Friday, March 31, 2017

The Keys to a Happy and Productive Brain

Head Strong - Dave AspreyMy sister Jessica sat down with our mutual friend Dave Asprey a few days ago, and had a GREAT interview about how to get the most out of your brain!

It’s something I think many of us take for granted, and I certainly did for years.

But the latest scientific research is CLEARLY showing that we can improve the functioning of our brain, our levels of happiness, and much more.

You can listen to it right here:

It’s funny... during the interview, Jess keeps asking specific questions about Dave’s latest book and at one point he says, “Wow, you really read this front to back, didn’t you?!”

Many interviewers either don’t have time, or don’t even take the time, to go so in-depth, but Jess (as many of you know), goes all-out in her research – and it shows.

I’m also reading the book myself (about a third of the way through it; we got pre-release copies), and it’s incredible material. I’m buying copies for everyone I love, including our team at The Tapping Solution, and I highly recommend you pick up a copy today.

It’s being released in a couple of days, and you can pick up a copy right now on Amazon here.

And if I haven’t made it clear yet what a huge fan I am of Dave and his Bulletproof company, let me share two more small items:

  1. I invested in his company a few years back because I was so blown away by his products, especially the coffee.
  2. I drink Bulletproof Coffee every morning, and share it with everyone I know. A quick story: I’ve always loved the taste of coffee, but all too often found that it would give me headaches when I drank it. I thought it was the coffee, but Dave explains what is really happening in Jessica's interview (it’s the mold toxins in most brands). With Bulletproof Coffee, no headaches and sustained energy.

If you want to try the coffee, you can do so here.

Bulletproof Coffee

As an added bonus, my friends at Bulletproof are offering our readers 10% off of their coffee products!

To apply this discount, enter the discount code “tapping” at checkout.


Alright, there’s my "I LOVE BULLETPROOF" rant. Try it all out and let me know what you think. :)

Until next time…

Keep Tapping! (And drinking only the best coffee on earth!)

Nick Ortner

The blog post The Keys to a Happy and Productive Brain was originally seen on: The Tapping Solution

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

5 Signs You’re Not Listening to Your Intuition

Am I trusting my intuition… or making a HUGE mistake?

It’s the question that had been gnawing at me for some time.

It was over fifteen years ago, and I was a couple years out of college, running a successful web business. I’d moved into a great apartment in Manhattan, my very own bachelor pad, and had been offered a spot in a prime office in midtown Manhattan.

Things were going really well. Or were they?

Business was doing really well. Clients loved my work. Deep down, though, I felt unsettled. I wasn’t sleeping well. My health and relationships were suffering.

I spent my days, nights, and weekends doing work I enjoyed...

Yet I often felt like something just wasn’t right.

“It” – this success I was having – was supposed to feel great. But it didn’t.

As weeks turned into months, things only got worse...

I finally admitted to myself that my success hadn’t resulted from following my intuition. Instead, I had stumbled into opportunities and took them without really asking myself if it was something I wanted to do, or if I was really following my soul’s calling.

I won’t lie. That “aha!” moment was tough. It meant that I had to make big changes - changes that would be risky, maybe even stupid.

Finally, though, enough was enough.

One day, I just walked away from my prime office space (on Park Avenue in Manhattan), as well as my largest (and most toxic) client, and into the unknown.

It was liberating, but only briefly. Mostly, I was terrified. My whole life seemed to be falling apart.

Worst of all, part of me felt like I couldn’t trust myself. If I had gone down this wrong path before, how did I know that I was making the right decision now?

On that deeper level, I didn't want to admit that I knew that my life was out of alignment with my intuition and my heart.

Instead of listening, I’d tried to pretend that my outer success was proof of my inner truth.

A lot has happened between the time that choice to walk away was made and where I am today - a longer story for another day. But fast-forward fifteen years, my life looks very different. I’m more successful than ever, but this time around, my success is the actual result of listening to my intuition.

I now spend my days doing work that changes people’s lives. It feels incredible, and the fulfillment I have is reflected throughout my entire life.

