 8 - Emotional Gridlock

Brad YatesBrad Yates - Making Peace with the Past: From Resentment and Regret, to Forgiveness and Freedom

Gene MonterastelliGene Monterastelli - Managing Anger: Discovering How to Best Experience, Prevent and Release Anger


Tuesday - March 5th

DAY 9 - Energy/ Tapping Tools day

Carol TuttleCarol Tuttle  - Whose Energy Is It? Using Tapping to Release Negative Energy from Others

Dr. Dawson ChurchDr. Dawson Church - Scientific Research: Inspiring Proof that Tapping is Changing the Physiology of Your Brain and Body


Wednesday - March 6th

DAY 10 - Creating Daily and Lasting Change/Transformation

Jessica OrtnerJessica Ortner - Creating Lasting Change: How to Get Unstuck and Create Change with Ease!

Ester NicholsonEster Nicholson - The Addiction Behind the Addiction: Tapping to Overcome the Bondage of Addictions

And there will be LOTS more bonuses, tapping meditations, and special audios available all throughout the Summit.

We hope you'll join us!

Do you have a memorable breakthrough or a particular interview from this Tapping World Summit that has changed your life? We'd LOVE for you to share your story! Just use the link below.

How Tapping Changed My Life

Until next time...

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

The Tapping World Summit 2019 is a 10-day Virtual Online Event presented by The Tapping Solution, and hosted by New York Times bestselling authors, Nick Ortner and his sister Jessica Ortner.

The Tapping World Summit 2019 was first published on: The Tapping Solution Blog

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

What a Wonderful Year! Thank You!

FREE holiday tapping script included!


I hope you’re having a wonderful holiday season!

I just wanted to send you a quick note to thank you for joining us this past year on this amazing journey of growth, healing, and human evolution. The results I’ve personally witnessed in the past year have been nothing short of ASTOUNDING.

It is a joy to be able to read one email after another from people who have had amazing breakthroughs with healing old traumas, busting through limiting beliefs, releasing pain, and much more.

It is your commitment to change, to living the life of your dreams that makes what I do possible, and I’m very grateful for that.

This past year has been quite a ride, starting with the Tapping World Summit that over 100,000 people attended! If you missed it, don’t worry, the next one is right around the corner, beginning February 25th.

After the Summit, many of you continued to get amazing results with tapping by joining us in the Tapping Insiders Club.

We also reached a HUGE milestone this year by releasing The Tapping Solution App, a dream of mine for years, that's helping to get Tapping into the hands of everyday people around the world!

Your financial support for tapping has enabled us to do so massive social good this year as well, raising TENS OF THOUSANDS of dollars for organizations like Charity: Water, The Tapping Solution Foundation, and the Veterans Stress Project.


Oh, and I almost forgot, we continue to donate copies of our books to veteran’s hospitals, prisons, schools and more, and we’re seeing it have a profound impact.

It’s hard to express my gratitude through a blog post for this work and for every one of you out there reading this, tapping, healing and growing with us...

So all I can say is thank you! Keep tapping. It works, it works miracles, it works wonders...

But you have to do it. During this busy holiday season, chose a different possibility for your life. Choose to let go of old hurts and patterns and fill that space with love, hope, and healing.

I’ve included a short tapping script below that might help with this!

Until next time... Happy Holidays...

And Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

P.S.  If you’ve had success with tapping this year, if something we’ve shared with you has helped you,  moved you, or if you just want to say hello, please share your thoughts below. We read everything and it makes all of our hard work in putting this information together worth it!

Holiday Tapping Script

(If you’re new to the tapping process you can learn more about it here.)

Karate Chop: Even though I’m overwhelmed by everything that is going on this holiday season, I deeply and completely accept myself

Karate Chop: Even though I’m stressed out because I have way too much to do, and not enough time, I deeply and completely accept myself

Karate Chop: Even though I’m frustrated with the craziness of the holidays, I chose to relax now

Eyebrow: Way too stressed out
Side of the Eye: Too much to do
Under Eye: I’ve got way too much to do
Under Nose: And not enough time
Under Mouth: There’s just not enough time
Collarbone: And it’s stressing me out
Under Arm:  Too many presents to buy
Top of the Head: Too many people to see

(Continuing through the points again...)

Eyebrow: Why do the holidays have to be so crazy?
Side of the Eye: It’s nuts!
Under Eye: But I can choose to relax now
Under Nose: I can choose to relax anytime
Under Mouth: I can choose to let go
Collarbone: I chose to enjoy this holiday season
Under Arm: I chose to notice the love, joy, and peace around me
Top of the Head: I chose to create love, joy, and peace around me

Take a deep breath...

And let it go...

What came up? If there’s something specific that’s bothering you, tap on that. Remember, the more specific you can get on your issue the better. The above is just to get you started.

Spend another 5 minutes (I know you don’t think you have the time, but you do - make YOURSELF a priority) and continue to tap down any stress, anxiety or worry you might be feeling.

I’ve just come up with a new rule for myself around tapping that you might enjoy...

“Don't stop tapping unless the issue is at a '3' of  intensity or less...”

So keep going until you bring at least one primary challenge down significantly. You’ll thank yourself for it later!

Did you have a good experience with this tapping script? Share your thoughts below!

The article What a Wonderful Year! Thank You! is available on:

Monday, December 3, 2018

The Tapping Solution App – Relationships: Clearing Negative Energy Picked Up From Others

This meditation is a sample from our Tapping Solution App that's now available to download.

I'm sharing this with you so that you can get a taste of what's available in the app, along with over 100 other Tapping Meditations from a wide variety of categories.

Relationships: Clearing Negative Energy Picked Up From Others
After listening, let me know in the comments below what you think of this meditation.

Did you feel any shifts take place? How do you feel about that person with whom you may be having difficulties now?

I hope you enjoyed it, and please help me spread the word about The Tapping Solution App!

Until next time,

Keep Tapping (On the app!)

Nick Ortner

How do you feel after using this Tapping Meditation? Comment below!

The following article The Tapping Solution App – Relationships: Clearing Negative Energy Picked Up From Others is available on: The Tapping Solution, LLC