Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Free Releasing Resentment Tapping Meditation

At some point in our lives, most of us experience feelings of resentment.

Are you holding on to any right now?

Maybe it's at a significant other, family member, friend, boss?

You may resent someone you feel has taken advantage of you, brushed you aside, failed to express appreciation for you.

Or maybe you resent someone who asked you to get more than you wanted to give without giving much back in return.

That resentment may be or feel justified, but that’s not the question here.  The question is, “Do you want to continue holding on?”  Or is it time to let go, forgive, heal and put your energy elsewhere?

Remember:  When we resent someone or something, our life energy LITERALLY flows into that negative situation.  That means less life energy, life force, for the positive things that we want in life.

If you’re ready to let go, I’ve got a Tapping Meditation to help you with that today.  It normally sells for $10, it’s my gift to you today.   Listen now!

Right-click and "Save As" to download this audio

Right-click and "Save As" to download the transcript

After you listen, let me know what you thought of it by commenting below

Free Releasing Resentment Tapping Meditation was first seen on: The Tapping Solution

Friday, September 16, 2016

You’d never say this to a child, would you?

You’d never tell a child they are ugly, would you?

I didn’t think so… but….

You might just be doing that and not realizing it. Watch this powerful short video to see why:

Speaking of this critical voice inside all of us…

If you think it might be part of what’s stopping you from creating the change you want in your life, then I highly suggest you take the time for yourself and listen in on Jessica’s brand new FREE webinar:

How to Use Tapping to Break Through the 6 Major Blocks that Keep you from Overcoming Self-Doubt, Eliminating Fear and Building the Confidence to Step into Your Best Life!

The post You’d never say this to a child, would you? was first published on: The Tapping Solution, LLC