Looking back on those early years, I can clearly see the signs telling me that my early success was out of sync with my intuition. Given how many of us face this issue at different times in our lives, I wanted to share those telling signs.

Here they are:

1. Your gut is screaming at you

Listen to your gutI can no longer count the number of people I’ve worked with over the past 15 years who've experienced persistent clenching and/or discomfort in their gut. All those years ago, I, too, was walking around with a clenched gut. I can see now that it was my intuition screaming at me.

Tapping Tip: Tap through the points while asking yourself repeatedly, what is my gut trying to “tell” me?

(If you’re new to EFT Tapping, learn the process here)



2. You pretend that everything’s great

Pretending everything is okWe all know how this one goes. A friend asks how you’re doing, and you do your best fake-happy. “Things are GREAT,” you begin hesitantly. “My business is taking off. It’s a lot of work, but SO worth it,” you add, gulping down anxiety as your stomach clenches… again.

Tapping Tip: Tap through the points while asking yourself, how do I REALLY feel about my life right now?



3. Your sleep and health are suffering, but you’re not motivated to make the lifestyle changes you know you need to make

Not motivated to make lifestyle changesThe longer I ignored my intuition, the worse my health got. I was losing sleep, gaining weight, and leaking energy. I felt awful, but also unmotivated to make the lifestyle changes I knew I needed to make.

Once I began listening to my intuition, I was finally willing to make those changes. My health and wellness then improved gradually over time.

Tapping Tip: Focus on one area of your lifestyle that you know you need to change. As an example, let’s say you know you need to go to bed earlier, but rarely do. Tap through the points while asking yourself, why am I resisting going to bed earlier?

4. Your life feels wildly imbalanced

Your life feels unbalancedIf one part of your life is consistently taking off while the rest constantly seems to be imploding, there’s a good chance that your life is out of alignment with your intuition.

Tapping Tip: Tap through the points while asking yourself, what would my most successful life FEEL like? Notice any negative emotions and limiting beliefs that arise, and tap through them.


5. Your “in” crowd makes you feel like the odd (wo)man out

You feel like the odd one outIf you’re surrounded by people whose values don’t align with who you are, you’ll inevitably feel like the oddball.

Often, instead of listening to our intuition telling us we’re hanging out with the wrong crowd, we try to adapt by changing our behavior, appearance, and more. That then multiplies our dissatisfaction.

Tapping Tip: Focus on a group or person you often spend time with, and tap through the points while asking yourself, how do I really feel when I’m with this group/person?

As you notice how you’re interacting with your intuition, remember to be gentle with yourself. I can say from experience that it can be really hard to notice toxic parts of your life when you’re immersed in them every day.

While making sudden, drastic changes isn’t always possible or even wise, by using Tapping, you can gain clarity and begin moving your life into closer alignment with what your intuition really is telling you.

Tell me below about a time when you listened to your intuition! Do any of the “5 Signs That You’re Not Listening to Your Intuition” resonate with you?

If the area of your life where you’re struggling is related to finances, weight loss, or physical pain, then I have 3 great resources for you to dive deeper into these topics with Tapping. Pick the one most relevant for you and watch for free right now:

Tapping for Financial Success...
"How to Create an Abundant, Stress-Free, Financial Future Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible..."

Go here to learn more!

If you're just fed up with struggling, and want to break through limiting beliefs and blocks around money, abundance, and personal fulfillment - this webinar is for you!

Tapping for Weight Loss and Body Confidence...
"The Biological Weight Loss Trap: Why Most People Struggle to Lose Weight... And How You Can Use Tapping Today to Finally Lose Weight Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible!"

Go here to learn more!

If you're feeling Spring and Summer creep in, and the usual dread that comes with it, you'll want to watch this. This is a TOTALLY different approach that has transformed the lives of tens of thousands of women and men around the globe.

Tapping for Physical Pain Relief...
"How to Use EFT Tapping to Greatly Reduce or Eliminate Chronic Physical Pain"

Go here to learn more!

