Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Best. Wedding. EVER!

Jessica Ortner Wedding FireworksAs many of you know, I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and moved to the U.S. when I was 7 years old (thus no accent when I speak!).

My younger brother Alex was 4 and baby sis Jess was just a year old.  We’ve lived here ever since, with the majority of our extended family still in Argentina.

I’ve been able to go back every 3-4 years to visit, but Jess has made a much better effort and gone back almost every year, especially the last decade or so.  I think this was largely because a part of her knew one day she would marry... a fellow Argentine!  So she knew she had to find him and keep her Spanish up to speed!  LOL! (Though they found each other in California... oh, it’s all a long story for another day!)

Because Jess married an Argentine, and has been to a few weddings in Argentina herself, several Argentine traditions were central to Jess’ wedding reception.  I think they are simply wonderful, and you might want to know about them.  I’m sharing them with everyone I know who has a wedding coming up, because they are so so great!

The key ingredient to the whole wedding being spectacular was the joy and love that Lucas and Jess emanate.  You have to get that right FIRST.  But after that, here are some fun things to try:

1. The Waltz

The Waltz is an Argentine tradition where the bride and groom get to dance with (almost!) everyone at the party.  Traditionally, the bride and groom begin to dance together to a waltz, then the parents cut in, then the uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters, cousins, and friends.  Once you finish dancing with the groom or bride, you stay on the dance floor and dance with your partner.  It builds beautifully, and there’s something so special about “cutting in” and asking to dance with the bride (for men).  I know I found it to be a special moment when I cut in and danced with my beautiful sister.

Jessica's Wedding

2. The Cotillion

Near the end of the night, a bag is placed on the table filled with masks, funny hats, necklaces, and silly things that light up.  This is called “cotillion”.  Just think of it as a little bit of Mardi Gras at the end of the wedding.  It was an absolute riot and brought a new surge of energy, dancing, and laughter to the wedding.

Jessica's Wedding

3. The Group Picture

At the end of the wedding, when everyone is dressed up and having a blast, they all pile in for a group photo.  As you can imagine, it leads to quite a memorable pic!  Simple but fun!

Jessica's Wedding

The Tapping Solution

I couldn’t be happier for Jessica, for her husband Lucas, and for all the joy and love they bring to each other and the world!

Here are a few more stunning pics from her wedding.  Enjoy!

Jessica's Wedding

Jessica's Wedding

Jessica's Wedding

Jessica's Wedding

Do you know of any wedding traditions you love? Comment below and let Jess know what you think of the traditions and her pictures!

Best. Wedding. EVER! is available on: The Tapping Solution