Thursday, May 24, 2018

How Anger and Other Negative Emotions Affect Your Body

Have you ever been so angry that your face turns red, your body starts shaking, or you feel like you just want to hit something?

You can imagine anger like a volcano, building up pressure until the top just blows off. Or, if you're like me, maybe you remember Bugs Bunny cartoons and watching the characters blow steam out of their ears. Lol!

When we experience the emotions of anger, there's actually a whole series of biological effects that take place in the body. Here's a really cool 2 1/2-minute video on the science of anger.

Anger is a natural emotion and it should be acknowledged. It can also be a catalyst for positive changes, like when we see an injustice that should be righted, when we witness another being hurt, or maybe if we've been taken advantage of.

But when we hold on to this emotion, or if we are quick to anger all of the time (like someone cutting you off in traffic) it can actually be toxic and degrading to our overall health.

That's why we need the proper tools to release it, and to bring our bodies back into balance.

If you'd like some help with releasing anger, I encourage you to check out this Tapping Meditation. It's great to use in the moment, and when used repeatedly, it can train your brain and your body to be less prone to anger.

Until next time,

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Have you ever used Tapping to calm your anger? I'd love to hear about. Comment below!

The post How Anger and Other Negative Emotions Affect Your Body is available on: The Tapping Solution

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Nick is Turning 40!

Nick is Turning 40!

In celebration of Nick's 40th birthday, we're offering 40% off all items in our store until Sunday May 6th, with 100% of the proceeds going to The Tapping Solution Foundation!

Get Your Discounted Products Now!

Do you have a special birthday message for Nick? Comment below!

Nick is Turning 40! was originally published to: The Tapping Solution Blog

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Tapping for Parents, Children, and Teenagers

With the release of my newest book, My Magic Breath: Finding Calm Through Mindful Breathing, I realized just how large our library of Tapping resources for parents, children, and teens has grown over the years.

While we have no intentions of stopping here, I thought it would be great to start compiling a resource list into one place so that you can easily find what you're looking for when it comes to Tapping with youngsters. :)

So here you go! We'll continue adding to this list as new content becomes available.


My Magic Breath: Finding Calm Through Mindful Breathing

The Tapping Solution for Parents, Children & Teenagers

Gorilla Thumps and Bear Hugs: A Tapping Solution Children’s Story

The Big Book of Hugs: A Barkley the Bear Story

The Tapping Solution for Teenage Girls


The Tapping Solution Foundation

Tapping for Teachers Facebook Group


Tapping for Kids Video (YouTube)

Tapping for Kids Video (Facebook)


Tapping in Schools Quickstart Guide

Bring Tapping to Your School

Until next time...

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Have any of these resources been helpful to you? I'd love to hear your comments!

Tapping for Parents, Children, and Teenagers was originally published to: The Tapping Solution Blog