Some of the most rapid and stunning effects I’ve seen with Tapping are around pain relief. If you or someone you love is in physical pain, this is a MUST see!

The post 5 Signs You’re Not Listening to Your Intuition was first published to: The Tapping Solution, LLC

Friday, March 24, 2017

When they least deserve it…

We have a little sign in our kitchen that says, “Love Me When I Least Deserve It, Because That’s When I Need It Most”.

It’s a little reminder to treat each other with love and compassion, especially when things aren’t going perfectly. I try to apply this not only in the house, but in my life  - and I took it a little further just a few days ago.

I was in Florida, getting some sun and rest after a long (and wonderful) Tapping World Summit, and was having dinner with my wife, daughter, and in-laws.

We were having a great time, as we had the previous couple of days, but there was something about the dinner that wasn’t the greatest. Simply put, the waitress was non-responsive, slightly rude, and just made the whole dining experience a little difficult (I’m being nice… lol).

I’ve always been one to tip extra for great service; I’ve worked in restaurants and know what back-breaking work it can be, and I love rewarding people who give you a great experience. But I’ve never felt comfortable being “punitive”, i.e., "That service was terrible so I’m going to leave you a terrible tip." It always seemed like a little bit of an-eye-for-an-eye mentality.

So normally, I would just leave our waitress an average tip and call it a day.

But then I thought about the sign in our kitchen.

"Love Me When I Least Deserve It, Because That’s When I Need It Most"

And I changed it in my head to… "Tip Me When I Least Deserve It, Because That’s When I Need It Most." Haha!

Tip me when I least deserve it because that's when I need it mostI don’t know what was going on in our waitress' life. I don’t know what challenges were preoccupying her, what kind of day she had had, what sort of life she was living...

So instead of leaving an average tip, I left an extraordinary tip!

And I don’t know if it made any difference, or if she thought I had made an accounting error, but I like to imagine her seeing it, and feeling the LOVE that it signifies.

Maybe it was just the extra relief she needed to take a deep breath. Maybe it made up for the bad tips she had probably received all day (based on her service!). Maybe it helped pay a bill. Maybe it helped buy a toy for a child. Who knows?

All I know is that she needed love, and besides our smiles and being kind to her, this was one way I could express that love to her.

So today, I invite you to find someone who “least deserves” your love, and give it to them.

It’s much easier to do with a stranger than it is with someone close to you who has hurt you, so if it feels too tough to do that, I’ve included a short tapping script below to help overcome the resistance to sharing that love.

Sometimes tapping for literally 60 seconds unlocks that stuck energy about a situation.

If you’re new to tapping, learn the basics here.

To tap on this issue, pick someone or a situation such that when you think of it, part of you says, “They don’t deserve my love,” or, “They don’t deserve my forgiveness.”   As you think of this, rate your resistance on a scale of 0-10, with 10 being the highest intensity. What’s the emotion around this situation? Feel it in your body, and let’s tap!

Karate Chop:  Even though they don’t deserve my love, and I just can’t forgive them, I choose to relax and feel safe now
Karate Chop:  Even though I just can’t let this go, I can’t condone this behavior, they don’t deserve my love, I choose to relax and feel safe now
Karate Chop:  Even though part of me refuses to forgive them, I can’t open my heart, it’s just too hard, I love, accept and forgive myself
Eyebrow:  I can’t let this go
Side of Eye:  They don’t deserve my love
Under Eye:  So I’m going to withhold it
Under Nose:  Since they don’t deserve it
Under Mouth:  They’re not going to get it
Chin:  All this anger in my body
Collarbone:  All this frustration towards them
Under Arm:  I just can’t let it go
Top of Head:  But what if I could start

Eyebrow:  What if part of me could forgive them
Side of Eye:  What if part of me could give them a little bit of love
Under Eye:  Even though they don’t deserve it
Under Nose:  I can start to consider
Under Mouth:  To contemplate
Chin:  Opening my heart
Collarbone:  Even though it feels so difficult
Under Arm:  I can try
Top of Head:  To let go

Eyebrow:  I can love them when they least deserve it
Side of Eye:  Because that’s when they need it most
Under Eye:  I can love them when they least deserve it
Under Nose:  Because that’s when they need it most
Under Mouth:  Feeling safe letting go
Chin:  Feeling safe sharing my love
Collarbone:  Feeling safe opening my heart
Under Arm:  Right now
Top of Head:  Right now

Take a few deep breaths in and out... and check back in.

What came up for you there? Look at your original number again, where is it now? Make a note of new things to tap on, or keep repeating these rounds until you feel it’s cleared.

And then... here’s the most important part. Once you’ve cleared the resistance… DO something!

Send a kind note to that person you’ve been struggling with. Pick up the phone. Share your love. Share your kindness. Share your heart.

Share your love. Share your kindness. Share your heart.

Tell me! What came up for you in that Tapping or from this story? Comment below. 

The following post When they least deserve it… is republished from:

Friday, March 17, 2017

Thank you for another amazing Summit!

We rise by lifting others - Robert IngersollI gotta admit, I'm pretty beat!

But it's the good kind of tired you feel after a long day of rewarding work.

Well, more like a long couple of months…

Because you see, even though the Summit itself only runs for 10 days, it takes months and months of planning and preparation not just from me, but from our incredible team of 15 that works tirelessly to make it all go smoothly.

(So I'm giving them a surprise couple of days off to recuperate! They've earned it!)

Anyway - I just want to say thank YOU for another amazing Summit!

We raised $75,000 for The Tapping Solution Foundation. We had over 784,000 UNIQUE visitors from nearly EVERY country around the world (including ones like Samoa, Madagascar, Paraguay, Laos, Belarus, and Yemen... just to name a few) and the results people experienced were mind blowing, as usual!

Truly, a Tapping WORLD Summit indeed!

If you have a second, would you leave a comment below and let me know how the Summit was for you?

Long or short, I'd just love to hear what you thought, and I know my team would too.

I'll be back soon with more great stuff. Until then, I hear someone calling me...

The building you see through the window is my writing/filming/working barn and it looks like my daughter June wants me to come inside...  :)

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

 Think the Tapping World Summit was great? Join us in person to take the experience to the next level!


The Tapping Solution for Manifesting Your Greatest Self

Las Vegas, NV | Sunday, April 9, 2017 | 10am - 5pm

Nick Ortner- Nick Ortner -
In this life-changing workshop, I will be live on stage, showing you how to use EFT Tapping to bring out the best in yourself and your life.

If you believe that deep down you have more to give, a bigger life vision to fulfill, and you want to overcome old patterns of self-sabotage and procrastination, then this presentation is for you.

Learn how to release daily stress, clear old emotional traumas and patterns, and manifest your greatest self!

There’s NOTHING more powerful then Tapping together in person and it’s currently the ONLY live event I’m doing this year - so don’t miss this!

AND as an added bonus, Jessica is joining me for this event and will be leading some live Tapping Meditations. :)

Check it out here!


Total Wellness Reboot

Omega Institute | Rhinebeck, NY | May 5-7, 2017

Omega Institute
- Jessica Ortner & Erin Stutland -

Learn to break through limitations, end self-sabotaging behaviors, build your confidence, and look and feel your best in this total wellness reboot, live, with my sister and Tapping expert Jessica, and fitness expert and wellness coach Erin Stutland.

Through discussion and exercise you will learn how to use Tapping to end bad habits and clear stress.

You will also learn to combine mantras with physical movement in Shrink Session, a new, affirmation-based fitness experience for all levels.

Learn to make these simple tools available to you at any time to help you connect with your intuition and gain clarity about decisions you face.

Find out more here!

I'd LOVE to hear from you! Please leave me your comments below and tell me about your Summit experience!

The following post Thank you for another amazing Summit! was first published to: The Tapping Solution